Eratosthenes first measured the circumference of the earth from the shadows cast by the sun. Today, humanity's fitness to survive will be measured by our ability to conquer that same thermonuclear fusion that casts those shadows. Thus, Prometheus will truly be unbound.

Today's Elites
Saturday, June 30, 2007
A curious method whereby to disprove the big bang
Now not to be overmuch ribald, but only a male ego could have idealized this kind of monstrous
Implications of the Biophysical Meaning of Clock Genes Role in Repotentiation
The method of composition which is the most true heretofore in human history was exhibited in the seminal work of Ludwig von Beethoven-- in particular, his string quartet, the Grosse Fugue. Why? Because this work successfully demonstrates a victory of the very principal of classical composition over apparent arbitrariness. Once you actually take the time to either truly listen to that piece anew or for the first time the principal I am emphasizing becomes self evident.
To wit, given a function which exhibits a rather profound level of seemingly chaotic randomness, it must always be possible to tame this critter by at least one less degree of arbitrariness. (For those in my audience who attempt to keep up with today's astonishing welter of meta mathematics known as category theory, one might say that the very last statement is an ironic categorization, if you will, of Bernhardt Riemann's dealing with arbitrary functions equivalent to Beethoven's principal.) Now look at the Ninth Symphony in this light also. The fourth movement evinces a musical method of capturing and recapitulating the essence of the preceding three movements and bringing them thus to their inevitable crisis or denouement. Finally, the Promethean crescendo is produced which resolves this at a higher functional level.
Now, this last point is critical to the subject of this essay and will be brought into focus anon. The question of why there is a sort of built in cyclical necessity to mental development, both in the broad spectrum of human history and in one's own mental microcosmic recapitulation of that history, is intimately tied up in the issue of why we need to dream. I was frankly astonished yesterday, when I came across this posting in Nature: "Rhythmic growth explained by coincidence between internal and external cues." Heretofore, it appears that the study of circadian oscillators (here I must interpolate my prior insistence on the importance of so-called biophysical pacemakers or autowaves in energetics) proceeded without taking into consideration the variable of the "external cue" of the diurnal dark to light cycle's effect on helix-loop-helix clock gene in regulating plant growth patterns. Even though, it appears, that previous experiments were carried on in the artificial light of the laboratory, there was a metaphorical darkness thereby akin to Goya's excellent cartoon -- The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. But shift one's viewpoint to an eagle's eye overview of the entirety of the functional process here and it becomes clear what the functional energetics of the interplay of internal and external cues are.
Now bring to mind the foregoing image from Nicholas of Cusa and Leibniz of the interplay between the micro- and macrocosm of thinking monads. Is it any wonder therefore that dreams themselves of great players on the human stage of history were given such a preternatural or outre distinction? That which on the surface of things might appear to be an arbitrary or chaotic juxtaposition of mental images in dreams, in fact has as its genetic principle a repotentiation of the societal interplay of human growth and development.
To wit, given a function which exhibits a rather profound level of seemingly chaotic randomness, it must always be possible to tame this critter by at least one less degree of arbitrariness. (For those in my audience who attempt to keep up with today's astonishing welter of meta mathematics known as category theory, one might say that the very last statement is an ironic categorization, if you will, of Bernhardt Riemann's dealing with arbitrary functions equivalent to Beethoven's principal.) Now look at the Ninth Symphony in this light also. The fourth movement evinces a musical method of capturing and recapitulating the essence of the preceding three movements and bringing them thus to their inevitable crisis or denouement. Finally, the Promethean crescendo is produced which resolves this at a higher functional level.
Now, this last point is critical to the subject of this essay and will be brought into focus anon. The question of why there is a sort of built in cyclical necessity to mental development, both in the broad spectrum of human history and in one's own mental microcosmic recapitulation of that history, is intimately tied up in the issue of why we need to dream. I was frankly astonished yesterday, when I came across this posting in Nature: "
Now bring to mind the foregoing image from Nicholas of Cusa and Leibniz of the interplay between the micro- and macrocosm of thinking monads. Is it any wonder therefore that dreams themselves of great players on the human stage of history were given such a preternatural or outre distinction? That which on the surface of things might appear to be an arbitrary or chaotic juxtaposition of mental images in dreams, in fact has as its genetic principle a repotentiation of the societal interplay of human growth and development.
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