Today's Elites

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Nuclear Terror and the Illusion of Democracy

 Embedded in our collective psyches are a host of mostly unexamined truisms about the manner of "successful" functioning in the affairs of the present day. The illusion of individual freedom of choice is perhaps the among the hardest to navigate around. 

We live in a bubble of "information" provided to us by a would be elite game masters. This provides a type of security blanket to hold up this grand illusion. What is really taking place on the world stage these days is quite the opposite of freedom. While the U.S. has been deindustrialized per the dictates of the "free market," how has the purchasing power to use the cheap labor of our offshored industrial capacity been enforced? By military supremacy, a.k.a. nuclear war blackmail. 

However, it now appears that the geopolitical chessboard will be shortly toppled. In a world based upon appeals to the principle of reason, we will forego such imaginary nonsense and instead cooperate to pull humanity away from the brink of immolation. The pathway to do so is quite astonishingly clear and consistent. 

We could institute a complete revamping of global monetary affairs ordered to produce nearly illimitable opportunities for advancement beneficial to the future of our species. For instance cooperation in defeating disease, development of nuclear fusion, rebuilding and creating new cities, fresh water projects, and space colonization. Or we can persist in the falsehoods that we have been trained to subconsciously regurgitate that are leading nowhere but our own thereby well deserved, inevitable destruction.


Saturday, April 03, 2021

Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the Riemann Prime Distribution Conjecture

 Number as a physically generated causal principle is limited by a process akin but not commensurate with the expansion of the metricality of substance. 

This previous sentence may be taken as a deictic product of the poetic imagination. As such, it is not embeddable in any formal system of logical analysis.  

The condition of ironic boundedness is forever without proof, yet seemingly a potentially well ordered power capable of expansion and therefore of a type of proof. 

That proof is a living Monad and as such may not be resolved just as the Universal Principle may never be rectified as a fleeting word in the here and now. It is an impossible linguistic proposition.

Therefore, the substance of what is currently referred to as dark matter and dark energy is the poetic paradox of the unproven distribution of prime number generation as a tensor of unknown metrical curvature. Q.E. D.

Ingenuity on Sol 39
Image Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / MSSS

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