Today's Elites

Monday, May 23, 2022

The Current Strategic Miasma and Its Opportunities

 The Bidens are merely the latest crop of penny-anti crooks at the helm of a class of what can only be characterized as utopian dimwits that have reigned in the collective west for some 60 years or so since the time of the Vietnam war. These are the purveyors of a collection of hysterical myths concerning the tenets of a successful ruling ideology. This package of false beliefs center on free trade, deindustrialization, mutually assured destruction, post industrial consumer economics and increasingly wild forms of financial speculation surrounding pronouncedly the allure of the so called Information Age. 

The latest absurd gambit of this neoMalthusian phony elite has been the ploy of military encirclement of Russia as a sequel of previous financial looting with the fall of the former Soviet Union. The current miscalculation of egging the Russians on the path toward military action in Ukraine may well represent the last hurrah of this clique of a stupefied western clique of Apres Nous la Deluge death wishers.

The realists that recognize that a population must be supported with adequate energy, foodstuffs, and most especially the science and technology to make sufficient improvements in those long abandoned arenas may surprisingly come into the fore as if out of nowhere. This tendency can be observed in those isolated cases of supporters of nuclear energy, biophysical, nuclear fusion and space science categories of research. This realism may possibly evoke a concomitant breeze of fresh air in the arts away from the pessimistic escapism of the counterculture that has dominated increasingly in the last epoch now coming to a perhaps rather rapid close. The collapse on multiple levels of this bastardized ideology is now imminent; the making the heretofore unthinkable quite practicable. Perhaps… 

Saturday, May 07, 2022

Poetics of Scientific Worldviews

 One would liken the unambiguously rational in the fugues of J.S. Bach to an age that produced them. One of enlightened humanist science. The laws of the universe were consonant with the ongoing perfection of mankind’s rational power.

Today, on the other hand there is a disjunction between any basis for art or poetry, in the broad sense, from cohering with science. They have become thereby stultified into hermetically sealed pipelines. Forever bifurcated the gulf only widens between art and science. For a portion of human society to leave behind this planet, this separation must be annealed. In particular, this pertains to the psychical wholeness required for the intensity of purpose of space faring pioneers.

This sometimes is likened to the hybrid “technologized“ human individual. Indeed, lesser animal functions themselves will likewise be optimized via breakthroughs in applied technology including gene editing in proteomic science. Enhancement of senses will follow with increasing health. This will necessitate the production of great beauty that inspires creativity. 

For example, view Beethoven’s late works in this regard. Boldly non conformist and wonderfully befitting the human power to celebrate creative beauty. That very creativity is at it’s foundation concomitant with advances in science. It constantly reorders art to a higher plateau of truthfulness. Continuous creative transformative technological development requires problem solving qualities above all else. Heightened talent to produce hypotheses about potential advances in research. 

Listening to the conducting by Furtwangler of Beethoven's last Lenore Overture makes this very explicit.

Thursday, May 05, 2022

Orders of Substance and Immortality

 Ordinarily, substance is taken to be that which is “solid” in one way or another to the senses. However, the question must be asked whether that which is metaphysical, i.e., ideas are not perhaps substantial in a different sense. 

For it is apparent that representations in the imagination are capable of being brought into the realm of solidity by an act of the will. Now while those ideas as potential are merely at the condition of in-betweenness, as it were, are they not just as substantial as say the biological substrate of reality that may likewise not have as of yet come into being? 

In fact, may we not propose that since ideas may possibly be transformative of human social relationships that indeed qualitatively exceed the relatively fixed character, at least as far as willfulness is concerned, of biology alone, that their nature is of a higher ordering in so far as concerns their degree of freedom? 

Now, ideas to be brought from the imagination into fruition may be of distinct types. They may be broadly problem solving in applying existing practices in statecraft, scientific or artistic fields. They also may be novel creative breakthroughs in those same fields. These resolve themselves into levels of hypothesis.

Turning to ideas about ideas or better hypotheses about hypotheses, we enter into a uniquely human striatum in the ordering of reality. This schema is easily demonstrated to be capable of ongoing improvements in an open ended manner. Perfectibility.

Thus it is that the power within this open ended extended infinite history of humanity as a whole is sufficiently proven to be temporally immortal. And it is in that sense that we as substance outlive this our mere mortal coil of biological substance. Any other speculation about this question of immortality is therefore inconsequential. 

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