Today's Elites

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Higher Principle of Harmonic Biophysical Functions

Here is the wonderful image of the recent three dimensional map produced for the inner ear by Uppsala University researcher Hao Li, et al. at the Bio-Medical Imaging and Therapy (BMIT) 05ID-2 beamline at the Canadian Light Source, Inc. (CLSI) in Saskatoon using synchrotron radiation phase-contrast imaging (SR-PCI.) The paper can be found here.

Ear membrane and auditory nerve in the cochlea. The octave bands have been given different colors. Humans can perceive frequencies from 20 Hz (the top of the coil) to 20,000 Hz (the base of the coil). The image also shows the round window, the oval window where sound enters and the facial nerve.

I have reported on the issue of Helmholtz model of hearing versus Riemann previously. Can anyone viewing the indescribable beauty of this spiral octave photo of the inner ear still argue that somehow biophysics is organized according to random genetic mutations that parallel random acausality of entropic physics assumptions? Really this beautiful image of such exquisite coherent organization should clear that up. Please see my further discussion here

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Art, Religion, Science and Politics

Reading Plato's Republic, it is indeed an unanswered paradox that it is proposed that poets be excluded. What of the Republic of Letters? It certainly is the case that the Aristophanes play The Clouds did a "number" on Socrates. Likewise, Voltaire's' Candide pilloried Leibniz. The forms of art, poetry, drama, sculpture, architecture and music purport to have a sort of solid inviolability supported by reason. Or at least that was the case until those very forms became a source for irrational arbitrary "invention." Indeed, there is a sort of self consistency with those very forms as a "language" that provide the opportunity for the development of the truthful irony of the finite work of art versus the non finite possibility of development. Therein, perhaps, lies supernal beauty. 

Upon what ground exactly is the rationale of the critic's work founded? I have recently written for example that there is a "test" for religion. If it is unfettered and unchecked does what passes for religion devolve into a mere tool to stir the passions in obeisance to the whims of a ruling oligarchy? In America, Edgar Poe apparently gained undying enmity beyond the grave for his trenchant criticism of the ills of poetic meter. However, there is perhaps much more to that sort of criticism than meets the eye, since it is the case that his satires were always political. Even Poe's comment that the extremely popular tales of his contemporary James Cooper were in truth rather pedestrian and that Cooper was a "quietist."  This, even though Cooper was quite comfortable in exposing and justifiably denouncing the oligarchy of Venice and the contemporaneous press of his day as being a tool of would be American oligarchs. 

Today, this charge of quietism has almost no touchstone for modern audiences. However, that was far from the case at the time. For instance, take the poem of Henry Longfellow, The Three Silences of Molinos. This is a kind of paean to another New England radical, abolitionist "mystic," John Whittier. Now this Molinos was indeed, a quietest. In order to trace out all of the seemingly chaotic connections that were quite well known at that time and bring them to "light" in terms of today's touchstones for my readers it is necessary to take a detour down a somewhat arcane sort of rabbit hole. But I promise it is quite relevant to the current political and social circumstances in which we find ourselves embroiled.

Whittier wrote a sort of a paean to Master Eckhart, wherein much is made of rather mystically magical practices like the lots of Urim and Thummin that resolve into this mystical quietism:

The heaven ye seek, the hell ye fear,
Are with yourselves alone.

Now, it does appear that Nicolas of Cusa did indeed perform a study of Eckhart and by some modern critics is lumped into the category of "brethren of free spirits" such as those movements stemming from the mysticism of the Beguins, Beghards and Marguerite Porete's "Mirror of Divine Love." However, as I will show nothing could be further from the truth, as Cusa was quite the opposite of the Cathars, Bogomils, and a vast plethora of other Gnostics. If the term "free spirit" reminds the baby boomer reader of the epoch of Haight Ashbury and the "summer of love," it is no accident.

The diggers (and their devilish offspring, the ranters) were a back to the land anarchist movement at the time of the various dissenters of the English civil wars. Free love, hippie communes were explicitly modelled upon these diggers. (Can you dig it?) Indeed, William James' Varieties of Religious Experience is a sort of key for the British oligarchy to utilize to create syncretic movements as part and parcel of divide and conquer, popular people's movements. In fact, the back to the land self reliance movement of the dead poets society (perhaps as in the "Book of the Dead" or Gogol's "Dead Souls"of the New England transcendentalists was inspired by the bizarre quietus novel, Sartor Resartus of Thomas Carlyle. Carlyle was the writer that Poe referred to as a bedlamist, who attempted to pervert Schiller's conception of uplifting aesthetics of the reliving of the dramatic historical crises, much as Shakespeare did likewise. And the same Carlyle who later wrote a vile tract justifying plantation slavery called "On the Negro Question."

It is sometimes claimed by the mystical cult of the Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood and T.S. Eliot, that Dante Alighieri and Marguerite Porete were in some ways birds of a feather. And as such are representatives of an earlier pre Renaissance era of simplicity and courtly Romanticism. This parallels the slander against Cusa's mysticism.. For it could be said that Marguerite wrote in the vernacular old French in order to uplift the common people with a national language, etc. However, nothing could be further from the truth and in no way compares to Dante's grand political design in his De Monarchia and Divine Commedia. Likewise Cusa's convening of a great council for reconciliation of faiths to bring about an end to barbaric geopolitical wars of his day. These were both real world challenges that laid the groundwork for the yet to be developed scientific statesmanship of the American System. 

I turn now to the theme I briefly brought up in my last posting on Cusa: concrete universals. In his Vision of God, Cusa furthers his claim to a scientific method that is wholly consonant with the idea of the principle of the ongoing process of perfecting human practice. Sometimes referred to as the Imago Viva Dei. I have brought up elsewhere that the Meno dialogue of Plato is analogous to an untutored child grasping profound principles of science that represent clear revolutionary historical advances. For example, the practice of the infinite "vanishing point" in drawing is elementary and easily reproduced by any grade school student. However, look at this in light of Cusa's Concrete Universal. Really the principle that no matter where you look, that infinite projective space, a concrete universal, is ever present would seem miraculous to previous untutored societies. This is the non mystical meaning of the connection of the universal mind, the maximum, non other with the sovereign and inviolable non divisible mind (or soul if you will) of the individual. 

And so, here, I need to make another downward journey into the bestiality of what motivates the control of the oligarchy and its hatred of the principle of Prometheus, the bringer of the technology of fire. Various mystery cults that promote the control of priesthoods owned by oligarchies have been with us since time immemorial before it were even possible for epic poems to be written down. The most perverted and egregious of these would have to reside here in the Americas with the death cult rituals of the Aztecs. However, it must be kept in mind that the heinous and superstitious magic of child sacrifice serves as the basis of most of these oligarchical epics including the Greek cycle of tragedies of the House of Atreus. 

So the question  is how does it make any sense that these same monstrous Aztecs who carried out such thoroughly evil rituals also had intricate knowledge of astronomical cyclic calendars? Well, the answer is it was that very actual power that necessitated esotericism. I leave this for you dear reader to follow up on, for it is my hope that that this might engender a thirst to resolve the many paradoxes that the forgoing brings to mind.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Nicholas of Cusa and the Idea of True Infinity

I recently attended a presentation on Nicolas of Cusa that addressed some of the examples he used to illustrate his  groundbreaking conception of true or absolute infinity. Upon reflection, I had a few thoughts that connect these examples with major strides forward in science and art. I think it is especially important to show that Cusa is the source of the birth of the scientific method in the Florentine Renaissance. 

The practice of generating "thought experiments" was adopted by Cusa in his Platonic dialogues. It is not arbitrary and no small moment that Einstein's seminal gedankenexperiment that developed the equally groundbreaking conception of relativity partakes of this same essential practice. 

In one example, he shows that a straight line and a circle that expands progressively to infinity are in fact indistinguishable. This great invention of Nicolas is the basis for projective geometry that was adopted and pioneered by the great artists of the Renaissance as the perspective and camera oscura with parallel lines meeting at the infinite "point." 

Albrecht Durer Woodcut 1530

The question of whether there was a substantial difference between a mere mathematical infinity and a true infinity had been the subject of treatises on philosophy especially spurred on since the time that the Islamic Renaissance of the Abbasid Caliphate reached the European Christians. Ibn Sina or Avicenna in the Eleventh Century developed a Socratic proof of God that he called the Necessary Existent. This was the existence of a true infinity.

The development that made possible modern constructive Non-Euclidean geometry likewise arises from Nicolas. Leibniz, who time and again used that principle in his writings and letters, once remarked that the Newtonian notion that an object set into motion without any further forces acting upon it would continue in a straight line was completely an arbitrary assumption. Instead it could be as easily argued that in such an imaginary case the object could continue on a curved trajectory. This is precisely the poetic truthful imagination or thought experiment of a true infinite. 

Likewise, the great work of Georg Cantor on the principle of the Transfinite is admittedly indebted to Cusa. Indeed the different gauges of mathematical transfinite numbers, for example the rational versus the transcendentals, as opposed to Absolute Infinity are acknowledged by Cantor.

Finally, consider that Riemann's universal treatment of the foundations of geometry in his habilitation thesis makes no assumptions of distinguishing the curvature of surfaces that may be of positive, negative or in the Euclidean case zero curvature. Riemann warned in that presentation that the actual measurement of this curvature in the physical sciences must be left to experimentation.  It is this germ of Nicolas of Cusa that allowed for Einstein's theory of general relativity of the curvature spacetime upon which are founded so many of the marvels of 20th century scientific progress. 

Friday, February 12, 2021

Proposal for a Global Biophysical Defense Initiative

Currently, humanity face a manifold of grave threats to it's very future. One might in fact quite rightly say that our combined responses to these threats will determine whether or not we have the intellectual and moral fitness to survive.

These threats are intermeshed and need to be treated as part and parcel of an integral solution. If I were writing of warfare, of the justified kind that Augustine so eloquently developed, I would make an analogy to a strategic flank. What is now the biggest enemy to mankind? Certainly, none among the more clear minded can fail to see that the potential of the current pandemic of COVID-19 to threaten through mutation of the SARS-Cov-2 family of viruses and other potential new pandemics arising from known or unknown sources. 

The current state of biophysical research is that we are on the cusp of being able to provide a possible defense of our species from not merely this particular pandemic but an entire series of viral threats facing our collective and shared biome. Anyone surveying the state of basic biophysical science will realize that there have been remarkable advances in the frontiers of technological breakthroughs in our ability to comprehend the processes of cellular signaling, the protein interactome, and other interrelated RNA/DNA interfaces. 

This problem in overcoming our disparate research efforts must be addressed such that we respect the sovereign rights of national self determination and yet at the same time act united as a concerted group. For instance, if it were the case that our scientists monitoring threats from space were to announce that a comet or asteroid were on course to impact the Earth in the near term, would we not almost automatically combine our current technological capabilities to prevent it from wiping out our species existence? 

And yet, we have the winds of an unthinkable nuclear war being seriously promoted even at this late date by geopolitical technocrats. We hear that a limited first strike nuclear war should be put on the agenda of the NATO pact. Of course can anyone in their right mind (excluding of course those Utopian cum Strangelovean whackos,) not foresee that this would inevitably lead to the wholesale extinction of civilization?  

What stands in the way of the adoption of such a policy of mutually assured survival? There are two main obstacles. One is the potential for the collapse of the speculative debt bubble in the near term. The second is a flare up of regional geopolitical wars mounting to a new global war in much the same way that WWI arose. 

So, it were necessary that any agreements for a sort of alliance to combat a looming and very real potential biological holocaust be integrated in a fully cognizant way with cooperation to end these two interrelated threats. We must take as the model the current cooperation in space science and nuclear fusion research. Further we must revive the spirit of the Bretton Woods in disposing of the monstrous uncollectable speculative debt burden. It is an absolute imperative that this be put on the agenda now with no time to waste. To do otherwise is to be abandoned to a perilous and preventable predetermined fate.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Proteins and Biophysical Manifolds

Today we are witnessing a welter of recently designated functional biophysical domains as "omes," mostly conventionally named after the genome. My question is whether there is a unifying principle that can help to bring these rigorously and coherently together.

We are now very much in the infancy of beginning to apprehend how the so called junk DNA transposons may operate in a regulatory manner, for instance, over the protein "interactome." I have been fascinated as a layman who has studied physical economics (as opposed to monetarism) and epistemology for many years with connection of energy dynamics in evolutionary biophysics. 

So I began to look at the powerhouse of the enzyme ATPase as the engine of cellular energy production and throughput. It struck me as remarkable that there was a rotational vector for this that changed chiral handedness depending on whether the cell's respiration was aerobic or non aerobic. So that this was an instance of the Pasteur principal that characterized life at this level.

This led me to view the rationale of Vernadsky's division of the three interacting spheres of physical, biological and human creative powers as being potentially unified around unique forms of functional organization. The transmission of particularly long lived metastable solitonic wave organizations in the inorganic domain seemed to parallel life in a sense. Further the directed quality of many anomalies in astrophysical organization as opposed to the assumptions of chaotic, stochastic entropy. In other words, is there an immanent tendency in this realm for the evolutionary development of life. Why should we suppose anything else? 

Of late, the ideas of Bernhard Riemann with respect to Non-Euclidean constructive geometry coupled with his work on shockwaves have led me to propose a pathway toward a possible unifying geometry of biophysics. Firstly, the protein acts as a singularity through which one or more biological functions operate. This to me was very strikingly similar to the Riemannian arrangement of functional space into connected surfaces of branchpoints that go through singular poles to sheets of a potential variety of functions. Thus the various "omes" mentioned above may be viewed as connected in this way. 

Secondly, I have proposed that the principle of transmission of energy in the biosphere leads under certain circumstances to evolutionary change. The revolutionary seminal work that Riemann did on pressure waves as they surpass the boundary of transmissibility leading to the well known sonic boom and Mach cone guided my thoughts here. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

A Premonition of Creative Nonlinearity

 In the midst of my post World War II era childhood, there were stark polarities. We were being molded in our schooling and through popular entertainment to act and think in certain ways. 

In the public school system during the 1950's for several decades we were subjected to batteries of multiple choice IQ type tests. Use only number two pencils was the rule (just like on voting forms) so these could be fed and read into the latest marvel of cybernetics which would sort out the brainy haves from the have nots. 

Can you cleverly group things (ah, those categories of arrangements of like or dislike) so that your placement in this brave new world can be completed? All the other lessons were perhaps really supplements to this diabolical logical analysis. Propositional set theory that could make nice percentile in batches to be printed out the worth of your supposed reasoning skill.

But where is the actual human emotional or intellectual creative value in all this? This vacuous wasteland. You are put on a Cartesian two dimensional array, a point on a line... Or if for some reason this maddening method were a little bit too much you could escape to engage in extra curricular "popularity."  

And that too was pretty much all pre arranged by Madison Avenue profiles of what sells. Psychological profiling that created a labile and controlled irrationality of feeling good. Popular entertainment's categories... 

And if somehow, after being put through the wringer you still, dear reader, might have a glimmer of a spark of real creativity, then you will welcome the search for something else. A nonlinear potential to change the falsehood of this whole forced narrative. Because it is there awaiting discovery. If you kick against the pricks. The hidden hands that control all this programmed empty and infinite void are the oligarchy. The real enemies whose power we have yet to finally extirpate from this experiment in self government we call the United States. Yet a house divided cannot stand.

Sunday, February 07, 2021

"We're Not Doing Anything Evil"

Once upon a time in the murky counter intelligence past of the LaRouche organization, I distinctly recall a rather blood curdling remonstrance from a representative of the Muslim Brotherhood, in regard to a protest by myself and others of their October 1981 meeting entitled Spiritual Message and Quest for Justice in Houston at the Rothko Chapel sponsored be the Schlumberger heiress Dominique de Menil. The Muslim Brother spokesman snarled to the local TV reporter in a highly overwrought tone reminiscent of one of son of Dracula Lon Chaney, Jr., "We're not doing anything evil."

If you review the vast academic writings and career of one of the participants Hamid Algar, you will see the pedigree and methods of British intelligence. The hermeneutical element of Naqshbandi Sufism that the British born and Cambridge educated Algar professes, along with his promotion of the rise of Khomeini, tell the tale. 

This is in essence part and parcel of the British Intelligence apparatus use of Occult Magick stemming from the time of John Dee. Using cut outs like the Warburg Institute, to "study" Christian Cabbalism that I wrote about recently as defaming Poe, the hatching of religious warfare has always been a specialty. Just glance at William James' Varieties of Religious Experience. 

Should it be a surprise then to recall that the Schlumberger fortune was also part of the Permindex apparatus involved in the assassination of JFK?

Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Popular Entertainment is a Bummer

John Kennedy once spoke profoundly of America's mission to explore and ultimately colonize space should inspire and ennoble us. The lofty poetic sense should forever find and celebrate an ever deepening and evolving field of aspirations consonant with our unique human creative consciousness.

Instead we have become in our popular entertainment, a high tech version of the worst bestiality of the Roman Empire. Bread and circuses on steroids...

One extremely important aspect of this degradation is the way in which pop music surreptitiously captured the minds of the baby boomer generation. Now, many will scoff that this is just another loony conspiracy theory a la the debunked liberal straw man QAnon. The problem in understanding political conspiracies is that the cloak and dagger sort of criminal conspiracy is a total misdirection in understanding the "secrets known only to the inner elites." For instance what you have that makes actors act they way they sometimes do are usually popular movements that overtake their very psyches. Take the Eugenics craze. Yes, the Skull and Bones Society at Yale University included the same Bush family that promoted the rise of Adolf Hitler via funds from Harriman Brown Brothers up-and-comer Prescott Bush. And we should hold them responsible and some even attempted to do so with the "trading with the enemy" investigations.

So, when I began recently to unpack (as the current idiom would have it) my own unfortunate youthful entanglement with rock music, I realized that one of its consistent targets was mocking and belittling the space program. Now many who are of my age will rather hysterically deny this to be the case because it does cause a painful "cognitive dissonance" for them similar to the way in which Plato describes how those poor deluded souls in the cave would have to be brought kicking and screaming against their will out in to the light of day. One common refrain might be "I've never really listened to the lyrics." Yes, but you are being mesmerized with them over and over on the radio or now Internet over and over. 

But let us examine just a few of the popular rock songs, shall we? You be the judge, dear reader.

Here's one I just came upon today while poring over the popular "news" (selected just for my interests by AI neurolinguistic modelled "Big Data" no doubt.)

Song by Harry Nilsson

Bang! Bang! Shoot em' up, destiny
Bang! Bang! Shoot em' up to the moon
Bang! Bang! Shoot em' up one, two, three
One, two, three, four
I wanted to be a spaceman
That's what I wanted to be
But now that I am a spaceman
Nobody cares about me
Hey, Mother Earth
Won't ya bring me back down
Safely to the sea?
But 'round and around and around and around
Is all she ever say to me
I wanted to make a good run
I wanted to go to the moon
I knew that it had to be fun
I told 'em to send me real soon
I wanted to be a spaceman
I wanted to be it so bad
But now that I am a spaceman
I'd rather be back on the pad
Hey, Mother Earth
Won't ya bring me back down
Safely to the sea?
Around and around and around and around
Is just a lot of lunacy
(Yeah, yeah)
'Round and around and around and around and around
(So bring me back down)
'Round and around and around and around and around
Safe on the ground
Hey, Mother Earth
Better bring me back down
Safely to the sea
But 'round and around and around and around
Is all she ever say to me, yeah
You know I wanted to be a spaceman
That's what I wanted to be
But now that I am a spaceman
Nobody cares about me
Say, hey! You, Mother Earth
You better bring me back down
I've taken just as much as I can
But 'round and around and around and around
Is the problem of a spaceman

Of course, this rather explicit attack on the space program is just one of many even much more popular ones like Elton John's and David Bowie AKA Ziggy Stardust, etc. I won't waste the space copying these out here. But I hope you get my drift...

Tuesday, February 02, 2021

The Legacy of the Wanton Destruction of Human Creativity

The Islamic Renaissance had its obscurantist opponent in al-Ghazali who wrote The Destruction as an attack on the Socratic Theodicy of  ibn Sina, et al. It is provably the case as noted by Dante's Divine Comedy that the route of reviving the methodology of Socratic reason to escape from the dark ages ran through the works of those inspired scholars. Of which, the Abyssinian Caliphate of Harun al-Rashid is said to have valued great books more than gold in erecting his great House of Wisdom library.  

So too, the European Golden Renaissance was plagued by its own obscurantist oligarchical enemies. The touchstone for this for English speaking audiences in the U.S. at least comes by way of the imperial British magical cults. William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe valiantly and polemically opposed the Venetian spawned sorcerer's apprentices like John Dee. One such was Robert Burton who wrote the ponderous tome of forgotten superstitious babble named The Anatomy of Melancholy. I read this because I was curious as to the origin of Keats' poem The Eve of St. Agnes in that volume. The concluding stretto of all of Burton's monotonous praise of magical nonsense like using precious stones to cure all manner of illness, I was soon to find out was none other than an advertisement for Rosicrucianism. 

(I may be one of the few that have read this as well as Alexander von Humboldt's magnificent antidote The Cosmos, in English translation.) 

Just now, I ran across a very sad example of a trend that has been running rampant for some months in the babblings of pseudoscientific researchers promoting psychotomimetic drugs like LSD as therapeutics. These lost souls are every bit the heirs of erstwhile Nazi doctors. Here is a Google search on "LSD as social therapy." It lists "About 1,910,000 results (0.51 seconds)" I hear Oregon has decriminalized all illicit drugs... Democracy at work...

The beat goes on... As we descend circling upon the wings of Geryon into the abyss of the Inferno where sits Satan frozen in Hell.

Gustave Dore Dante's Inferno

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