Given the rash of recent ballyhoo in the media regarding the so called Anthropic Principle versus atheism, I wish to propound a simple observation. To wit: the issue of the proof of a Creator is indissolubly part and parcel of the advancement of science, period. G.W.F. Leibniz' opus being the case in point. Newton, on the other hand is a mere cat's paw for the sorcerers of the black nobility.
The question is whether in this almost infinitesimally minute segment of space and time we refer to as human history, it has been sufficiently demonstrated that no matter how much we discover the inner workings and inter relationships of the physical, biophysical, noetical domains, there will forever continue to be more to discover. This is the only coherent and valid sense that one can claim any intuition of infinite extension. Everything else as far as a putative cosmology is concerned, including such masturbatory whoppers as the "stringy landscape", is pure phantasmagoria.
Eratosthenes first measured the circumference of the earth from the shadows cast by the sun. Today, humanity's fitness to survive will be measured by our ability to conquer that same thermonuclear fusion that casts those shadows. Thus, Prometheus will truly be unbound.

Today's Elites
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Democratic Mainstream of Conciousness
These days the inner dialog of the congressional Democratic party principals must go something like this: "In the interests of comity, (because the polls show that the people don't like it when we go negative)and not to appear as an "extremist" I must strip, bend over, grin and bear it when Mister Bush and company come a calling." O Tempores, O Mores...
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