It almost seems as if the question in my previous blog called star gazing about what the universe looks like now all at once is partially being answered here. Thanks, Chandra, you almost read my mind.
Cassiopeia A: 3-D Model: A Star From the Inside Out
Eratosthenes first measured the circumference of the earth from the shadows cast by the sun. Today, humanity's fitness to survive will be measured by our ability to conquer that same thermonuclear fusion that casts those shadows. Thus, Prometheus will truly be unbound.

Today's Elites
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Subversion Masquerading as Science
Here is a somewhat lengthy quote from a National "Science" Foundation article that should convince anyone who is skeptical about the social engineering subversion of so-called climate science.
"FAIRFAX, Va., March 29, 2010—In a time when only a handful of TV news stations employ a dedicated science reporter, TV weathercasters may seem like the logical people to fill that role, and in many cases they do.
In the largest and most representative survey of television weathercasters to date, George Mason University’s Center for Climate Change Communication shows that two-thirds of weathercasters are interested in reporting on climate change, and many say they are already filling a role as an informal science educator.
“Our surveys of the public have shown that many Americans are looking to their local TV weathercaster for information about global warming,” says Edward Maibach, director of the Center for Climate Change Communication. “The findings of this latest survey show that TV weathercasters play—or can play—an important role as informal climate change educators.”
According to the survey, climate change is already one of the most common science topics TV weathercasters discuss—most commonly at speaking events, but also at the beginning or end of their on-air segments, on blogs and web sites, on the radio and in newspaper columns.
Weathercasters also indicated that they are interested in personalizing the story for their local viewers—reporting on local stories such as potential flooding/drought, extreme heat events, air quality and crops. About one-quarter of respondents said they have already seen evidence of climate change in their local weather patterns.
“Only about 10 percent of TV stations have a dedicated specialist to cover these topics,” says University of Texas journalism professor Kristopher Wilson, a collaborator on the survey. “By default, and in many cases by choice, science stories become the domain of the only scientifically trained person in the newsroom—weathercasters.”
Many of the weathercasters said that having access to resources such as climate scientists to interview and high-quality graphics and animations to use on-air would increase their ability to educate the public about climate change.
However, despite their interest in reporting more on this issue, the majority of weathercasters (61 percent) feel there is a lot of disagreement among scientists about the issue of global warming. Though 54 percent indicated that global warming is happening, 25 percent indicated it isn’t, and 21 percent say they don’t know yet.
“A recent survey showed that more than 96 percent of leading climate scientists are convinced that global warming is real and that human activity is a significant cause of the warming,” says Maibach. “Climate scientists may need to make their case directly to America’s weathercasters, because these two groups appear to have a very different understanding about the scientific consensus on climate change.”
This survey is one part of a National Science Foundation-funded research project on meteorologists. Using this data, Maibach and his research team will next conduct a field test of 30-second, broadcast-quality educational segments that TV weathercasters can use in their daily broadcasts to educate viewers about the link between predicted (or current) extreme weather events in that media market and the changing global climate.
Ultimately, the team hopes to answer key research questions supporting efforts to activate TV meteorologists nationwide as an important source of informal science education about climate change."
More Information Theory Voodoo
Let us allow quackery unabashedly to speak for itself, thusly:
"At the heart of their idea is the tricky question of what happens to information when it enters a black hole. Physicists have puzzled over this for decades with little consensus. But one thing they agree on is Landauer's principle: that erasing a bit of quantum information always increases the entropy of the Universe by a certain small amount and requires a specific amount of energy.
Jae-Weon and co assume that this erasure process must occur at the black hole horizon. And if so, spacetime must organise itself in a way that maximises entropy at these horizons. In other words, it generates a gravity-like force."
Shakespeare's Magic
It's hardly surprising that one could entertain that Shakespeare was involved in the black arts, when so much of his overt subject matter is just that. I.e., Midsummer's Night Dream, Prospero, etc. I have long maintained that Hamlet himself was a student of the black arts in Wurtemburg. Interesting that in Turgenev's speech, Hamlet and Don Quixote, he compares Hamlet to Faust. Anyway, I was just reading LaRouche's latest writing about Venice's takeover of Britain's monarchy via agents like Zorzi (aka Giorgi, whose Harmony of the Sphere's is parodied in Swift's isle of Laputa, as in the whorish false scientists) when I came across the issue of Cabbalism in the Merchant of Venice and the startling visual reference to that in the Globe theater. England at the time was overdosed with the occult. Robert Burton's depiction of the Rosicrucian's romp through jolly old England in his mystical book Anatomy of Melancholy gives a flavor of this. This continued unabated til the present, Isaac Newton's later alchemical magic wasn't a fluke. John Dee was at that time the real cabalistic 007head of British "intelligence," whose use of magic and drugs culminates today in the current British unleashing of the Crowleyan "Do what thou wilt" counterculture at her Satanic Majesty's request.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
You Can't Make This Kind of Crap Up
So it seems Obama's new appointee to head up Medicare/Medicaid Donald Berman has much in common with Sir Mick Jagger. (Please refer to blog below for more on this.) It is proudly proclaimed in his CV on his organization's website (given the Orwellian misnomer of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement): "In 2005, he was appointed “Honorary Knight Commander of the British Empire” by the Queen of England in honor of his work with the British National Health Service." How very N.I.C.E. -- as exampled in the following reportage:
"Cancer Groups to Appeal against NICE’s Decision to Rule out Use of Vidaza
andThe Cancer groups are going to appeal against a declaration made by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, which will deny the NHS patients in England and Wales an access to a drug called Vidaza, which is used for the treatment of bone marrow diseases.(...)"
"Tens of thousands of NHS workers could be sacked and thousands of hospital beds lost under plans outlined by strategic health authorities, it was reported.
The plans could also see procedures such as hip replacements scrapped and patients encouraged to email doctors rather than visit surgeries, according to the Daily Telegraph.
Proposals were drawn up by the 10 English strategic health authorities for productivity and efficiency savings.
The plans come after NHS chief executive Sir David Nicholson spoke of the need to make between £15 and £20 billion in productivity efficiency savings over three years. The Department of Health said it was "committed to protecting the NHS frontline". But the Telegraph has seen documents from SHAs which show how the cuts could fall on hospital services."
A Proclamation of a New Dark Age?
"Across the globe today people will be turning off all their lights for an hour starting at 8:30pm local time tonight for the World Wildlife Fund's annual Earth Hour campaign."Right on cue, like some modern day Zeus, the Worldwide Fund for Nature, more commonly known as the British monarchy, has issued this démarche to their loyal subjects: Let there Be Darkness. Is it any wonder that Mick Jagger was knighted by what he too truly proclaimed to be Her Royal Satanic Majesty?
Frozen in Time
Did you know dear reader that there is living in our world a 17 year old girl who is still developmentally an eleven month old infant! She has never aged past infancy and seems frozen in time, it is amazing that this is not a tremendous cause célèbre. Although, on second thought, most of what passes for successful celebrity these days is the most banal nonsense imaginable.
What if our media were focused upon bringing before our populace questions of signal import like unraveling whether there exists an underlying regulator of biological development? This would surely promote the general welfare, don't you think?
What if our media were focused upon bringing before our populace questions of signal import like unraveling whether there exists an underlying regulator of biological development? This would surely promote the general welfare, don't you think?
"A case study of "disorganized development" and its possible relevance to genetic determinants of aging
Walker, Richard F.; Pakula, Lawrence C.; Sutcliffe, Maxine J.; Kruk, Patricia A.; Graakjaer, Jesper; Shay, Jerry W.
Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (2009), 130(5), 350-356 CODEN: MAGDA3; ISSN: 0047-6374. English.
In 1932, Bidder postulated that senescence results from "continued action of a (genetic) regulator (of development) after growth ceases (maturation occurs). " A 16-yr-old girl who phys. appears to be an infant has not been diagnosed with any known genetic syndrome or chromosomal abnormality. The subject's anthropometric measurements are that of an 11-mo-old. Coordinated development of structures for swallowing/breathing has not occurred resulting in dysfunctional digestive and respiratory systems. Brain structure, proprioception and neuroendocrine functions are infantile. Dental and bone ages are pre-teen, while telomere length and telomerase inactivity suggest a cellular age at least comparable to her chronol. age. Sub-telomeric microdeletions known to be responsible for developmental delay and chromosomal imbalances are not present. Findings suggest that the subject suffers from "developmental disorganization" resulting from spontaneous mutation of Bidder's putative "regulator" of development, thereby providing an opportunity to locate and identify developmental gene(s) responsible for ensuring integrated and coordinated change in form and function from conception to adulthood. If their continued expression beyond maturation erodes internal order to promote senescence then further study of her DNA and testing of homologous genes in animal models may provide clues to genetic determinants of aging and human life span."
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The Ironic Universe: updated
"Distant galaxy clusters mysteriously stream at a million miles per hour along a path roughly centered on the southern constellations Centaurus and Hydra. A new study led by Alexander Kashlinsky at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., tracks this collective motion -- dubbed the "dark flow" -- to twice the distance originally reported."
This dark flow motion together with cosmological electromagnetic anisotropy (or birefringent polarization) together seem to point to some sort of directed universal evolution of even supposed inorganic matter that no sanitized purely mathematical model can account for. It is evidence that no matter how long one attempts to achieve a so-called unified field theory the universe will always present us with some unexpected singularities due to its continuing evolution. We will forever be baffled by the fact that the universe always seems to surprise us.
Here's yet another irony in the news:
"Sunspots are supposedly rooted to the bottom of the belt," says Hathaway. "So the motion of sunspots tells us how fast the belt is moving down there."
He's done that—plotted sunspot speeds vs. time since 1996—and the results don't make sense. "While the top of the conveyor belt has been moving at record-high speed, the bottom seems to be moving at record-low speed. Another contradiction."
Could it be that sunspots are not rooted to the bottom of the Conveyor Belt, after all? "That's one possibility" he notes. "Sunspots could be moving because of dynamo waves or some other phenomenon not directly linked to the belt."
March, 2017:
April, 2020
The fine structure constant has a directional anisotropy.
"And it seems to be supporting this idea that there could be a directionality in the universe, which is very weird indeed," Professor Webb says.
But the patterns do not just show that the universe is not symmetric, but also that the asymmetry changes in different parts of the universe, and the differences exhibit a unique pattern of multipoles.
"If the universe has an axis, it is not a simple single axis like a merry-go-round," Shamir said. "It is a complex alignment of multiple axes that also have a certain drift."
Why is there a normal galaxy sitting at the edge of the universe?
"Massive stars blow powerful winds, supernovae detonate like flashbulbs, and all that energy released should stir the gas up in the galaxy, making it irregularly shaped (plus, that early in the age of the Universe there just hadn't been a lot of time to get organized). Most distant galaxies we see are indeed blobby. The fact that this galaxy has a disk that appears to be pretty calm and stable is bizarre."
"Interestingly, it’s not alone. Earlier in 2020 astronomers announced they found a disk galaxy at about the same distance, called the Wolfe Galaxy. Like this one, it’s not understood how it can exist. Clearly, the theoretical models are wrong, or at least (and more likely) incomplete. Obviously, there’s more to learn about galaxies that exist at the edge of the observable Universe."
Scientists Detect Hints of Strange New Physics in The Universe's Background Radiation
"As far as we have been able to measure so far, there's only one fundamental interaction that breaks parity symmetry; that's the weak interaction between subatomic particles that is responsible for radioactive decay. But finding another place where parity symmetry breaks down could potentially lead us to new physics beyond the Standard Model."
"And two physicists - Yuto Minami of the High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation in Japan; and Eiichiro Komatsu of the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Germany and Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe in Japan - believe they have found hints of it in the polarisation angle of the CMB."
Portrait of young galaxy throws theory of galaxy formation on its head
"Scientists have challenged our current understanding of how galaxies form by unveiling pictures of a young galaxy in the early life of the Universe which appears surprisingly mature.
The galaxy, dubbed ALESS 073.1, appears to have all of the features expected of a much more mature galaxy and has led the team of scientists to question how it grew so fast."
Discovery of a Giant Arc in distant space adds to challenges to basic assumptions about the Universe
"The Giant Arc, which is approximately 1/15th the radius of the observable universe, shows as an enormous, nearly symmetrical, crescent of galaxies in the remote Universe. It is twice the size of the striking Sloan Great Wall of galaxies and clusters that is seen in the nearby Universe. This new discovery of the Giant Arc adds to an accumulating set of (cautious) challenges to the Cosmological Principle."
Early Massive Galaxies ran out of gas, Shutting Down Their Star Formation
"But what is removing the cold gas from the galaxies? Astronomers are stumped, and will have to continue their observations to find clues to this great galactic mystery. “We still have so much to learn about why the most massive galaxies formed so early in the Universe and why they shut down their star formation when so much cold gas was readily available to them,” said Whitaker. “The mere fact that these massive beasts of the cosmos formed 100 billion stars within about a billion years and then suddenly shut down their star formation is a mystery we would all love to solve, and REQUIEM has provided the first clue.”"
Strange radio waves emerge from direction of the galactic centre
"Astronomers have discovered unusual signals coming from the direction of the Milky Way’s centre. The radio waves fit no currently understood pattern of variable radio source and could suggest a new class of stellar object.
“The strangest property of this new signal is that it is has a very high polarisation. This means its light oscillates in only one direction, but that direction rotates with time,” said Ziteng Wang, lead author of the new study and a PhD student in the School of Physics at the University of Sydney.
“The brightness of the object also varies dramatically, by a factor of 100, and the signal switches on and off apparently at random. We’ve never seen anything like it.”"
Mysterious, Swirling Waves Discovered in the Sun – Incredible Speed Defies Explanation
"Researchers from NYU Abu Dhabi’s (NYUAD) Center for Space Science have discovered a new set of waves in the Sun that, unexpectedly, appear to travel much faster than predicted by theory.
"In the study, Discovery of high-frequency-retrograde vorticity waves in the Sun, published in the journal Nature Astronomy, the researchers — led by Research Associate Chris S. Hanson — detailed how they analyzed 25 years of space and ground-based data to detect these waves. The high-frequency retrograde (HFR) waves — which move in the opposite direction of the Sun’s rotation — appear as a pattern of vortices (swirling motions) on the surface of the Sun and move at three times the speed established by current theory.
"Complex interactions between other well known waves and magnetism, gravity, or convection could drive the HFR waves at this speed. “If the HFR waves could be attributed to any of these three processes, then the finding would have answered some open questions we still have about the Sun,” said Hanson. “However, these new waves don’t appear to be a result of these processes, and that’s exciting because it leads to a whole new set of questions.”"
This dark flow motion together with cosmological electromagnetic anisotropy (or birefringent polarization) together seem to point to some sort of directed universal evolution of even supposed inorganic matter that no sanitized purely mathematical model can account for. It is evidence that no matter how long one attempts to achieve a so-called unified field theory the universe will always present us with some unexpected singularities due to its continuing evolution. We will forever be baffled by the fact that the universe always seems to surprise us.
Here's yet another irony in the news:
"Sunspots are supposedly rooted to the bottom of the belt," says Hathaway. "So the motion of sunspots tells us how fast the belt is moving down there."
He's done that—plotted sunspot speeds vs. time since 1996—and the results don't make sense. "While the top of the conveyor belt has been moving at record-high speed, the bottom seems to be moving at record-low speed. Another contradiction."
Could it be that sunspots are not rooted to the bottom of the Conveyor Belt, after all? "That's one possibility" he notes. "Sunspots could be moving because of dynamo waves or some other phenomenon not directly linked to the belt."
March, 2017:
Running away from Einstein
"This 10 million light year-wide ring made up of small galaxies is expanding rapidly like a mini Big Bang. The team believe our neighbouring galaxy, Andromeda, once flew past our own galaxy at close range, creating a sling-shot of several small galaxies.
Dr Hongsheng Zhao, Reader in the School of Physics and Astronomy and co-author of the paper, published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society by Oxford University Press, said: "If Einstein's gravity were correct, our galaxy would never come close enough to Andromeda to scatter anything that fast.""
November, 2019
"This 10 million light year-wide ring made up of small galaxies is expanding rapidly like a mini Big Bang. The team believe our neighbouring galaxy, Andromeda, once flew past our own galaxy at close range, creating a sling-shot of several small galaxies.
Dr Hongsheng Zhao, Reader in the School of Physics and Astronomy and co-author of the paper, published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society by Oxford University Press, said: "If Einstein's gravity were correct, our galaxy would never come close enough to Andromeda to scatter anything that fast.""
November, 2019
"Scientists are finding that galaxies can move with each other across huge distances, and against the predictions of basic cosmological models. The reason why could change everything we think we know about the universe."
April, 2020
The fine structure constant has a directional anisotropy.
"And it seems to be supporting this idea that there could be a directionality in the universe, which is very weird indeed," Professor Webb says.
"So the universe may not be isotropic in its laws of physics - one that is the same, statistically, in all directions. But in fact, there could be some direction or preferred direction in the universe where the laws of physics change, but not in the perpendicular direction. In other words, the universe in some sense, has a dipole structure to it.
"In one particular direction, we can look back 12 billion light years and measure electromagnetism when the universe was very young. Putting all the data together, electromagnetism seems to gradually increase the further we look, while towards the opposite direction, it gradually decreases. In other directions in the cosmos, the fine structure constant remains just that - constant. These new very distant measurements have pushed our observations further than has ever been reached before."
June, 2020
K-State study reveals asymmetry in spin directions of galaxies
The patterns span over more than 4 billion light-years, but the asymmetry in that range is not uniform. The study found that the asymmetry gets higher when the galaxies are more distant from Earth, which shows that the early universe was more consistent and less chaotic than the current universe."In one particular direction, we can look back 12 billion light years and measure electromagnetism when the universe was very young. Putting all the data together, electromagnetism seems to gradually increase the further we look, while towards the opposite direction, it gradually decreases. In other directions in the cosmos, the fine structure constant remains just that - constant. These new very distant measurements have pushed our observations further than has ever been reached before."
June, 2020
K-State study reveals asymmetry in spin directions of galaxies
But the patterns do not just show that the universe is not symmetric, but also that the asymmetry changes in different parts of the universe, and the differences exhibit a unique pattern of multipoles.
"If the universe has an axis, it is not a simple single axis like a merry-go-round," Shamir said. "It is a complex alignment of multiple axes that also have a certain drift."
September, 2020
November, 2020
"As far as we have been able to measure so far, there's only one fundamental interaction that breaks parity symmetry; that's the weak interaction between subatomic particles that is responsible for radioactive decay. But finding another place where parity symmetry breaks down could potentially lead us to new physics beyond the Standard Model."
"And two physicists - Yuto Minami of the High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation in Japan; and Eiichiro Komatsu of the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Germany and Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe in Japan - believe they have found hints of it in the polarisation angle of the CMB."
December 2020
Are primordial magnetic field theories getting in a twist?
"In cosmic voids where the density of galaxies is far lower than standard, astronomers have observed weak magnetic fields that may provide a window into the early universe. The fields 10-17-10-10 G in magnitude with large coherence lengths of up to megaparsecs are thought to have their origins in the early universe, but so far it is unclear when or how they were generated."
December 2020
The galaxy, dubbed ALESS 073.1, appears to have all of the features expected of a much more mature galaxy and has led the team of scientists to question how it grew so fast."
February 2021
June 2021
"We report the discovery of a highly-polarized, highly-variable, steep-spectrum radio source, ASKAP
J173608.2−321635, located ∼4
from the Galactic center in the Galactic plane. (...) We discuss
possible identifications for ASKAP J173608.2−321635 including a low-mass star/substellar object with
Corresponding author: Ziteng Wang,
arXiv:2109.00652v1 [astro-ph.HE] 2 Sep 2021
2 Wang et al.
extremely low infrared luminosity, a pulsar with scatter-broadened pulses, a transient magnetar, or a
Galactic Center Radio Transient: none of these fully explains the observations, which suggests that
ASKAP J173608.2−321635 may represent part of a new class of objects being discovered through radio
imaging surveys. "
September 2021
October 2021
"Astronomers have discovered unusual signals coming from the direction of the Milky Way’s centre. The radio waves fit no currently understood pattern of variable radio source and could suggest a new class of stellar object.
“The strangest property of this new signal is that it is has a very high polarisation. This means its light oscillates in only one direction, but that direction rotates with time,” said Ziteng Wang, lead author of the new study and a PhD student in the School of Physics at the University of Sydney.
“The brightness of the object also varies dramatically, by a factor of 100, and the signal switches on and off apparently at random. We’ve never seen anything like it.”"
March 2022
"In the study, Discovery of high-frequency-retrograde vorticity waves in the Sun, published in the journal Nature Astronomy, the researchers — led by Research Associate Chris S. Hanson — detailed how they analyzed 25 years of space and ground-based data to detect these waves. The high-frequency retrograde (HFR) waves — which move in the opposite direction of the Sun’s rotation — appear as a pattern of vortices (swirling motions) on the surface of the Sun and move at three times the speed established by current theory.
December 2022
"This is our first glimpse back this far, so it's important that we keep an open mind about what we are seeing," Leja said. "While the data indicates they are likely galaxies, I think there is a real possibility that a few of these objects turn out to be obscured supermassive black holes. Regardless, the amount of mass we discovered means that the known mass in stars at this period of our universe is up to 100 times greater than we had previously thought. Even if we cut the sample in half, this is still an astounding change."
Tetrahedral Asymmetry Handedness in Galactic Distributions
February 2023
January 2024
The Big Ring galaxy cluster discovery challenges the principle that the universe is smooth at cosmological scales.
Time and Light
Einstein's principle of the invariant speed of light no matter what the relative motion is from the physical starting point from which that light emanates, indicates that time itself must be relative to this universally inherent quality of boundedness. The function of light, more broadly conceived as propagation of electromagnetic wave phenomena, varies relative to the type of bounding sphere (geosphere, biosphere, noosphere) as defined by Vernadsky, upon which it operates.
First, what Vernadsky labelled the geosphere or the inorganic realm is the result of the creation of elements up to iron by nuclear fusion in the furnaces of stars and heavier elements by shockwave explosions in supernovae (or perhaps other hitherto undiscovered inorganic processes.) The scale of time for the evolution of elements is only bounded by the age of the universe itself. In Riemann's philosophical notes we find musings upon the hierarchical relativity of time. He takes as his model Fechner's works on the Zend-Avesta. Fechner views the systems of stars as a higher form of a universal life principle. Vernadsky dismisses this as pantheism, or a form of world soul, purporting to bestow consciousness upon the inorganic. However, I am more charitable toward Fechner's scheme. It is the case that inherent in the formation of planets from stars, the elements essential to life, and cosmic energy is embedded a principle of life. The question of whether this universal order is higher because it encompasses all of time and thereby all possibilities, or lower because it is merely inorganic dissolves when viewed from the standpoint of how technology may use the principle of fusion, matter anti-matter reactions, and other as yet undiscovered sources of energy/matter transformations. Seen from this perspective,that which Vernadsky denominates as the Noosphere, humanity noetically continues or recapitulates the process of creation in the sense that Nicholas of Cusa gives as the Microcosm recapitulating the entire development of the Macrocosm.
Second, the photosynthetic property of light on the biosphere is the obvious transformation that leads to large scale evolutionary dynamics. We also now find that life thrives at the cellular level as thermophiles and extremophiles feeding from thermal and radioactive radiation. For the biosphere, the addition of a directional sort of causality that involves a primitive sort of choice is manifest. The opposite chirality of the amino acid and sugar molecules evince this. It is quite remarkable that the ATPase mitochondrial motor that produces usable biological energy rotates either clockwise or counter clockwise depending on whether the form of life is aerobic or anaerobic. Further, an ongoing quality of directness inheres in the evolutionary development of life forms that are able to capture and efficiently use more energy dense sources of nourishment. Thus, for Vernadsky, the biosphere is bounded by this evolutionary principle.
Third, the human creative interaction with light and radiative processes more generally, via technology shows itself in a multi-functional evolutionary way. At the dawning of civilization, epic poetry underlines the discovery of fire from wood burning. This is the first in a succession of advancements in fuel sources that lift humanity's inventors into the role of self conscious directed evolution benefiting unborn future generations. Just as fundamental to these epic poems is the invention of navigation via decoding the positions and movements of the light from stars. As LaRouche has shown, within any one mode of technology, there is posed a crisis for society through the using up of the relatively limited energetic resource. This is the principle which by necessity bounds the proper functioning of the Vernadsky's Noosphere. Here for humanity, creativity and choice becomes a moral imperative for ensuring that we bestow on our posterity the capability to advance understanding and application of light understood literally and metaphorically. This power of continuous creation we can either willfully promote or deny. If we insanely and suicidaly insist upon the primacy of the obligation to pay debt which has been manufactured by the machinations of the global monetarist oligarchy then we will have willfully doused this light. And a dark age will have justly be brought down upon us. On the other hand, if we defeat this monetarist cabal and their control, we can look to the future prospect of our species happiness through virtually limitless colonization of space.
First, what Vernadsky labelled the geosphere or the inorganic realm is the result of the creation of elements up to iron by nuclear fusion in the furnaces of stars and heavier elements by shockwave explosions in supernovae (or perhaps other hitherto undiscovered inorganic processes.) The scale of time for the evolution of elements is only bounded by the age of the universe itself. In Riemann's philosophical notes we find musings upon the hierarchical relativity of time. He takes as his model Fechner's works on the Zend-Avesta. Fechner views the systems of stars as a higher form of a universal life principle. Vernadsky dismisses this as pantheism, or a form of world soul, purporting to bestow consciousness upon the inorganic. However, I am more charitable toward Fechner's scheme. It is the case that inherent in the formation of planets from stars, the elements essential to life, and cosmic energy is embedded a principle of life. The question of whether this universal order is higher because it encompasses all of time and thereby all possibilities, or lower because it is merely inorganic dissolves when viewed from the standpoint of how technology may use the principle of fusion, matter anti-matter reactions, and other as yet undiscovered sources of energy/matter transformations. Seen from this perspective,that which Vernadsky denominates as the Noosphere, humanity noetically continues or recapitulates the process of creation in the sense that Nicholas of Cusa gives as the Microcosm recapitulating the entire development of the Macrocosm.
Second, the photosynthetic property of light on the biosphere is the obvious transformation that leads to large scale evolutionary dynamics. We also now find that life thrives at the cellular level as thermophiles and extremophiles feeding from thermal and radioactive radiation. For the biosphere, the addition of a directional sort of causality that involves a primitive sort of choice is manifest. The opposite chirality of the amino acid and sugar molecules evince this. It is quite remarkable that the ATPase mitochondrial motor that produces usable biological energy rotates either clockwise or counter clockwise depending on whether the form of life is aerobic or anaerobic. Further, an ongoing quality of directness inheres in the evolutionary development of life forms that are able to capture and efficiently use more energy dense sources of nourishment. Thus, for Vernadsky, the biosphere is bounded by this evolutionary principle.
Third, the human creative interaction with light and radiative processes more generally, via technology shows itself in a multi-functional evolutionary way. At the dawning of civilization, epic poetry underlines the discovery of fire from wood burning. This is the first in a succession of advancements in fuel sources that lift humanity's inventors into the role of self conscious directed evolution benefiting unborn future generations. Just as fundamental to these epic poems is the invention of navigation via decoding the positions and movements of the light from stars. As LaRouche has shown, within any one mode of technology, there is posed a crisis for society through the using up of the relatively limited energetic resource. This is the principle which by necessity bounds the proper functioning of the Vernadsky's Noosphere. Here for humanity, creativity and choice becomes a moral imperative for ensuring that we bestow on our posterity the capability to advance understanding and application of light understood literally and metaphorically. This power of continuous creation we can either willfully promote or deny. If we insanely and suicidaly insist upon the primacy of the obligation to pay debt which has been manufactured by the machinations of the global monetarist oligarchy then we will have willfully doused this light. And a dark age will have justly be brought down upon us. On the other hand, if we defeat this monetarist cabal and their control, we can look to the future prospect of our species happiness through virtually limitless colonization of space.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Time as a Vector of Biophysical Relativity
"In the far northern reaches of the Arctic, day versus night often doesn't mean a whole lot. During parts of the year, the sun does not set; at other times, it's just the opposite. A new study reported online on March 11th in Current Biology shows that Arctic reindeer have come up with a solution to living under those extreme conditions: They've abandoned use of the internal clock that drives the daily biological rhythms in other organisms."In our human world, we adopt the principle of time as the counting of cycles and the counting of things as equivalent in an unconscious act. We don't stop to question whether the process is truthful with respect to the world around us because it is self evidently so. We have embedded within our biological brain a suprachiasmatic nucleus that operates as an internal 24 hour clock. As the above research indicates, this clock may be biologically overridden in the circumstance that it is out of sync with the earth's own internal diurnal clock of alternation of day and night.
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Why Any "Formula for Success" Must Inevitably Fail
Kepler castigated the purveyors of algebra as standing in the way of his revolutionary rewriting the laws of what is today called astrophysics. Applying Keplar's principled objection to algebra to the frame of reference of society's functioning at large is urgently necessary if we are to survive and progress. For what is an algebra when it comes to society except the tissue of accepted rules of behavior, whether those rules be conscious or not? And how does it happen that a society dooms itself to a dark age? Isn't it because it is incapable of the sort of change in its way of doing things necessary for its survival? Up to this point in my argument, a radical environmentalist advocating "change" might nod his or her head in agreement. Aren't they for radical change? Actually, the truth is just the opposite. They are the most bitter inalterable haters of true change. They romanticize the "noble savage." Like the transcendentalists of yore. Like Carlos Castaneda they profess love of soil (and often psychedelics, which should be more accurately labeled psychotomimetics.) It should be quite simple to see that this is in essence proto-fascist whether or not it is labeled as leftism. Except that most among us are chained to our way of doing and thinking about things.
Isn't it the case that the universe has a built in principle of evolutionary change? If there is a crisis in remaining fixed in our way of doing things, isn't there always a potential solution available? In fact isn't it a type solution that leads to more freedom for humanity? If even a class of diseases shows the potential for indefinite change in morphology such that their macrophage combatants exhibit this infinite evolvability, how much more so the mental capacity to evolve society? Tis is what Leibniz meant by the preordained harmony of the best of all possible worlds. Contrary to that false portrayal by that wretch Voltaire, not that there was no inevitable painful crises to be overcome by society through application of scientific progress.
Today's economic crises are based upon a cabal of financiers setting the rules to save their insane game of speculative looting of the world's population. To save the bubble of debt that they have manufactured out of thin air, inevitably they must demand increasing the death rate. This is the ugly truth behind their political, media and academic hod carriers clarion calls for "entitlement reform." This is why they turn apoplectic and shout the label of "extremism" at any who thus accurately expose their game. The only way out of the crisis is to do the unthinkable: break the algebraic rules of the game. Write off the lunatic forms of derivative securities. Set up agreements among nations above the so called markets that will assure lasting referred investments in infrastructure, energy intensive agriculture and industry.
Today's economic crises are based upon a cabal of financiers setting the rules to save their insane game of speculative looting of the world's population. To save the bubble of debt that they have manufactured out of thin air, inevitably they must demand increasing the death rate. This is the ugly truth behind their political, media and academic hod carriers clarion calls for "entitlement reform." This is why they turn apoplectic and shout the label of "extremism" at any who thus accurately expose their game. The only way out of the crisis is to do the unthinkable: break the algebraic rules of the game. Write off the lunatic forms of derivative securities. Set up agreements among nations above the so called markets that will assure lasting referred investments in infrastructure, energy intensive agriculture and industry.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Today's Dark Age Flagellants
"A seven-month old baby girl survived a shot to the chest after her parents shot themselves and their two-year-old in a global warming murder-suicide pact."The masquerade of pseudo-science is increasingly wearing thin. Hatred against technology deployed for preservation of the Ancien Regime is the puppeteer's sport. Drive them mad and reap the profit of death is their emblem. Thus the flagellants spread the plague with the hue and cry that humanity is only fit for evil. Who benefits from this?
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