As far as time is associated with the biophysics of a perceptual apparatus it remains on the level of that which non-human species can attain. Thus the research usage of animals cited here. However, distinctly human time is radically relativistic in the sense of a progressive species of ever more dense cardinal infinite numbers that were first identified by Georg Cantor: the Transfinites.
This principle of the absolute division that sets humanity apart from all the other species inhabiting the biosphere is evidenced in ongoing technological revolutions that have put mankind on the brink of literally inhabiting other worlds through colonization and economic development of the resources of extra terrestrial bodies. As a particularly remarkable example of this consider China's plan to mine the moon's abundant supply of Helium 3 isotope for fuel for future nuclear fusion reactors.
Eratosthenes first measured the circumference of the earth from the shadows cast by the sun. Today, humanity's fitness to survive will be measured by our ability to conquer that same thermonuclear fusion that casts those shadows. Thus, Prometheus will truly be unbound.

Today's Elites
Friday, June 10, 2016
Sunday, June 05, 2016
Edward Snowden and the Unconstitutional Executive Order 12333
The truth is Executive Order 12333 which authorizes that American citizens shall be treated as enemy nationals for the undefined objective of protecting "national security" itself is unconstitutional, period. This is the preeminent issue here. The drip by drip erosion of our constitution has been ongoing for decades. In particular, I experienced the use of 12333 against the organization with which I was formerly affiliated, that headed by Lyndon LaRouche. When it got too close to the corridors of power with Reagan's adoption of the SDI, all proverbial hell broke loose against it, including a paramilitary style invasion of its headquarters.
At the time, LaRouche's investigation of this egregious attack by his political opponents uncovered the use of that very same 12333 that Snowden was questioning as a violation of the constitutionally protect right against unwarranted surveillance and entrapment of American citizens.
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