Today's Elites

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Why the Theory of Everything is Dead on Arrival

If current "free thinkers" would abandon their empiricist prejudices and actually make an attempt to comprehend that which the true founder of modern scientific inquiry, Nicholas of Cusa, pointed to as the principle of subsumed powers, the bootless Quixotic quest for a "theory of everything" would be summarily abandoned. Why? I will explain.

Instead of starting from so-called ab initio first principles of the standard model let us plunge headlong into the seeming inextricable welter of the mechanisms of what some biophysicists are calling the interactome. As I have continuously iterated here in these posts only the Riemannian surface function can be upheld as approaching the possibility of a mathematical model for the multi-dimensional interactions within and among the earth's lithosphere, biosphere and noosphere.

Begin with this fully developed complexity that we unearth through scientific investigation and the irony of the absurdity of a physics modeled upon "atom smashers" comes fully into view. The problem though is the woeful lack of even any attempt at comprehending epistemology by the physics "community" that Schrodinger evinced in What Is Life a century or so ago.

LaRouche put it succinctly some time ago when he quipped that the physics professor propounding the universality of the second law of thermodynamics at the blackboard curiously cannot account for his own existence.

In just one among a myriad of illustrations of what I mean this one posted by Dr. Lieff called the Very Intelligent Protein mTOR I recently came across is very apt. While I may take issue with the author's teleology, at least he is on the right planet.

Friday, November 09, 2018

Randomness is Non Existence

Re: Replaying the tape of life: Is it possible?

Substance itself possesses a latency by virtue of an overriding harmonic dynamism. This is what Leibniz called pre-established harmony. So evolution is confined to a projectory based upon a global order. It is not pre-determined that such and such will occur, only that such and such if it occurs will evolve toward a higher or lower state of potentiation.

The simplistic conceit that random mutations rule reality is tantamount to positing entropy as inevitable. However human history's success in technological advancement belies this and points to a contradictory higher order which negates entropy. Everything in the governance of society's future path comes down to whether the pessimistic and degraded oligarchical outlook or the Promethean human one will prevail.

Sunday, November 04, 2018

Decoding Edgar Allan Poe

The recurring Poe protagonist (and alter ego) C. Auguste Dupin was decidedly not the archetype of the genre of so-called detective novels. All one needs do to prove this to oneself is simply read what Poe has written about the method of scientific investigation in his Mellonta Tauta. This satire replicates Leibniz' (whom Poe greatly admired) book length refutation of the "creeping and crawling" ontology of John Locke's infamous empiricism. Thus Sherlock Holmes is the very antithesis of Dupin. Q.E.D.

And as my Twitter acquaintance Undine has reminded me, this month is the anniversary of the publishing of Edgar's the Gold Bug in French. I leave you with this:

1845 “Le Scarabée d’or” ("The Gold-Bug") appeared in "Revue Britannique." It was the first translation of Poe's work into a foreign language.

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