In the theater, the stage is but a prompt for the mind to travel in place and time. Thus we engage and acquiesce as audience to the poetry of illusion.
A dream of things past that beguiles the conscience may be our realm to imagine. Or the present enwrapped in the birth pangs of a future waged by outlooks on the stage of choice, either true or false.
The judgment is not far off for only some self acclaimed prophetic seer to be thereby materialized in the drama. Yet, we are soaked and saturated in that war of the rulers of mind.
So, to our todays must we be made aware, they are but as dust in the tapestry of unfurling time and space. And it is thus pregnant of hope with an intensity that powers even whole galaxies along the pathway toward assisting creation as the next step along the curve of that final mission of that thing we denominate as "humanity." If this be mere worship, that is a shortcoming. For the task at hand must be resolved forthwith.
So we are dismissed from the interlude back to the acting not in the mindseye but here and now, in reality.
The Bubble and the Star Cluster
Image Credit & Copyright: Lorand Fenyes