The promotion of a necessary future in the furtherance of humanity’s mission to grow outward as a space faring and settling whole united civilization. It is that vision that will steer society to new dimensions of potential and that vision alone. Not as puerile fiction but as a necessary type missionist overarching narrative standpoint. That moves science in congruity with art.
Eratosthenes first measured the circumference of the earth from the shadows cast by the sun. Today, humanity's fitness to survive will be measured by our ability to conquer that same thermonuclear fusion that casts those shadows. Thus, Prometheus will truly be unbound.

Today's Elites
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Monday, February 20, 2023
The “Rules Based Order” is an Empire of Lies
The United States of America was conceived as the antithesis of the British Empire. However, little by little, largely due to the human foibles of love of money, we have been turned into the very thing we were dedicated to replacing.
We are the new marcher lords of imperial barbarism. Destruction of the principle enunciated so elegantly in the Federalist Papers that material prosperity of a more perfect Union has now all but been accomplished. We are on the precipice of either a new world order consisting of sovereignty of the continuing perfection of human endeavor taking civilization beyond previous limits or the end due to the ultimate war brought on by ultimate folly.
Saturday, February 18, 2023
The Built-in Assumptions of Algebraic Geometry
Just as Cartesian space limited by being fixed to an incomplete numerical structure with the complex rotational action of the imaginary number i missing, the matrix algebra of Grassman, while mechanically useful, carries with it certain wrongheaded assumptions about infinity.
The solution was developed by Gauss, yet not put into direct use due to his uneasy political position of being the standard bearer for contemporary mathematics with its strict shibboleths. This Riemann was able to draw from Gauss the necessity of other geometries wherein the Euclidean flatness of space was violated. And significantly the possibility of the projective infinite "point" to be well defined in a curved phase space. Revolutionary, and not in keeping with the bad infinity night in which "all cows are black" of endless non transformational sameness of space itself.
And for all that Riemann developed as distinct geometric possibilities of metastasis of transformation, yet only partially adapted to physically causal space, the full essence of this quality of revolutionary ideas was up till now only adequately captured in art. This is due to a humanist polemic delivered unmediated as the sense of vision or hearing otherwise as unspoken fugal drama. Yet not a drama that may be criticized in the same way as being a referent to the limitations of historical finiteness of perspective. Its beautiful essence simply is. Nothing more nothing less.
When this higher species of transformational noetic mentation is demonstrated to be put into use, it necessitates conformity with its higher lawfulness. Thus as humanity emerges as an outer space residing civilization the lesser limitations of assumptions about human beings must be re-examined and false belief systems shed and adoption of a new visionary program for continuing development of scientific power made the essential framework for one’s worldview. If we are to not merely survive but strive toward a more perfect and prosperous unity, then those that matter will be heeded.
Saturday, February 11, 2023
Exudations of Ethereal Hope in Music
In this perhaps darkest epoch in human history, where must one turn for sustenance in the battle against the useless irrational geopolitical wars? In grasp of the technological marvels availing themselves as a result of relentless motor of progress? Or yet in an understanding that there is a higher principle afoot in the poetic sentiment as it develops through heightening what for no better term is the human soul or psyche.
For in the final analysis, the battle will be won on the plain of intellectual identity and its developmental purpose carried out to fruition. The horrible weapons of war are ironical manifestations of the very same spirit that would harness mechanical understanding for a beneficial end.
But it is necessary to change the mindset of the age itself toward true greatness of purpose. That in the end is demonstrated to our civilization’s mode of cognizance at the plateau of reason again ironically not in the necessary formulae of science, but rather in art. The most immediately compelling to our senses is music -- although the other arts may partake in the same elevated domain though less immediately. This is why great poetry, even in unstated intention, put to music has the potential to be doubly effective.
All in all, art has the power as a salve and inspiration of hope of better days, centuries and eons ahead into the perhaps unbounded immensity of peopling the galaxies. For our species attunement is far from attained but just in its infancy. It truly is our home in the stars that now inspires all serious forms of art. Thus the undeniable ethereal pathos of the perfectibly sublime as Beethoven's most advanced compositions amply demonstrate immediately to the better angels of our creative nature.