Rather than posit some exotic form of incomprehensible de novo mechanical geometrical model for the quantumsphere, why not apply the principles of n dimensional curvature that Bernard Riemann formulated? For example, a phase space where it is comprehensible that separate particles may be indistinguishably entangled or harmonized at non local scales?
And what sort of curvature would satisfy that condition in the confines of a Riemannian metric? If, for example, these quantum entities were to operate as poles of connectivity that somehow emerge together on a particular functional Riemann surface wherein they acquire the property of indistinguishability. Would that not provide a route to escape the obvious irrationality of action at a distance? What then is the appropriate geometric analysis situs that would make this possible? The ineffable quantum fluctuations of virtual particles appearing ex nihilo according to statistical methodology of “uncertainty” is at the root of this otherwise insoluble paradox. That is to say, the very nature of an aphysical and merely probable wave function is at the base of such consternation of unfathomability.
Likewise, the much ballyhooed hypothesized wormhole via an infinite mathematical transform in black holes takes on the same sort of mystification of confusing geometric models for physical reality as does mistaking probability matrices likewise.
My coining of the term quantasphere perhaps may have some relevance in a pathway to resolving the seemingly wild paradoxes in both the infinite and infinitesimal realms in the context of global reworking of electromagnetic dynamics.