Today's Elites

Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Substance of Human Freedom is the Ever Increasing Beauty of Possibility

 Probability, because it is by definition fixed, excludes the truly substantial possibility of the infinitely enriched geometry of human creative power to change reality for the good. The nature of curvature is such that a positively curved projected space affords a capturing of the undefined and weary infinity on the imaginary regular grid of fixed extension. All closed spherical spaces allow for this possibility. Negative curvature, on the other hand, along with its flat transition into the positive domain, can be normalized as a conformal mapping onto a multiply connected hyper surface. Thus, all potential upon the curved imaginary complex number n + 1 dimensional field defined for creative action within such a well defined global unit sphere of normal mapping extends and encapsulates all human possible endeavors. 

This is the principle of the individual's grasp of a true infinity. The essence therefore of filiation or solidarity of humanity in the ongoing tapestry of development away from ruinous bad choices dictated via the wrongful grasp of the confining strictures probability's flat-like limits that exclude this higher hypothesis of the unification of curvature. 

This is the reason we know that fixity is a false principle.  

Saturday, July 22, 2023

The Truthful Scientific Method

 The exploration and harnessing of anomalous states of organizations of matter, viz. the non living, living and noetic realms of acting within their bounds or across them particularly in the case of the noetic operating amongst all three.

This results in a method that portends concrete goals. Controlling energy forms and materials for enhancing human welfare. Harvesting nourishment in the most advanced nondestructive manner. Extending human senses and health spans. Providing advancing transportation via conquering space travel and habitation. Producing great art that lifts the mind and aspires to immortality. 

All this and more is part of a truthful scientific quest for discovering the limitless anomalous states heretofore identified.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

The Power of Good Ideas as Transformative

 The mind as distinct from consciousness per se is composed of many interconnected levels of human function. This constitutes a kind of imaginary space or field. These have an ordering across a spectrum. Mere physical survival being at one end and at the other survival in the realm of ideas. Individuals in society can inhabit at or near a particular spectral line along this spectrum as a locus of their activities. Individuals are also quite capable of inhabiting several nodal points in succession. Some will strive to bring forward the transformative power of changing civilization upon a long term mission to inhabit the knowable universe. 

An agreement in the realm of governing ideas with this outcome aforementioned, is in fact the only possible means available of effecting it. All else including vapid phrase mongering by a supposed intelligentsia is a waste of time, and unfortunately many times, human lives as well. Those that would exist on the highest platform of future reality must bring to bear all in their power such ideas as living off the planet will invariably produce. 

Thus the subject of control over our own future is in the appropriate hands and the lunatic quest to annihilate humanity via war is shed like a dead carcass. A diseased artifact of despotic and decayed rulership of historical peoples as empires sprung and withered or were forcibly torn to bits. 

Those answering this call will be the de facto lawgivers whether declared or not is of little consequence. Here we meet another historical faction of Socratic reason. The immense wealth of the deliberations over the proper fate of nations over centuries is also in the same spectral space of highest degree. Works of thought, like Plato’s Republic, Dante’s Divine Comedy, Shakespeare’s tragedies are branchpoints in the multi dimensional manifold of the mind of society itself. The individual in the here and now has a intersecting part in this higher cognitive history in productively effecting it’s outcome. 

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