If we survive the terrible twos of humanity’s evolution, the current nuclear age will be succeeded by the fusion (thermonuclear age) within the next decade or so. If we don’t suicide human civilization shortly, we will emerge from the terrible twos into preadolescence. That will mean the advent of the next sequential age after fusion, i.e. the antimatter age.
This arrow of human time is conformal with the reigning in of energy, the capability of biophysics advances in gene and proteomics and using the electromagnetic spectrum for communications as well as and at least as importantly, if not more so — Art. This is in no wise science fiction. Evolutionary trajectories are what Leibniz hailed as pre-established harmonically. Geometrically they are in the meta mathematical realm of the psyche, if you will. Such that as we advance our understanding of the synchronicity of curvature and dimensionality with numeric and meta numeric spacetime, that pathway by necessity create a succession of ascending phases in human development.