Today's Elites

Saturday, December 15, 2012

HSBC: A Study in the Wages of Sin

The Hong Kong Shanghai Bank Corporation cut its teeth on financing the forced imposition of the opium trade into China, which trade the Chinese fought the Opium Wars to end. The fallout of the cover-ups of the assassinations of JFK and RFK enabled Eisenhower's "military industrial complex" to engage in a never ending series of senseless geopolitical wars starting with Viet Nam. As a result the population has become increasingly culturally pessimistic in its outlook. (Kennedy's stirring outlook for NASA's mission is now a dim memory, for example.) This has been the perfect laboratory for the promotion of the drop-out, tune-in, turn-on malaise foisted upon us via the corporate entertainment media starting with the baby boomer generation. It is of quite lawful that the very same oligarchic financial interests emanating out of the City of London are repeating their timeworn strategy to this very day.

These same interests today through their practice of manipulation of farcical partisan politics have induced a majority of our "dazed and confused" population to submit to their bestial outlook. However, these latter day plutocrats cannot avoid the wages of their own debased plots. They cannot but be destroyed for their slavish violation of natural law. The only real issue is whether any of our posterity will emerge to outlive this notorious episode of the death throes of their monetary "empire."

Balaam and His Ass  Rembrandt

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