Today's Elites

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Unlearned Ignorance in Today's Mathematical Models

The revolutionary opus of Nicholas of Cusa situated the scientific mission and purpose for humanity's foreseeable future. The idea that we as a species are at the pinnacle of ongoing creation  in our unique ability to cognize, recapitulate and further develop that very same state of creative becoming. This being irretrievably and undeniably the case, any mathematical schema or model of so called forces operating in or on the universe which leaves this absolutely necessary and salient condition out of the bounds of consideration is from the outset vitiated and invalid.

So we continue to unceasingly bump our increasingly bedizened and befuddled pates into the irony that the universe just doesn't seem to comply with our irrational conceits. How very surprising this all seems to to the students of a benighted philosophy of irrational chaos as the motive force of the universe! But, in fact, this is not a wonder at all. The view that "dark unknown forces" have our species in a forever hopeless situation is nothing more than the infantile earth worship model everywhere pervading human history and prehistory.

The answer? Throw these worse than useless assumptions embedded in such nominalist mathematics away. Work from an urgent sense of mission for humanity's ongoing present and future needs to increase our ability to prosper.

Big Mystery in the Perseus Cluster

Nicholas of Cusa
(founder of "learned ignorance" method of scientific investigation)

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