While I am adamantly opposed to neoliberalism, I fear Mr. Hendrix does not offer a workable alternative. The problem is that we pulled the plug on FDR's economics when Nixon ended the Bretton Woods gold reserve standard. This lead to unbridled speculation in the form of the Euro dollar and currency arbitrage. The collapse in 2008 of the derivative securities home loans was just a sequel of this speculation. These derivative markets now have a global nominal value in the quadrillions of dollars. Unless we return to Glass Steagall and put the financial speculators out of business the cancerous growth of this bubble will continue until it collapses yet again. There is yet much more to be done to reorganize the global financial system based upon trade agreements for vast infrastructure projects, cooperation in vital areas of fusion energy research and space. This can only be achieved by a powerful group of nations that would oppose neo-liberalism's foreign policy of endless geopolitical wars. These Nations are the US, China, Russia and India. Here is a conference this weekend that will convene to implement these principles: https://schillerinstitute.nationbuilder.com/20200905_conference#reg
Eratosthenes first measured the circumference of the earth from the shadows cast by the sun. Today, humanity's fitness to survive will be measured by our ability to conquer that same thermonuclear fusion that casts those shadows. Thus, Prometheus will truly be unbound.

Today's Elites
Monday, August 31, 2020
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Energy Dynamics: The Key to Scientific Progress and Survival
Lately, I have been urged to clarify some principals with which every citizen should be familiar that are critical to humanity's survival. If we as a society fail to understand and act upon these principals we will not provide the economic means for our future generations to live in increasing freedom from want and disease. Therefore, those among us that can grasp the truth must lead the way out of the errors in policies we have adopted.
Usually, the idea of economics is thought of as the use of money to purchase things. However, money has no real value if there is nothing to purchase with it. Of course that would be an extreme rather Hollywood dystopian scenario. It is easier to see how in a nation that has a collapsed economy, money rapidly loses its value.
Perhaps one way to approach the lack of understanding due to the prejudice that money has value in itself is through the idea of the need to provide energy to sustain the economy. Recently I came across some interesting and worthy studies regarding energy dynamics.
Now, one may look at this issue in regard to differing realms of reality. What I mean by this for instance is we can for example view the engine of cellular processes which use ATP. This would be what a very great Soviet era scientist Vladimir Vernadsky called the biosphere. Scientists at the Gladstone Institute carried out an audit of how every gene in human beings have a role in either making or consuming energy in the form of ATP. This study is absolutely critical because the cellular energy throughput is central to biophysics just as it is to the functioning of the physical economy. Our understanding of these functions effects whether we can treat or cure a whole host of human diseases.
At a totally different realm of reality "a team of physicists from University College London measured the separation between two specific energy levels of positronium, what’s known as its fine structure." This strata is obviously inorganic and would fit into Vernadsky's system as part of the lithosphere. However, this is extremely critical as well for humanity. Why is this so?Wednesday, August 26, 2020
A Supplication
Tell me, Ourania, Muse of Astronomy: Can anyone steeped in the vapid doctrines of entropic physics yet still look upon such views of our universe and not be brought to truly marvel at such nonpareil majestic order?
For this, the minds across the ages that immerse themselves unalloyed in reflecting a selfless love of grandure's sublimity partake of immortality whosoever they be.
So too, returning to fathom the immensity of Time's ever fecund riddle with gifts for a renewed mission such Futurity beckons ever and anon. It is there in all Your works of lofty wonderment.