Today's Elites

Monday, August 31, 2020

Response to Glen Hendrix' article "Economists Have Been Lying to Us for Decades"

 While I am adamantly opposed to neoliberalism, I fear Mr. Hendrix does not offer a workable alternative. The problem is that we pulled the plug on FDR's economics when Nixon ended the Bretton Woods gold reserve standard. This lead to unbridled speculation in the form of the Euro dollar and currency arbitrage. The collapse in 2008 of the derivative securities home loans was just a sequel of this speculation. These derivative markets now have a global nominal value in the quadrillions of dollars. Unless we return to Glass Steagall and put the financial speculators out of business the cancerous growth of this bubble will continue until it collapses yet again. There is yet much more to be done to reorganize the global financial system based upon trade agreements for vast infrastructure projects, cooperation in vital areas of fusion energy research and space. This can only be achieved by a powerful group of nations that would oppose neo-liberalism's foreign policy of endless geopolitical wars. These Nations are the US, China, Russia and India. Here is a conference this weekend that will convene to implement these principles:

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