Today's Elites

Tuesday, March 02, 2021

The Threat of the Corona Virus Versus IMF/Free Trade Economics

I am an iconoclast, not an "expert." However, I do have the power of reasoned dialogue, as should all thinking citizens of this planet. So, what I want to accomplish here in this post is to bring up some pertinent questions about the topic in its title.

What I am referring to is the discrepancy and inconsistency in the attitude of the public toward the dual issues of self preservation of society and economics. Now, many so called conservatives will pooh pooh the idea that the current pandemic is all that dangerous to necessitate extreme public health measures like quarantine and vaccination. On the other hand, the liberals will denigrate the claims (or simply ignore them altogether) that the so called Green New Deal policies will lead to the inability of society to maintain the current world population of some nearly eight billion souls on this planet, let alone increase that number considerably. 

I think that kowtowing to either false set of beliefs is frankly immoral. The problem is that the population suffers from the illusions that are imposed upon their thinking. This is nothing marvelously new. In fact, it is old as proverbial mud. The problem is that the lessons from allegories can be pretty much interpreted as it suits to reinforce the false axioms of these aforementioned belief structures. Plato's Republic features a very challenging such allegory, the "myth" of the cave. 

The question is are we being shown mere shadows projected by "puppet masters" on our current equivalent of walls of the cave in order to chain us or better immobilize us to the passivity of "chains of illusion?" 

The level of poverty in most of this planet, including pockets in the USA, if not remediated will inevitably lead to the outbreak of old and new epidemics via the vectors of lack of sanitation, including fresh water and lack of adequate nutrition. So, shutting down the borders and fiddling while the planet starves will come back to haunt the isolationists. Likewise, shutting down the use of hydrocarbons (the term "fossil fuels" has been proven incorrect and should be abandoned) means that we consign the world to increased poverty leading to the very same outcome of poverty and mass epidemics. 

I believe these outcomes based upon the deliberative dialogue of reason are unassailable. Now, I have spent some forty years or so of my adult life promoting solutions to the economics of the power of an age old establishment that controls the power of money and military  as a means to enforce the disastrous results that society currently confronts. The truth is indeed out there. However, unless you, dear reader, squarely face that you are being manipulated into an ideological straightjacket of immobility, then humanity will continue to needlessly suffer ever greater catastrophes. 

Rembrandt: Jerome

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