This morning, I came across
this excellent hypothesis. Importantly, the history of human usage of available resources in one mode of technology recapitulates this biospheric evolutionary forcing vector. Resolving the false claim that humanity is "unnatural."
The principle really goes back to the process of the creation of a physical plenum. After all availability of states in a phase of work in the biosphere are used, a crisis of depletion of resources, in this case iron, evolution finds a pathway to diversify. It solves a problem.
In this sense, evolution exhibits a primitive sort of willfulness by changing in the face of the pressure of continued existence. Right now, we are in the throes of combatting a virus that is displaying precisely that very same principle.
Yet again, we confront the unique property of human consciously willful creative discovery that requires our civilization to advance to the next resource base of thermonuclear fusion energy. And as I have been emphasizing the equally transformative development of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)
fusion plasma torch for redefining our available resources.