Today's Elites

Monday, December 05, 2022

The Purpose of Ancient Astronomy Unveiled

There is a universality over the ages in mankind’s seemingly innate urge to view the night skies as worshipful and thereby indicative of a greater power than anyone’s mere mortal understanding. Thus we mapped meticulously those very same arrangements of stars, planets and their movements in time. There did not need to be a rationale as to the why and wherefore of this ancient practice because it’s purpose was unquestionably embedded in our very collective psyches. 

Now as we stand at the brink of becoming a space faring society, we need no longer puzzle about this ineluctable passion and idee fixe of civilizations as far back say as the astronomically arranged megaliths of at least ten thousands years BCE recently excavated in Turkiye. 

Our destiny is proven by advancements in technology that make possible our leaving this tiny orb in order to dwell among and populate the stars we so perfervidly embrace as heaven. The faith in turning our attention to that which embraces our mortality with an ongoing quest at attaining an harmonic conformal unity with those heavenly bodies was always the inner subject of what we designate as the beautiful whatever form it takes. 

Thus humanity finds its true higher self in a home in the heavens as we begin to take the first tiny yet enormous steps to build new cities on the moon and Mars. 

Artist conception of a nuclear rocket. Credit: NASA

Sunday, October 16, 2022

The Unlearned Lesson of the Age of Drama as War By Other Means

 Diplomacy is viewed as a continuation of war by other means by the strategist von Clausewitz. But great tragic drama also held this position at crucial periods of epochal changes in the course of human history. Thus were the series of plays at the time of Shakespeare consciously designed to capture the imagination of the ruling classes. In particular Christopher Marlowe's oeuvre rises to the level of Plato's dialogues as interventionist in the sense of holding forth a kind of scorching mirror to the all too human follies of aborted imperial delusions. This is the mantle that Shakespeare and his collaborators took up thereafter in the wake of Marlowe's apparent assassination. 

This Abraham Lincoln seems to have fully grasped in his determination to save the union in the face of headwinds that would have set history on a perversely tragic course if the outcome of civil war was less than victory. We, i.e. humanity s a whole, have been enmired in endless proxy wars since the advent of the "atomic age" for nearly a century since the end of WWII.

Where is our Shakespeare or Schiller in these "latter days?" Can history pivot upon an intervention of that very sort at the latest stage of imperialistic schemes. The worldview of human aims is crucially bifurcated at present. Either a tragedy on the current world stage of events cataclysmic in scope will surely ensue or humanity will enter into a new realm of mutually assured survival to a new era of untold possibilities. The tale of Dr. Faustus was not a myth per se, but rather a glimpse behind the curtain as it were, of the "magicians" moving history behind the thrones of feudal ambitions writ large.

The question remains can we move beyond the era of this worthless impasse of decimations wrought by the very real evil of geopolitics? How can the world at the brink be brought back from deadly posturing of annihilation that currently is drummed into our daily political architecture's rank and hopelessly virulent discourse? What most threatens this nightmare scenario to tweak the higher sensibilities of the common aims of a now viciously divided humanity?  

The blatant fallacies about the role and capacity of civilization's scientific prowess regarding the fate of this planet, nay even our solar system and beyond, and our place in that yet unfurled necessary history need desperately to be satisfactorily resolved in the here and now. There are enough signs of mitigation of backward tendencies breaking down. Even the arch neo-Malthusians like Greta Thunberg are pausing to rethink the rationale of their foreboding "end of history" illusions. Nuclear energy. including fusion research, as a resolution of planetary self destruction is coming to the fore seemingly miraculously off stage. 

The end of menial labor is envisioned as we enter the robotic age of "occupying" space. No longer relegated to the confines of the false imagination of tendentious and risibly adolescent tales of apocalyptic "science fiction." There is a harrowing yet harmonious resolution awaiting us out of the hellish landscape of equally bad choices for the useless confrontations of resource wars currently nearing their end phase. If we only were able to rise above petty concerns hampering our palpable route to success. 

For the consciousness of all human beings, in the end, are the common result of the astronomical ongoing processes of ever greater unfolding development of unified reality that we yet know so little of. What grand and consequential problems will confront our progeny in a post geopolitical universe of our own making. Happiness, in whatever manner it transpires, today, is defined and constituted in safely shepherding those future generations beyond the scenario of an otherwise inglorious and tragic end that need not be otherwise. 

James Webb image

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Paean to the Endless Night

 Is, oh muse of mine

It time from the loosened 

Shards of generations past

Returning to fortune’s heavy

Fate a wakeless sleep

Entranced in utter stillness.

Unbelieving we could be 

Insensate, in the moment 

Destined to test age old 

Fears of mortality’s quest

Of faith in the embrace

Wisdom’s proffered path.

Among the ashes dead

From fires that ravished

In bewildered tears.

Yet now we glean to grasp

The future strife not yet

Begun amid the ruins

Of wars half fought thought

Unending on the brink

Of survival or destruction. 

Still hope now lurches

And leaps to beckon anew.

A drama unimagined fraught

With endless undiscovered

Universes of the possible.

Home to stars untold unmet

Yearning to be known boldly

Painting the way forward now

Anon the lights lead it’s sojourner

To beauty’s realms unending 

Dream quenched heights.

Sunday, October 09, 2022

The Only Basis for a Resolution of the False Set of Choices of Geopolitics

 The banner that the American Revolution was heralded under “Common Sense,” today needs a "great reset" instead to the Common Aims of Humanity. No other lesser basis will usher humanity out of the current existential impasse. 

Only a manifestly higher standpoint that relegates artificial divisions among humanity to the dustbin can be the basis for lasting peace. Every human person must be viewed as potential for development. And every nation must ensure the necessities of that human person are met. This was semi articulated with the UN declaration of guaranteed human rights before that phrase began to be used as an excuse for engaging in warfare in the name of humanitarianism. Instead, the actual motivation has been resource grabs. I.e. looting of regimes subservient to the self declared "rules based order" otherwise better characterized as geopolitical financial/military imperialism. 

I have laid out the basis for a new system of international relations as follows:

Agenda for Future Successful Vectoring of Our True Species Nature

1. Control of electromagnetic spectrum.

2. Control over space by making it practical for humanity to visit the universe without end.

3. Control of time through expansion of healthy lifetimes ad infinitum.

4. Control of potential participation of creation of beauty via all art forms of all members of humanity.

5. Development of program for continuous perfection of all that knowledge for which we discover the need based upon a series of the forgoing achievements. 

Saturday, October 01, 2022

A Treatment of Interrelated Psychological and Physical Characteristics of Economics as Tensor Oriented Systems

 Much has been ballyhooed of late in almost quasi religious terms regarding the “rules based system of international relations.” We can perhaps resolve the seeming incongruities of the apparent immiscible categories in the title of this post by weighting them relative to tensor-like attributes. This post was in reaction to the Tesla presentation from yesterday. This could resolve the mystical qualities of the valuation of national and international currencies.

Following up from my most recent post regarding LaRouche’s metric for physical economics potential reducing power as it relates to nation states interrelationships with the global economy. First, we must situate the differential between the psychological and physical attributes of money. Money as a reference exchange and also as credit for future investment must be disentangled. The current global conflict over the issue multi or unipolarity comes distinctly into play here. This is directly related to the issue of what constitutes a nation state versus a system of global relations. 

The military enforcement of “rules” of trade of goods and services across borders encompasses the strategy of “offshoring” labor by methods “primitive accumulation,” (also known as looting) “race to the bottom” has dramatically backfired upon its authors especially in the case of China’s centralized economy. It should be no surprise that all the proxy wars the world has suffered through over the course of the twentieth and twenty first centuries thus far especially since the stalemate of “mutually assured destruction” doctrine of Kissinger, et al. are intimately bound up in reality as resource grabs. However, the market psychology of “floating currencies” seemingly detached from nationstate economies has artificially propped up in reality a false dollar dominated globalism masked by gambits of military adventurism using the excuses of humanitarian intervention against putatively autocratic regimes.

This era is now perhaps at a terminal crossroads. The rational approach toward rectifying this extremely perilous state of affairs is to set up a new system of monetary relations among sovereign nations that is mutually beneficial over the long term that increases both the local and global standard of living based upon increasing secularly the potential relative population density per square kilometer via the benefits of technological progress afforded by rapid advances in technological progress. This is attained by viewing the necessity of greatly increasing the reducing power of energy flux density as the basis for monetary relations among national trading partners. 

This is where the issue of a tensor based measuring system comes into play. The key categories to be taken into account as vectors in a multidimensional schema are advances in energy (foremost nuclear fusion/MHD economic transformation,) transportation infrastructure, agriculture, robotics, healthcare (including basic biophysical research in promoting increased healthspan) and lastly and most importantly space habitation, mining, etc. This all correlates with by necessity with the topological stimulation of artistic productions of beauty coeval with scientific endeavor. The value of an economy at any time is a tensor of these disparate modes of vector space.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Death of the Green Delusion

 If there is one bright spot in the midst of a perhaps fatal geopolitical tragedy, it is that the Green Party has had to eat crow on the outright delusion of the ludicrous premise of passive sustainability of so called clean energy. The great German scientific tradition of Gauss, Riemann, and Einstein, et al. may now perhaps yet be revived as the quackery of the neoMalthusian delusion ends in a well deserved good death to put a fine point on the matter. 

While there are many things to find fault with in the political praxis of the movement that goes by his name, LaRouche’s concept of the necessity of the secular increase of the per capita energy density throughput per square kilometer is an instance of a solidly grounded scientific principle. It is the case that humanity could survive so far as energy is concerned with the resource base of thorium nuclear energy for some thousand years at the current energy diet that we exist on today. However, if we were to increase the general standard of living on the planet to what is considered an upper middle class condition, then that estimate would be seriously reduced. But even then, we would merely be treading water.

For a enduring prospect of society’s emergence from the current mutually assured destruction geopolitical doctrine we urgently require much much more than that. The only exit from this irrational dilemma is a conjoint series of agreements among nations to move to an entirely new domain in the arena of scientific breakthroughs in agriculture, water projects, transportation, space colonization, biophysics and a nuclear fusion/MHD technological Revolution. Any disagreement with this is prima facie of no merit if one comprehends the aforementioned principle of energy flux density. There is no room for caviling with the truthfulness of this overriding reality at this late date in human history. Either we progress at an ever increasing rate or we perish.

Monday, September 12, 2022

The Lighthouse Revisited

Jan 1 — 1796. This day — my first on the light-house — I make this entry in my Diary, as agreed on with De Grät. As regularly as I can keep the journal, I will — but there is no telling what may happen to a man all alone as I am — I may get sick, or worse ..... So far well! The cutter had a narrow escape — but why dwell on that, since I am here, all safe? My spirits are beginning to revive already, at the mere thought of being — for once in my life at least — thoroughly alone; for, of course, Neptune, large as he is, is not to be taken into consideration as “society”. Would to Heaven I had ever found in “society” one half as much faith as in this poor dog: — in such case I and “society” might never have parted — even for the year ... What most surprises me, is the difficulty De Grät had in getting me the appointment — and I a noble of the realm! It could not be that the Consistory had any doubt of my ability to manage the light. One man had attended it before now — and got on quite as well as [page 2:] the three that are usually put in. The duty is a mere nothing; and the printed instructions are as plain as possible. It never would have done to let Orndoff accompany me. I never should have made any way with my book as long as he was within reach of me, with his intolerable gossip — not to mention that everlasting mëerschaum. Besides, I wish to be alone ...... It is strange that I never observed, until this moment, how dreary a sound that word has — “alone”! I could half fancy there was some peculiarity in the echo of these cylindrical walls — but oh, no! — this is all nonsense. I do believe I am going to get nervous about my insulation. That will never do. I have not forgotten De Grät's prophecy. Now for a scramble to the lantern and a good look around to “see what I can see” ................ To see what I can see indeed! — not very much. The swell is subsiding a little, I think — but the cutter will have a rough passage home, nevertheless. She will hardly get within sight of the Norland before noon to-morrow — and yet it can hardly be more than 190 or 200 miles.

Jan.2. I have passed this day in a species of ecstasy that I find it impossible [page 3:] to describe. My passion for solitude could scarcely have been more thoroughly gratified. I do not say satisfied; for I believe I should never be satiated with such delight as I have experienced to-day ......... The wind lulled about day-break, and by the afternoon the sea had gone down materially ..... Nothing to be seen, with the telescope even, but ocean and sky, with an occasional gull.

Jan. 3. A dead calm all day. Towards evening, the sea looked very much like glass. A few sea-weeds came in sight; but besides them absolutely nothing all day — not even the slightest speck of cloud. ....... Occupied myself in exploring the light-house .... It is a very lofty one — as I find to my cost when I have to ascend its interminable stairs — not quite 160 feet, I should say, from the low-water mark to the top of the lantern. From the bottom inside the shaft, however, the distance to the summit is 180 feet at least: — thus the floor is 20 feet below the surface of the sea, even at low-tide ...... It seems to me that the hollow interior at the bottom should have been filled in with solid masonry. Undoubtedly the whole would have been thus rendered more safe: — but what am I thinking about? A structure such as this is safe enough under any circumstances. I should feel myself secure [page 4:] in it during the fiercest hurricane that ever raged — and yet I have heard seamen say occasionally, with a wind at South-West, the sea has been known to run higher here than any where with the single exception of the Western opening of the Straits of Magellan. No mere sea, though, could accomplish anything with this solid iron-riveted wall — which, at 50 feet from high-water mark, is four feet thick, if one inch ........ The basis on which the structure rests seems to me to be chalk ......

Jan 4.

There is much meat for how this fragment by Poe would have been carried forward. My reflections follow.

January of the year of 1796, the date Napoleon about to be appointed as general in France. Jay Treaty between Britain and the U.S. ratified. 

De Grät. Napoleon. Norwegian for they wept. He has an unnamed prophecy. The strict condition of Keeping a diary. This could be Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon and similar utilitarian dogma that Poe lampooned in his tales of talented as opposed to genius “practical men.”

Neptune was the name of the dog in The Diary of Julius Rodman. That fictional diary was entered into the Congressional record as proof of an American claim to land on the continental west coast. 

 The meërschaum pipe of Orndorf, with his intolerable gossip. Meerschaum is “sea-foam” translated. The mineral floats upon the Dead Sea. How unlike Dupin with his meërschaum and lofty and superior investigatorial method. 

The cutter that apparently brought the narrator will be in sight of a ship called The Norland. Again Norway. 

The Lighthouse. Explored, its construction may have been unsafe, yet having a solid iron-riveted wall — which, at 50 feet from high-water mark, is four feet thick, the lower floor 20 feet below the sea at low tide.  Embedded in chalk. The sea has been known to run higher here than any where with the single exception of the Western opening of the Straits of Magellan. Is this a case of pit and pendulum and the maelstrom combined? 

The italicized words in order: can, here, One, alone, faith, That, satisfied, inside, safe. Perhaps "That one here inside, can faith alone satisfy safe."  or "That safe here inside. One faith alone can satisfy ." See the transcedalists that Poe excoriated as Bedlamites time and again as in The Fall of the House of Usher and Professor Tar and Dr. Feathers in particular.

What to make of these hints? Was Poe assigned some mission dealing with a diplomatic geopolitical issue before his untimely death, in the midst of an American election in Baltimore, perhaps having been a political murder? 

Norway had opposed Napoleon and thereby became independent from Denmark. Norway's constitutional monarchy established in 1814. Marquis de Lafayette's American triumphant tour in 1824 for which the young Poe appeared as part of an honor guard. During the French revolution he stood for a constitutional monarchy, but fled the terror to Austria where he was held prisoner from 1772 to 1779 and freed thanks to the efforts of his wife. As Beethoven's opera Fidelio celebrated. LaFayette personally visited and honored Poe's grandfather Quartermaster General David Poe's widow with a pension in Baltimore. George Washington provided sanctuary for LaFayette’s children. 

As to the intolerable gossip of Orndorf, how is this related to the Emerson essay Self Reliance? Poe’s campaign against Masonic Quietism of Longfellow, which is also the Romanticist DeStael’s back to nature trope of Transcendentalism. Remember that Poe elaborated that Kepler’s hypothesis generation augmented with consistency is the path to all scientific progress in his Eureka. See Thoreau and Emerson’s Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds quotation. And his quest to be completely alone outside of society’s constraints as solipsism. This breaks down the necessary rationality and invites madness of a crazed internal dialogue as in mens rea of The Telltale Heart. 

On the other hand might our protagonist been smitten on his walk with a premonition of the future state of humanity. Could he have foreseen the technological revolution as he gazed seaward and imagined this our planet as a sort of stepping stone to other worlds? And could he have foreseen the mighty power of that same revolution as it wrought a great I’ll of war of the world against that very same human population?

Didn’t Dante Alighieri imagine himself upon the moon with his beloved Beatrice? Thus the mind’s eye establishes a feint possibility of attaining a very real future utopia. Such that this unfinished work of Poe becomes a glimmer of the soul of the creation of the narrator of his own Eureka prose poem where he looks into the future and finds his own image only.

Friday, September 09, 2022

The End Of the Era of Empire

 The ever present and looming threat of humanity’s obliteration in thermonuclear world war has only one possible virtuous outcome. It is the mutually beneficial solution that extirpates the mental disease afflicting humanity from time immemorial. That of empire. 

The only form of domination that makes any sense at all is one of constructing timely solutions of the problems facing the necessary prosperity of physical and mental well being of human posterity. The elements of such are either at hand or within our grasp in the near term. It is in the nature of true statecraft to foster these at this epoch. We have only the horror of starkly fatal and frankly quite hideous and  suicidally unthinkable future in our failure to do so.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

A New Declaration of Independence

 The most pressing question facing this planet today is just this. How did the United States of America founded upon the principle that all men are created equal become a captive of a financial oligarchy pursuing global wars on that very oligarchy’s behalf? Since Alexander Hamilton influenced the farewell address of George Washington with the adamant precaution of not ensnaring us in foreign wars and Abraham Lincoln pronounced that this reunited nation is of, by, and for the people, we have indeed become ensnared in forever neocolonial conflagrations and become a nation of a false would be elite.

The power of a new conceptual constitutional framework for the republic must not be diminished. For it is in the tale of Socrates demonstrating to the Athenian oligarchy that a “mere” slave boy was inherently capable of recapitulation of the most profound knowledge of current Pythagorean geometry through a method of questioning the tenets of proof of a higher order than the fixed relationships of the Hellenic society. But Plato did not succeed in bringing about such revolutionary necessary change to the fallacious structure of that society. However, the principle of reason endured because it’s universal application was required to advance humanity.

Today, we stand amidst a terrible choice of two possible pathways much as Dante Alighieri describes in his fictional account of being in a deep woods in his Commedia. The one path is of hell on earth of war, scarcity, starvation, and evolving pandemics coupled with the new age technological games as soporifics as we descend into oblivion and annihilation. The other path is a cleansing reorganizing purge of the false monetary and arbitrary rules based global immiseration of illiquid worthless debt to be followed with a climb to the summit of human achievement in improving standards of living. This includes food, energy, healthcare, material infrastructure, education and the resurrection of the aspirations of humanity to emerge as a species off this lonely and imperiled blue orb of habitation we will sing of in future epics as our onetime home.

Friday, August 12, 2022

“When Their Bellies Hit Their Backbones”

 I’ve lived a most fascinating life in the most fascinating times. Potentially, each of us recapitulates the entirety of human developmental history in our own lifetime. This is the real non mystical meaning of the psychological microcosm macrocosm principle.

Some fifty or so years past I had an associate in the International Caucus of the Labor Committees of the Students for a Democratic Society (ICLC of the SDS.) Today otherwise known as either the LaRouche Association or the opposed LaRouchePac. His name, if memory serves me, was Archie Marsh. He had been a volunteer in the Spanish Civil War with the Mackenzie Papineau Brigades and a member of the Wobblies or IWW (Industrial Workers of the World.) He also shunned all socialist groups at the time as being "agents of the state."

Archie had an oft repeated truism about organizing the “masses.” "They won’t join til their bellies hit their backbones." Perhaps, just perhaps this admonition may indeed be born out in the near future due to what I have signified as the suicidal geopolitical death wish of our establishment elites. The handwriting is on the wall as in the wonderful cartoon of Rembrandt of Belshazzar’s Feast. Thus does history repeat itself if perhaps only metaphorically...

Rembrandt: Public Domain

Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Effect of Revolutionary Realizable Scientific Advancements and the Organization of Society

 While the follies of failed ideology proceed to their inevitable undoing, the continuing efforts to advance humanity’s mastery of space, communication, energy, biophysics and indeed time itself tend to undermine the matrix of outmoded assumptions of societal organization. 

For example, the recent incipient  development of non-invasive brain electromagnetic interface with control of the so called internet of things via uniquely designed metasurfaces by Chinese researchers coupled with advancements in the peopling of habitable planets and bodies artificial in outer space portends a potential overthrowing of the geopolitical deadly “Great Game” underway in the current unfolding of history. 

The new powers thus to be unleashed are of a reordering “game changing” significance. This is the lifeline for altering human history in the near and long term. This includes but is not limited to financial systems and redefined resource bases.

A program of financial reforms that conform to such true long term aims of humanity may be in the offing in the near term as the crisis of the outmoded faulty system comes to a close. As strange as this line of thinking might appear on the surface of things, nevertheless such are the underpinnings of history’s march if examined in the proper perspective. 

Saturday, June 04, 2022

Who Makes History?

 There is a zeitgeist willy-nilly for good or ill abroad on this planet. Now, there are several aspects of that phenomenon that may be considered. One interesting literary and political giant that had much to say on the subject was the good Reverend Jonathan Swift. In particular, he brought to consciousness the battle of the books as an example of “modernity” versus classicism. Brahms once remarked when the coterie around Wagner pompously proclaimed that his leitmotif compositions were the “music of the future,” that his music must be the music of the moment. 

Which is to say, that the spirit of the age acted to divide seemingly automatically art itself into camps. Thus Shelley’s dictum that the true poet necessarily reflects in many cases almost involuntarily that self same spirit. But as Swift pointed out in Gulliver, most of the true actors that effected historical change are unknown to the stories we get passed down as “the truth.” And this brings me back to the question of the character of the direction of society molded by the superiority of epistemology at any point along the vector of time for human civilization. 

For example, take the extant plays of Aeschylus that use the chorus to aesthetically better humanity versus say Euripides who can only bring a tragic sort of forever war bias upon the stage. These alternate worldviews were of the age in Greece. But the audience that set the standard of performance must not be kept in the shadows. And there were of course a myriad of manners to embrue the city states’ inhabitants with that question of epistemology in subtler ways.

The world today is at a great crossroads. Much as in Dante’s Commedia, the alternate pathways for society are distinctly hellish or quite literally heavenly. A war to truly, this time, end all wars or a reordering of the  mission for humanity to venture forth into that hitherto great unknown. Thus the universality of the aforementioned zeitgeist.

Monday, May 23, 2022

The Current Strategic Miasma and Its Opportunities

 The Bidens are merely the latest crop of penny-anti crooks at the helm of a class of what can only be characterized as utopian dimwits that have reigned in the collective west for some 60 years or so since the time of the Vietnam war. These are the purveyors of a collection of hysterical myths concerning the tenets of a successful ruling ideology. This package of false beliefs center on free trade, deindustrialization, mutually assured destruction, post industrial consumer economics and increasingly wild forms of financial speculation surrounding pronouncedly the allure of the so called Information Age. 

The latest absurd gambit of this neoMalthusian phony elite has been the ploy of military encirclement of Russia as a sequel of previous financial looting with the fall of the former Soviet Union. The current miscalculation of egging the Russians on the path toward military action in Ukraine may well represent the last hurrah of this clique of a stupefied western clique of Apres Nous la Deluge death wishers.

The realists that recognize that a population must be supported with adequate energy, foodstuffs, and most especially the science and technology to make sufficient improvements in those long abandoned arenas may surprisingly come into the fore as if out of nowhere. This tendency can be observed in those isolated cases of supporters of nuclear energy, biophysical, nuclear fusion and space science categories of research. This realism may possibly evoke a concomitant breeze of fresh air in the arts away from the pessimistic escapism of the counterculture that has dominated increasingly in the last epoch now coming to a perhaps rather rapid close. The collapse on multiple levels of this bastardized ideology is now imminent; the making the heretofore unthinkable quite practicable. Perhaps… 

Saturday, May 07, 2022

Poetics of Scientific Worldviews

 One would liken the unambiguously rational in the fugues of J.S. Bach to an age that produced them. One of enlightened humanist science. The laws of the universe were consonant with the ongoing perfection of mankind’s rational power.

Today, on the other hand there is a disjunction between any basis for art or poetry, in the broad sense, from cohering with science. They have become thereby stultified into hermetically sealed pipelines. Forever bifurcated the gulf only widens between art and science. For a portion of human society to leave behind this planet, this separation must be annealed. In particular, this pertains to the psychical wholeness required for the intensity of purpose of space faring pioneers.

This sometimes is likened to the hybrid “technologized“ human individual. Indeed, lesser animal functions themselves will likewise be optimized via breakthroughs in applied technology including gene editing in proteomic science. Enhancement of senses will follow with increasing health. This will necessitate the production of great beauty that inspires creativity. 

For example, view Beethoven’s late works in this regard. Boldly non conformist and wonderfully befitting the human power to celebrate creative beauty. That very creativity is at it’s foundation concomitant with advances in science. It constantly reorders art to a higher plateau of truthfulness. Continuous creative transformative technological development requires problem solving qualities above all else. Heightened talent to produce hypotheses about potential advances in research. 

Listening to the conducting by Furtwangler of Beethoven's last Lenore Overture makes this very explicit.

Thursday, May 05, 2022

Orders of Substance and Immortality

 Ordinarily, substance is taken to be that which is “solid” in one way or another to the senses. However, the question must be asked whether that which is metaphysical, i.e., ideas are not perhaps substantial in a different sense. 

For it is apparent that representations in the imagination are capable of being brought into the realm of solidity by an act of the will. Now while those ideas as potential are merely at the condition of in-betweenness, as it were, are they not just as substantial as say the biological substrate of reality that may likewise not have as of yet come into being? 

In fact, may we not propose that since ideas may possibly be transformative of human social relationships that indeed qualitatively exceed the relatively fixed character, at least as far as willfulness is concerned, of biology alone, that their nature is of a higher ordering in so far as concerns their degree of freedom? 

Now, ideas to be brought from the imagination into fruition may be of distinct types. They may be broadly problem solving in applying existing practices in statecraft, scientific or artistic fields. They also may be novel creative breakthroughs in those same fields. These resolve themselves into levels of hypothesis.

Turning to ideas about ideas or better hypotheses about hypotheses, we enter into a uniquely human striatum in the ordering of reality. This schema is easily demonstrated to be capable of ongoing improvements in an open ended manner. Perfectibility.

Thus it is that the power within this open ended extended infinite history of humanity as a whole is sufficiently proven to be temporally immortal. And it is in that sense that we as substance outlive this our mere mortal coil of biological substance. Any other speculation about this question of immortality is therefore inconsequential. 

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Practical Futurism: The Current Surmountable Division of Humanity

 In the pre space based society the two main outlooks on the meaning of life broke down into distinct and incongruous worldviews. 

Those that believed space technology and its correlatives are of no ultimate importance to "life here on earth" were a sort of broad scale convergence of struggles mixed with ennui both unacknowledged and unspoken. 

On the other hand the soon to be dominant order of society was extremely outspoken in promoting the grandest leap of technology ever envisioned thereby transforming the individuals as instruments within that mission of the continuous scientific progress.

The financial powers thinking they controlled technology to their own ends were soon disabused of their folly. The insane presumptions that controlling land and resources could compete with technological transformation in the very definition of resources via the thermonuclear fusion MHD space economy. 

As interplanetary workforce expands by the dint of necessity, a sort of "trans-human" prototype will emerge. This will hopefully "cleanse" the future of human civilization of non consequential mundane concerns such as inherited land, wealth and titles to standing on this launching pad of a planet. 

The very notion of resources will undergo a revolution of a nature analogous to a Cantorian cardinality of transfinite. The earth based survivors of geopolitical machinations whatever their state may be still yet the recipients of such largess of the successor society. Such will function as human resources to be recruited as citizen potential yet bound to earth to the unfolding tasks of ongoing emerging areas of concern in increasingly audacious goals in the conquest of a deeper deployments and habitations in space, in kind and spirit. 

Artist's Conception of Nuclear Power Deployment on Mars

NASA Glenn Research

Sunday, April 17, 2022

The Unheard Beauty of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony

 The inchoate supernal dialogue that is both a premonition of loss and joyful herald of hope at once washes over the listener in astounding hyperbolic drama waged through the originality in the voices that Beethoven illumines. The mind is uniquely the subject of possibility of unfettered access to creative genius as a fully developed emotional journey’s comprehension and progress beyond the mere mundane to  the seeming invitation to forever soar above in celestial glory. 

Listen on this Vernal Celebration of the Power to Do the Universal Good still somehow even yet within humanity’s fleeting grasp. Delicate as a baby’s tears turning to laughter, yet powerful as the very substance  of galactic forces nearly unimaginable drawing in of all matter into the vortex that we only know as seen by it’s stark and terrible effects.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Truth is Not a Thing in Itself

 The concepts of heaven and hell have in some fashion been with our species from before there was perhaps even anything like human language as we now know it. These are not things to be understood the way which we understand solid reality in the here and now, rather they are metaphors. They are metaphors about alternative futures for ourselves.

Heaven is a potential wherein humanity is equipped to willfully choose to advance ourselves beyond our own mere mortality by bequeathing a gift of a method whereby to continue to uncover the hidden unknowns of the developing substance of truth. This truth has many many aspects to it, only some of which we are in the process of imagining. By doing this we perpetuate that evolving potential to succeed in that which gives us real and substantial happiness. True happiness that is thus expressible as the metaphor of heaven.

Hell is the destruction of this same potential by wanton dismissal of its very possibility. On the world stage today that would be the end of the continuation self reflective evolving life on this planet, i.e. humankind. The turning away from the vast unknown mission barely and still only grasped by the mind yet darkly would be the inescapable end for our species.

Only when we truly realize and are able admit this and to agree that all else, all other is absolutely of no real value in the face of these considerations, will we be able to put behind us the collective historical mistake in not comprehending the reality of the metaphorical nature of what has long held us in thrall to mere illusions rather than the higher truth as necessarily understood in these terms. The question of faith in these metaphors is knowing that if the universe were composed in any other way these choices would not even be available to us.

Saturday, April 09, 2022

A Mental Gedankenexperiment

The self evident idiocy of geopolitical wars ending in the extinction of humanity.

The Question:

 Is there existing universal substantial creative being? Or rather perhaps continuous state of becoming? The potential state of  advancing toward knowledge of that good.

The Argument:

Meanwhile, the world’s self appointed elites are brandishing the power of war and peace in order to have their control in hand, unrelinquished. 

The dual mentalities in a fight where the outcome is complete destruction of humanity is either an unrelenting will to never fail versus the continual flaunting of any real rules. This even though “rules” are given as the fallback position for obstinacy on stopping the charge based upon so-called mutual defense pacts against the enemy, now Russia, now China. The new axis of evil previously Islamic fundamentalism.

The game is to be left controlling the chessboard no matter what. Even as your own population is decimated via economic warfare so indecorously brought down upon them.

So, is this not the case that a totally alternate goal that can unify the aspiration of humanity is to leave this planet’s tiny Lilliputian concerns behind? Thereby uplifting the earthbound populace away from such needless conditions as poverty and energy deficits.

Oppose these delightful prospects for humanity in your mindseye, if you will, to the images on the video screens of pessimistic and mordant drama of science fiction fantasies whose future off-worlds become as wretched as current conditions on this planet yet basely transformed.

The Answer:

Is the subject that will bring victory for posterity, spaced based expansions of civilization, true civilization and not barbarity. The resolution can only be the historical answer to the ontological issue in the first declaration in this posting.

Artist conception of Mars settlement

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Abandon Geopolitics

 You may say I’m a dreamer… Imagine if the world lived for the best of all possible futures. No hunger. No disease. No war. No limits to growth. The only problems are how can we attain the next level of necessary development to adequately nourish the unique intellectual scientific and artistic desires of humanity as we inhabit the stars and galaxies. Abandon the nightmares of humanity’s infantile egoistic rages and deadly tantrums. For our species has a greater destiny laying ahead ever unfulfilled. 

For in the finite realm that we all must of necessity dwell, it is the unquenchable appetite of the intellect that must finally guide us out of the inferno of geopolitics once and for all.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

The Paradox of Lost Information and the Ironic Universe

 If we imagine black holes as sinks of lost informational "stuff", then there is a subtle effect on what we might signify as causality. For instance, we agree that “gravity” as Einstein formulated its effect on the spacetime continuum as four dimensional hypersphere functional has been tested and proven. However, at the level of rotational variance of galactic disk there is a breakdown in gravity’s expected effects. 

Perhaps, the lost information associated with supermassive black holes, could resolve this paradox, if the information were somehow retrievable. If not, then we may approach the issue by construed possibility of necessary causality alone. The answer is not to attempt to conformally map this ambiguity upon our naïve sensorium, but rather to deploy our expanding breakthroughs in advancing technical resources to the increasing benefits of standard of living understood in the broadest sense possible.

“To do the good” as befits Ben Franklin’s historic gift of the lightning rod free from patent restriction. The irony is that if we appropriately inquire of the constructive principles of the physical universe, it will necessarily benefit our species in the here and now and the future.

Such that, a merely formal problem of loss of clarity among disparate mathematical physics formulations is not in reality a crisis at all. We can carry on quite excellently without any resolution of secondary incongruities. This is not to resort to irrationality as some sort of unknowable overarching dictum in systemic approaches to gleaning “facts” qua information for its own sake, per se. Just the opposite. 

As the immensity of the expansiveness of space and humanity's place in it shifts due to the development of our ability to inhabit it and thrive, the infancy of our species may be relegated to the irrelevant past. Just as our lack of concrete explanation of exactly how the physical universe has somehow embedded within itself the motive capability of evolving a nested sequence of apparently immiscible realms of developmental orderings. This prospect of such a future in space if agreed to will potentially lead us out of the self destructive tragic path of self immolation. 

Benjamin West c 1816

Saturday, March 05, 2022

Agenda for Future Successful Vectoring of Our True Species Nature

1. Control of electromagnetic spectrum.

2. Control over space by making it practical for humanity to visit the universe without end.

3. Control of time through expansion of healthy lifetimes ad infinitum.

4. Control of potential participation of creation of beauty via all art forms of all members of humanity.

5. Development of program for continuous perfection of all that knowledge for which we discover the need based upon a series of the forgoing achievements. 

Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Vernadskyan Domains Understood as Riemannian Multiply Connected Surface Functions

 I have been highlighting today’s vast empirical breakthrough areas of scientific research. One of my motivations to do so is to reinforce the exploration of ontological assumptions as they apply to the programmatic direction of science especially via advances in technological capabilities. 

One theme that has from time to time brought to the fore is that contrary to a notion of evolution as a pure existential struggle to become “fit” in a landscape of predator prey dynamics, the symbiotic co-optation of enhanced capabilities by genetic and organelle transfer evinces a sort of higher order at the level of Vernadsky’s “spheres.”

And furthermore, there is evidence of this developmental potential both within the inorganic physical universe, the biosphere and the human creative domain. These domains are topologically connected and temporally interact especially by the creation of singularities mostly resulting from crises necessitated by diminished energetic constraints in prior outmoded manifolds.

So, far from the geometry of Riemann being divorced from the physical, biophysical and human cognitive domains into some sort of mere mental mathematical gymnastics, its basis in fruitfully approaching the great unfolding of universal history will provide a continuing platform due essentially to its method of Socratic questioning of all assumptions regarding these branches of reality. 

It must likewise be noted in this space given the ongoing political crisis that threatens the very future of humanity that this very same geometric method of the overcoming and subsumption of differences via a higher ordering of such manifold human relations is desperately needed at this conjuncture. 

Sunday, February 20, 2022

The Simultaneity of Eternity

The ever upward spiral

Grows out heavenward —

Along its axis of radiation,

And alternates between 

Such curved spaces

That vision gives us

From positive accomplishment

To clashing crises at once

The live long drama’s

Singularity inducing.

As perpetual discovery 

Of the Non-other principle’s 

Negative theology.

Anew as development

Beyond the countable infinite —

The thematic ironic fugue

Of the universe in its

Truthful evolution

Toward immortality.


A mission thus

As Socrates radical

By Rembrandt - internet, Public Domain,

Questioning of every

Assumption and folly

At large in the world.

Then and yet unborn

But never quite unknown.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

MAD Shenanigans

I remember when I raised money to help finance a TV political ad that put Jimmy Carter's head juxtaposed inside a mushroom cloud... (there is no image online from that LaRouche campaign commercial. I searched...) One of my co-organizers back then went to a Carter rally and approached him with the charge that he was intending to put David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission's Zbigniew Brzezinski in his cabinet. Carter answered, "Never heard of him” and promptly autographed a copy of the newspaper she was holding that had a headline charging the same...

We used to call this the Tavistock grin back in those heady days... (you can actually look that one up successfully) There is a breed of quite insane geopoliticians sometimes dubbed the Utopians who believe in pushing nuclear showdown brinksmanship all the way and winning... They owned Carter and they own Grandpa Joe today, even though I think he said he won't press the button recently when asked... (hard to say because he's not quite with it...) In these desperate times, as we sit chatting on Twitter (making sure not to offend the democracy gods) is it time to ask the question, "Is the mask coming off?"

So, all I can say is we need to keep plugging away with the actual non-utopian agenda of getting off the planet soon, extending the human healthspan indefinitely, developing nuclear fusion plasma torch economy and the other hard things not because they are easy... Boom.

Cheers to you, kind readers.

Friday, February 11, 2022

France's Macron Provides a Glimmer of Hope

French President Macron met with Putin for six hours. Putin then issued a demarche on NATO and Ukraine. Macron then announced that France would be building 14 new nuclear reactors. Biden backed down from putting US troops in Ukraine saying that would mean "world war."

So what gives? There is a fragmentation with realists like Gary Hart (remember him?) promoting what the banner of this site has been proclaiming lo these many years: nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is the only way out for humanity. So the realists say well maybe pollution from hydrocarbons can be conquered without reducing the world's population. 

Now they have not gone so whacky as myself and my crazy co-thinkers with ideas like greening the deserts, colonizing Mars, maglev rail, and biophysical defense treaties.... Yet. (Rolls Royce is planning to build nuclear propulsion systems and modular reactors that can power colonies on the moon and Mars...) All those years that I ate mostly unhealthy airport food yelling my fool head off about the need for nuclear power and the end of geopolitics may not have been for nothing.

Perhaps realists like the Macrons of this world will restore a modicum of sanity out of the nightmare of the age of Kissingerian nuclear terror otherwise known as MAD. I will keep shouting crazy things in my retirement from my easy chair. "Hey you kids, get some brains and start planning to colonize Mars..." Who knows maybe humanity is not yet ready to throw in the towel quite yet. 

French President Emmanuel Macron at the GE Steam Power System main production site for its nuclear turbine systems | Jean-Francois Badias/AFP via Getty Images

Saturday, February 05, 2022

Black Holes and Riemannian Topology

Planets revolve around stars. Stars revolve around black holes that are forces that move matter into a non visible dimension or some other unknown region which however proceeds with a similar effect to gravity. Likewise galaxies will be found to rotate around perhaps yet another form perhaps of a similarly new singular dimension. Does this adequately account for anomalies in rotational galactic gravitation? How can  this paradox be addressed?

The quest for extra dimensions in the misguidedly unphysical string theory is an attempt of itself to mold an actual physically causal domain of some sort. Yet it never arrives there due to the ineluctable multiplicity of the so called landscape of possibilities. This is a carryover of the stultification produced by statistical mathematics.

Time as vector of enumerable space metricity operating a-causally will provide no empirical tool to query experimentally the forgoing hypothesis due to the issue of the loss of "information" in black hole models. Thereby we see as quasi statistical theories about what is unfathomable to the naïve imagination. So some epiphenomenal insight at the level of known physics seeks to provide physical extensions up to the limit of intelligibility. Such that, for instance, if your model of physical ontology is governed by statistics then you get it's loss thereof. I.e. loss of information serves as a tautology. 

Really signifying nothing very useful to coin a meme. Telescopic experiments however can accomplish  mega-wide apertures in the electromagnetic spectra. Thus space travel over vast distance will increase that aperture. 

A route toward removing the bias the flaws of assumptions of both analytic geometric extra-dimensionalities' mere countable enumerations and stochastic weltanschauungs may be sought for by going back to Riemann's method.  That is, Riemannian multi dimensional sheeted functions appertain here. For these "hidden dimensions" are really alternate functionally "curved metrical spaces" connected at topological polar branchpoints. In this regard, black holes can allow lost information to comprise the next such sheet and thereby the problem of loss of in formation is overcome. This makes much more sense than the positing of some sort of "wormholes" of multiverse landscapes. 

Unravelling the psychology of pure algebraic topology as it imperfectly is applied to these anomalies can be done with rigor and occasionally in a fruitful direction.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Time for Humanity

 We know of various segmentations of time for all realms of physical reality. There are half lives of radioactive elements as well as for fusion in the interiors of stars. Then there are the regular exudations and waves of radiation of cyclical growth and regeneration of plants and animals. These manifest themselves at the nano dimension of proteins and DNA all the way up to the level of the populations of species interactions. 

We currently have telescoped our uniquely human conception of time into a very narrow range due to fomenting of crises of potential extermination of society due to the sequalae of financial breakdown and impending global nuclear warfare. This theme of the veritable one minute to midnight syndrome is pervasive and colors all our comings and goings, willy nilly. It is a cultural pessimism that promotes a vitiated and rather ugly type  of escapism crudely dressed up as "freedom."

However, for a moment or two, let us explore an alternative perspective of a kind of potentially adjusted timeframe for humanity. Suppose we set our sites on populating Mars and terraforming it over the next century or so. Simultaneously, we will create a habitable "planetoid" fueled by matter anti matter reactions for likewise terraforming the next potentially habitable planet in the closest "Goldilocks zone" star system. This endeavor will perhaps be accomplished say in a few centuries. As part of this mission, we will also extend the health span of individual humans by many years.

What we have pointed toward here may seem like a fantastical vision of science fiction. But if we were to mentally put ourselves back  a mere say two centuries of human history would not what we take for granted as technological accomplishments seem fantastical? Thus time is relative to the happiness of humanity's mission orientation. In that sense we experience the simultaneity of eternity in the realm of scientific and artistic truly human imagination. 

To his Coy Mistress

by Andrew Marvell

Had we but world enough, and time,
This coyness, lady, were no crime.
We would sit down and think which way
To walk, and pass our long love's day;
Thou by the Indian Ganges' side
Shouldst rubies find; I by the tide
Of Humber would complain. I would
Love you ten years before the Flood;
And you should, if you please, refuse
Till the conversion of the Jews.
My vegetable love should grow
Vaster than empires, and more slow.
An hundred years should go to praise
Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze;
Two hundred to adore each breast,
But thirty thousand to the rest;
An age at least to every part,
And the last age should show your heart.
For, lady, you deserve this state,
Nor would I love at lower rate.

But at my back I always hear
Time's winged chariot hurrying near;
And yonder all before us lie
Deserts of vast eternity.
Thy beauty shall no more be found,
Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound
My echoing song; then worms shall try
That long preserv'd virginity,
And your quaint honour turn to dust,
And into ashes all my lust.
The grave's a fine and private place,
But none I think do there embrace.

Now therefore, while the youthful hue
Sits on thy skin like morning dew,
And while thy willing soul transpires
At every pore with instant fires,
Now let us sport us while we may;
And now, like am'rous birds of prey,
Rather at once our time devour,
Than languish in his slow-chapp'd power.
Let us roll all our strength, and all
Our sweetness, up into one ball;
And tear our pleasures with rough strife
Thorough the iron gates of life.
Thus, though we cannot make our sun
Stand still, yet we will make him run.

Sunday, January 09, 2022

Psychological Manifold Theory

 Gustave Fechner maintained that the individual human psyche was a result of a variety of voices that were inescapably present to that individual. If these voices were in a dialogue that was “well tempered” so to speak with regard to the underlying governing assumptions of particular cultures then a condition of apparent functional mental heath was attained. If, on the contrary, these voices were out of synchronization with the axioms of society then either a mental crisis would be unresolved leading to a possible mental breakdown or instead a healthy attitude challenging of inadequate or false presumptions of that society’s practice. 

These mental axioms for the most part are not made conscious to the individual person living in society. A sort of gendanken experiment to gauge this principle for yourself is this. — Mentally relive some epoch of your life wherein your working axioms were considerably different than they are now, sort of a “channeling” of your previous worldview. From this standpoint you can construct a kind of manifold of functional axioms governing your behavior which may or may not have undergone one or more phase changes over time.

The mental geometry that we are bringing into consciousness has the quality of a conformation to Bernard Riemann’s great life’s work on gauging the hypotheses that underlay mathematical geometry. Thus his model of how the functional space may proceed through transformational singularities has its correlates in this mental space. I have previously described this correlation for biophysics as a continual theme in these posts. Recalling that the substance of such transformations for biophysics is observable through experimentation, the same should hold true for the psychological manifold. 

What this confronts us with is that the mapping of such individual mental manifolds into the reigning societal norms is also experimentally observable. Now, taking the current world’s zeitgeist as our jumping off point, we can see that a profound crisis confronts ourselves in an unparalleled way in human history. Whereas previously warfare was a given historic axiomatic norm (see forever wars,) the advent of possible all out thermonuclear war leading to the virtual extinction of humanity has necessitated the abandonment of that newly proven false axiom. At the same time, the axioms of divisions of society by inherited historic familial standing based especially on monetary aggregates and power over our governance and form of religion have likewise been brought to a critical breakdown phase. 

The resolution of these dual crises is foreseeable only on the basis of a concert of interests of nations and individuals in them given the opportunity to participate in the mission of creating a new space based civilization via ongoing scientific breakthroughs. This in fact is the only course for the resolution of the disparate voices of our current seemingly insoluble crises.

The Battle of Anghiari after Leonardo da Vinci   By Peter Paul Rubens - [1], Public Domain,

Saturday, January 01, 2022

An Assortment of New Year’s Eve Musings

 The set of manichean assumptions in popular entertainment are also really propagandistic psychological warfare that only validates viewers as participants that are “with it.” This is also tribalism. Are you an educated sophisticate or a dumb as nails hick?

This mesmerizing of the populace to the inevitability of perpetual war. Us versus whatever “them” is at hand for the moment. However, an effectual push against the tide of this existential nonsense, may propel humanity beyond the reach of this distraction from our true purposeful mission orientation.

Behavioral modalities are transient among those whose conscious imprints on the vectoring of human action is paramount in effective transmission. And by transmission also is meant a power to subsume time into an invariant necessary trans-mission. 

Dedication of the unwavering variety to a category of necessity for our survival is piecemeal yet evident. Take justice or progress. Greenwald and Musk fit those particular categories for the nonce. But perhaps there are a multiplicity of inhabitants of those and necessary adjunct categories.

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