Today's Elites

Saturday, October 01, 2022

A Treatment of Interrelated Psychological and Physical Characteristics of Economics as Tensor Oriented Systems

 Much has been ballyhooed of late in almost quasi religious terms regarding the “rules based system of international relations.” We can perhaps resolve the seeming incongruities of the apparent immiscible categories in the title of this post by weighting them relative to tensor-like attributes. This post was in reaction to the Tesla presentation from yesterday. This could resolve the mystical qualities of the valuation of national and international currencies.

Following up from my most recent post regarding LaRouche’s metric for physical economics potential reducing power as it relates to nation states interrelationships with the global economy. First, we must situate the differential between the psychological and physical attributes of money. Money as a reference exchange and also as credit for future investment must be disentangled. The current global conflict over the issue multi or unipolarity comes distinctly into play here. This is directly related to the issue of what constitutes a nation state versus a system of global relations. 

The military enforcement of “rules” of trade of goods and services across borders encompasses the strategy of “offshoring” labor by methods “primitive accumulation,” (also known as looting) “race to the bottom” has dramatically backfired upon its authors especially in the case of China’s centralized economy. It should be no surprise that all the proxy wars the world has suffered through over the course of the twentieth and twenty first centuries thus far especially since the stalemate of “mutually assured destruction” doctrine of Kissinger, et al. are intimately bound up in reality as resource grabs. However, the market psychology of “floating currencies” seemingly detached from nationstate economies has artificially propped up in reality a false dollar dominated globalism masked by gambits of military adventurism using the excuses of humanitarian intervention against putatively autocratic regimes.

This era is now perhaps at a terminal crossroads. The rational approach toward rectifying this extremely perilous state of affairs is to set up a new system of monetary relations among sovereign nations that is mutually beneficial over the long term that increases both the local and global standard of living based upon increasing secularly the potential relative population density per square kilometer via the benefits of technological progress afforded by rapid advances in technological progress. This is attained by viewing the necessity of greatly increasing the reducing power of energy flux density as the basis for monetary relations among national trading partners. 

This is where the issue of a tensor based measuring system comes into play. The key categories to be taken into account as vectors in a multidimensional schema are advances in energy (foremost nuclear fusion/MHD economic transformation,) transportation infrastructure, agriculture, robotics, healthcare (including basic biophysical research in promoting increased healthspan) and lastly and most importantly space habitation, mining, etc. This all correlates with by necessity with the topological stimulation of artistic productions of beauty coeval with scientific endeavor. The value of an economy at any time is a tensor of these disparate modes of vector space.

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