Today's Elites

Monday, August 07, 2023

Why So-called Science Fiction is a Dystopian Nightmare

The misguided assumption that as humanity sheds its earthbound shackles that all the ills that human minds are heir to will still control our actions is absurdly wrongheaded. The motifs of alien empires aiming at our destruction are merely part and parcel of fairytale lore being repurposed as such. This bias even grips the musings of astronomers as they describe catastrophic scenarios of stars and galaxies being shredded and cannibalized for instanced. 

Instead of these false notes, to cite Beethoven’s ninth symphony as the pinnacle of the antidote to such small minded cynicism, let us explore the scientific principle that Leibniz popularized of pre established harmony. Bernard Riemann took up the subject of the perspective of cyclical natural functions in his unpublished philosophical ruinations. His predecessor Gauss definitively explored the mathematical geometry of residues that cover all potential cases of such clockwork functions. 

Riemann described how differing clocks work at biological and physical substrates. The earth itself with its 24 hour cycle being determinative via the discovery of the ubiquitous clock gene regulatory mechanism throughout the biosphere. 

Now this brings me back to the topic of my post today, Suppose that human science is able to tinker with the very suprachiasmatic nucleus itself. As we go forth from this planet suppose we reset our biological clocks that slow down the aging process considerably. What will this mean for revolutionizing how we view the useless wars and struggles that have befallen humanity from time immemorial? In other words won’t we emerge from our own infantile fixations upon trying to control territories and resources? 

This should be the stuff for narratives of our science future. Not the confining paradigm of dusty relics of some irrational mythological gods that serve merely to continue their dominance over human minds.

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