Today's Elites

Monday, December 30, 2024

Recollections of Jimmy Carter and the Great Malaise

 I got into politics mainly in spite of myself. I remember campaigning with the LaRouche Labor Party in the locale of my parents Love Canal home when Jimmy Carter was running as a candidate and appeared at a rally nearby. 

I was hawking Fusion magazines and New Solidarity Newspapers promoting the very antithesis of Carter's later idiotic "Energy Crisis" drivel. When I and my associates would mock Jimmy for seeing little green men in the back yard of his peanut warehouse and his Quixotic fighting off fearsome swimming rabbits, sometimes duped Democrats would counter that Jimmy was a nuclear engineer. The joke rejoinder went that if by that token Carter was a nuclear engineer for having captained a nuclear powered ship then I must be a gynecologist...

One of my associates attended a rally nearby that Carter held that day in downtown Niagara Falls. (The only other President who appeared in this relic of American industrial power was JFK. And I do remember my father hoisting me up on his shoulders as he sped by in an open air limo waving to the crowd on the side of the Niagara Falls boulevard.) She tried to corner Jimmy with a question that charged him with being a puppet of the Trilateral Commission. She named Zbigniew Brzezinski and James Shlesinger as his puppet masters. Jimmy grinning from ear to ear told her that he had never heard of the Trilateral Commission, Brzezinski or Shlesinger! And then Jimmy proceeded to sign the New Solidarity newspaper she was waving at him. And of course the rest is history. 

It amazes me that today even the "mainstream media" covers the race for fusion energy and colonizing space all these many years later. Miribile Dictu, plus ça change. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Paradigm Shift

 It being the case that the crises in international relations may only be resolved at a higher dimensional non geopolitical focus, what is required is the convening of the world’s governments. This must be centered upon basic common goals. 

These are delivering the fruits of scientific progress toward uplifting the standard of living and all that entails. It further prioritizes key research areas and applications. I have previously outlined these on this platform. 

Rigorous scientific thought must provide a long term future for the inhabitants of this planet as we move our civilization outward.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Dante Alighieri and Culture Wars

Is it the case that the caregiver in a monogamous human relationship seeks to reform their mate according to their own preferences? And furthermore isn’t it the case that when these same mates stubbornly refuse to communicate their relationship becomes rather hellish.

And this brings me to Dante. Recall to mind he was in a dark woods at midlife pining for any direction out. It was the principle of producing a transformative poem in obeisance to his beloved Beatrice. On today’s political stage, we are like Dante in a dark woods. We are being tested upon whither goes society.

Dante Alighieri created a sort of almost living vehicle in his Divine Comedy. For what he did was a blow against the oligarchy of his day. The vernacular became the new medium for great and beautiful art and science. That is revolutionary. 

Our current unfinished business is to create a unifying narrative that brings humanity to the next stage.

Saturday, June 08, 2024

Physical Topology and Incongruities of Perceptual Space Resolved

 Since on a hyper-dimensional torus, for instance, the astronomical universe is finitely bounded and recursive due to its arrangement of complex covering surfaces, it is not surprising that light should also complete such covering circuits since it is unable to be destroyed. 

This would explain why those forms of elemental matter, whether particles or waves, which are congruent with this property of light, i.e. that of indestructability, should not also be recursively superposed since they may traverse such a hyper-dimensional and notably finite surface. In fact, it would not be surprising in that regard if superposition of recursive forms of energy and matter were not happening apparently randomly due to their very such bounded finite nature although almost immeasurably large. 

Thus the local realism finite axiomatic suppositions of our naïve sense certainty melt away. But that is in accord with the ontological topology of that which determines those very senses. The wonderful yet to be uncovered anomalous topology of the evolving multiply connected Riemannian singularity poled surface complex hypersphere. Such that the apparent irrationality is resolved at a higher perspective. 

The issue confronting our society is in sharing such wonderful insights collaboratively instead of continuously threatening to obliterate each other. That is truly irrational, unlike the geometry of the physical, living and creatively conscious realms of being. 

Friday, February 23, 2024

The Antimatter Era

 If we survive the terrible twos of humanity’s evolution, the current nuclear age will be succeeded by the fusion (thermonuclear age) within the next decade or so. If we don’t suicide human civilization shortly, we will emerge from the terrible twos into preadolescence. That will mean the advent of the next sequential age after fusion, i.e. the antimatter age.

This arrow of human time is conformal with the reigning in of energy, the capability of biophysics advances in gene and proteomics and using the electromagnetic spectrum for communications as well as and at least as importantly, if not more so — Art. This is in no wise science fiction. Evolutionary trajectories are what Leibniz hailed as pre-established harmonically. Geometrically they are in the meta mathematical realm of the psyche, if you will. Such that as we advance our understanding of the synchronicity of curvature and dimensionality with numeric and meta numeric spacetime, that pathway by necessity create a succession of ascending phases in human development. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Psychology of Trusting a Thoroughly Corrupt Establishment

 In the name of creating an empire based on a false dichotomy dreamed up in the 18th century between capitalists and workers, the United States was captured by fanatics bent upon global geopolitical domination. It really wasn’t until the “have nots” sans culottes set up an irrational retaliatory form of anarchy in France that the U.S. could be later recruited to provide the firepower for such schemes. The bette noir of communism on the heels of defeat of the axis powers in WWII came as a convenient excuse to formalize the rampant military expansionism of today’s “rules based order.” 

The decision to wantonly slaughter civilians in carpet bombings in Germany and then the deployment of two atomic bombs in Japan served as a sort of object lesson rationalism accepted popularly in the collective consciousness that this was now to be the role of America as superpower. This is why today so many of our citizens go along to get along with the unleashing of unending geopolitical wars short of all out thermonuclear war. We decide to look the other way convinced that somehow the wholesale human slaughter that we engage or accede to is in the end a sort of necessary price to pay for “normalcy.” 

If anyone or anything would threaten to disrupt this false normalcy narrative of the necessary control of what Eisenhower called the military industrial complex then there must be a curtailment of those threats. Whether or not this is even consciously examined by the populace is beside the point.  The acceptance of the rules of the game acts as consent. There are always rationalizations. 

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