Today's Elites

Saturday, June 08, 2024

Physical Topology and Incongruities of Perceptual Space Resolved

 Since on a hyper-dimensional torus, for instance, the astronomical universe is finitely bounded and recursive due to its arrangement of complex covering surfaces, it is not surprising that light should also complete such covering circuits since it is unable to be destroyed. 

This would explain why those forms of elemental matter, whether particles or waves, which are congruent with this property of light, i.e. that of indestructability, should not also be recursively superposed since they may traverse such a hyper-dimensional and notably finite surface. In fact, it would not be surprising in that regard if superposition of recursive forms of energy and matter were not happening apparently randomly due to their very such bounded finite nature although almost immeasurably large. 

Thus the local realism finite axiomatic suppositions of our naïve sense certainty melt away. But that is in accord with the ontological topology of that which determines those very senses. The wonderful yet to be uncovered anomalous topology of the evolving multiply connected Riemannian singularity poled surface complex hypersphere. Such that the apparent irrationality is resolved at a higher perspective. 

The issue confronting our society is in sharing such wonderful insights collaboratively instead of continuously threatening to obliterate each other. That is truly irrational, unlike the geometry of the physical, living and creatively conscious realms of being. 

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