Today's Elites

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Reflection Upon the Paradox of Spacetime and Universal Absolute Motion

 Leibniz remarked that Newton's supposition that a body set into motion without any other forces acting upon it would continue in a straight line was insupportable. For said body could just as easily be supposed to continue to move ad infinitum in a curved line. 

Indeed, as Nicholas of Cusa showed due to the principle of coincidence of opposites in the limited imagination of the infinite in the realm of human cognition, there is no difference between straightness and curvature. For that matter, likewise there is in fact no difference between infinite motion and infinite rest. 

However, in the concrete physical medium, there is no infinite motion. The speed of light is the greatest possible speed of electromagnetic propagation. Thus providing a boundedness for three dimensional extension to "go over" via Riemann's principle of n+1, into a kind of 3+1 dimensionality at right angles to the totality of the other three spatial dimensions. Thus giving rise to a what is called Einsteinian spacetime. However, one caveat here is that spacetime is not continuously traversable in either direction, but can only proceed up to the speed of light forward in the dimension of time. (This is why all talk about reversibility of time and thereby entropy is nothing more than vain imaginary reasoning.)

As Einstein correctly hypothesized mass is proven to be converted to energy as the square of the speed of light. However, as we have noted above that entity can have no physical meaning such that we cannot multiply the speed of light at all for absolute space except as a relative term in spacetime. Thus were developed by Einstein the overall field equations involving measurement tensor geometries describing the effects of gravity as a form of curvature of spacetime. Hence the complaint that Leibniz made against Newton's pairwise attractive force of gravity is a false, magical action at a distance is overcome by Einstein's revolution in physics.

It is remarkably consistent that Einstein's own complaint about the statistical assumptions of quantum mechanics are likewise faulty. For the use of statistics for the sake of making consistent measurements  can never magically stand in the place of causality. To date, the edifice of the standard model of particle physics that rests upon quantum mechanics statistical wave function that Einstein criticized as based upon mere chance rather than lawfulness has not been resolved. 

If it were possible to add the universal manifold of motions of any one frame of reference "at rest" like the earth, what would be the set of nested variables involved? As a thought experiment let us make an attempt. We know at the largest scale that our Milky Way galaxy is moving as a part of the Virgo cluster group toward the "Great Attractor" group of galaxies which in turn comprise portions of the super cluster called Laniakea.  However, the cosmological constant lamba that is the basis for some unknown "dark energy" that is expanding the fabric of space time. This must be added to this velocity as well.

From the very largest scales, our rotating planet is moving within the solar system, which in turn is rotating within our home galaxy the Milky Way. If we could actually correctly model all these motions within motions relative to an "absolute space" reference frame, and that is a big if, then it is my intuition that many of the problems associated with the great paradoxes of the big bang, dark matter, dark energy and black holes in the context of quantum physics standard model may become resolved in an analogous manner by which Einstein superseded Newtonian mechanics. This would serve as the basis for a unification theory for the forces within the inorganic realm of reality, however it cannot in itself account for the transfinitely higher ordering of the biophysical, just as the biophysical cannot account for the human noetic domain.  

The Universe within 500 million light years, showing the nearest galaxy walls

Galaxy filaments, walls and voids form web-like structures.

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