Today's Elites

Friday, January 15, 2021

Duck and Cower, "Celebrating" 70 Years of Psychological Warfare

Soon, the memories of the teachers that had their students drilled to crouch beneath their desks will be all but gone. For I am the ripe old age of near 68 and my teachers had to have been at the very least in their early twenties back then. The time of the duck and cover conditioning began in 1951, a decade before the "edge of destruction" Cuban Missile crisis. What did this do to our collective psyches? 

Jackson Pollock, a victim of Jungian psychotherapy, started his "drip period" at about the same time as the duck and cover psy-ops began. The CIA meanwhile started promoting this literal insanity on canvas as "modern art" of free expression against communism through it's sponsorship of Bertrand Russell led Congress for Cultural Freedom. Today, its successor organization is run by none other than George Soros, the financier of so called color revolutions around the globe. 

The next act was the foray into "research" of mind control via hallucinogens in the CIA project MK Ultra in or around 1953. Thus the irrationality of freedom could be minted a decade later as the counterculture of Timothy Leary's "Turn on, Tune in, Drop out"  mantra could be force fed to those same children that previously huddled beneath their desks for fear of nuclear obliteration. Cool...

And now we are legalizing dope and criminalizing free speech in the "information age" of consumer "gig economy." Qui Bono? Who benefits? It ain't me babe...


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