Today's Elites

Monday, January 11, 2021

The Space Program's Benefit for Humanity in Its Universal Context

The Christian Humanist Renaissance held that that logos or the word, i.e. reason, being made flesh was understood that mankind was made in the living image of God the creator. And was given a new dispensation and right to uncover the laws of nature for the well being of future generations. 

It is this type of love for humanity that inherently has a power that may not be overcome by any tyranny because it is based upon immutable truth. It has a power beyond all reckoning in the here and now because it unfolds continuously in time as scientific progress, yet is unbounded in the simultaneous sempiternal realm beyond time. 

Thus it is that our better selves, each and every human on this planet, in principle, have a unique correspondence that resonates in harmony with the great mission and purpose for exploring and developing our civilization in space. It is in that particular sense that we are all united with our past hard-fought victory over lawless arbitrary rule of irrational oligarchies that would deny our real creative and universal identities. 

This mission may not ever be defeated and eradicated unless humanity is no more. And this is the context with which everything that is occurring on the political stage of current world history must be strategically organized to bring about this one unifying and necessary future. All nations and all faiths, our science, technology and art can only come into congruence and peace by adopting and fulfilling its promise.  

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