Today's Elites

Sunday, September 05, 2021

The Stretto in Dante's Paradiso: A Perspective

 Dante's great Commedia truly "came home" as all proper comedies should with Beatrice leading him on an imaginary tour of the known solar system and universe. This occurred as it must by analogy to the rhythmic cycles of the human singing voice cantata. For by overcoming the apparent insoluble dilemma of how to imagine our species as occupying the vantage point of interplanetary travel would necessarily elevate the language culture of the common vernacular in Dante's Italy. It is you see a matter of mental perspectiva. Much in the same way that Brunelleschi overcoming of the construction of the grand dome in Florence was to have been afterwards. 

Here then is the representation of the great Florentine artist Botticelli of Dante and Beatrice in "heaven."--

And here is the actual footage of the moon (our moon) circling, orbiting our very own Earth from the perspective of the Galileo spacecraft.--

It now is necessary for you to shift your perspective to the framework of humanity's new opportunities to take upon ourselves the wonderful mission that befits our potential to bring about great good for our posterity. This is the perspective of all great art and science that we can be certain will outlive our mere mortal existence as isolated individuals. This is the enduring challenge as juxtaposed to distopia of forever wars in the muck and mire of this planet...

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