Today's Elites

Saturday, September 04, 2021

The UnAmerican Empire

 As far as this article goes, it is unobjectionable. However, it needs to be to put into an overarching context of what exactly motivates the "adults in the room." Most, like Greenwald, would have it that simple explanation is that the greedy military/industrial complex seeks forever wars to keep the funds pouring into their coffers. Certainly there is an element of that for many in the environs of the beltway bandits. Yet, there is another much more pernicious explanation that uneasily unites the neocons and the humanitarian "regime change" zealots of right and left in their quixotic globalist presumptions. It is the doctrine of imperialist geopolitics. It was this that motivated "Great Game" the arming of al Qaeda as a bulwark against the former Soviet Union during the Reagan administration. It is still this that motivate the Bzrezinskiite Democrats to attempt to encircle Russia today with "Color Revolutions." If the "American elites" suppose that we are the heirs of the British Empire, there is nothing but the chaos of collapse and decay forthcoming...

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