Today's Elites

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Mankind's Manifest Destiny of Space Colonization

Forty four years ago, in 1976, the Soviet Union returned a sample of lunar soil. The Chinese just returned another sample from the far side of the moon. America failed in its leadership and mission in those two generations that were lost to an abiding cultural pessimism. As I recall, the battle of the elite establishment against the mission for humanity to enter an unprecedented era of prosperity and achievement was waged on multiple levels from the 1960s onward. 

The simple minded and utterly false refrain was that money that was being wasted in space was needed to alleviate poverty here on earth. However, the less obvious, yet just as malign subversion came from the "entertainment industry." This was the new age paradigm shift as it spread its noxious contagion of pessimism throughout the pores of society. 

Barring cataclysmic events precipitated by the authors of the geopolitical "Great Reset" and its "Green New Deal" lunacy, humanity is yet again on the precipice of the age of space colonization and reason. All the power that our putative elites have in the end is the destruction of the universal desire in the imagination of the people of this planet to make a future worthy of our undying quest for discovering and conquering the untold power of the stars that we see unfurling ahead of us. 

What the elites fail to comprehend is that this mission cannot so easily be snuffed out because it is the indissoluble and essential nature of us all. So, it is with that thought and Beethoven's Choral Fantasy that I wish you all a Happy New Year.

Beethoven - Choral Fantasy op 80 - Brendel, Haitink, LPO (1977)

Monday, December 14, 2020

Open Letter to John Tresch Esq. of the Warburg Institute Regarding His Defamation of Edgar Poe

 I read with interest your essay "Matter No More": Edgar Allan Poe and the Paradoxes of Materialism. Your framing of the meaning of the arabesque in Poe (by the way using his middle name should be put aside due to the taint of being on the same footing as an assassin or mass murderer) was certainly interesting. But the avoidance entirely of Poe's politics and mischaracterization of Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes as based upon Dupin are telling. For Holmes was no Dupin, but rather totally of the deductive "creeping and crawling" (to cite Poe) method. My ears pricked up at that point. 

And yes, Poe's Eureka did identify the "Hoggian" method with Francis Bacon. But you left out that Hogg was also a reference to James Hogg, the murderer and so called Ettrick Shepherd Bard sponsored by none other than Sir Walter Scott. 

Finally, the imputation that Poe's Eureka was somehow an eternal recurrence cum pantheistic obscurantism finally quite burned my same ears...

It was only after I finished reading the essay that I found you are with the Warburg Institute. Then it all made sense. I recalled a presentation I attended many years hence by Gerald Rose of the Schiller Institute entitled: How The Venetians Took Over England and Created Freemasonry In it the Warburg Institute of  your colleague Frances Yates is exposed as nothing more than a Delphic branch of the Rosicrucian cabalistic mumbo jumbo of the likes of John Dee (007) of British Imperialism. 

So it all came together for me at once. You needn't deny any of this. It is an all too transparent hit job on Poe.

Yours truly.

Robert Arnold 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Riemann's Uber die Hypothesen and the Non Commutativity of Forces

As is evident from Riemann's great roadmap for scientific progress "The Hypotheses that are the Foundations of Geometry," Riemann, in spirit, followed Kepler's injunction against reliance on algebra for determining physical causality. Riemann, as well, avoided the error of Cartesianism that Leibniz warned against.   

The which is encompassed in especially two main ideas from that work that operate together in the fashion of a musical dialogue in a great fugue. One that asserts "The questions about the infinitely great are for the interpretation of nature useless questions. (...)We are therefore quite at liberty to suppose that the metric relations of space in the infinitely small do not conform to the hypotheses of geometry; and we ought in fact to suppose it, if we can thereby obtain a simpler explanation of phenomena." 

In other words, there is evidence of a breakdown in the infinitely large and infinitely small of normal geometrical relationships. Indeed, isn't this precisely what the quantum world challenges us with? Our normal assumptions based upon reasoning from our macroscopic world break down. For how can a thing be simultaneously a wave and particle as well as participating in superposition. This violates our geometrical assumptions based upon our visual manifold of what an identity of a "thing" is, after all.

At the other end of the spectrum in the infinitely large, we are confronting another daunting paradox. It seems that unknown forces are propelling galaxies to rotate out of synch with gravity. Additionally, the very fabric of spacetime itself is measured to be constantly expanding by a factor denoted as lambda. 

The other principle that Riemann appended to his great Gedankenexperiment was that one must set aside all prejudices when embarking upon the realm of physics, "Researches starting from general notions, like the investigation we have just made, can only be useful in preventing this work from being hampered by too narrow views, and progress in knowledge of the interdependence of things from being checked by traditional prejudices. This leads us into the domain of another science, of physic, into which the object of this work does not allow us to go today."

Now it is the case that Einstein, in his breakthrough relativity theory, did precisely as Riemann had supplied in the body of his hypotheses by adopting a curved spacetime in a particular four dimensional manifold by challenging "traditional prejudices." However, Einstein encountered a roadblock in attempting to formulate a "unified field theory."

Now, it occurs to me that when speaking of forces qua geometrical relationships in the realm of the physically non-living, at the level of the infinitesimal, we have a breakdown of the principle of Cartesian "empty" metrical space. Otherwise, how can we justify the strong and weak nuclear forces as operating disparately in a continuous manifold. And at the same time that we can prove that the quantum realm is itself discontinuous? 

Likewise, at the realm of the infinitely large the rotational forces holding together galaxies operate in a somehow different fashion than our conception of conventional gravity, or we must imagine the influence of unknown and hidden non luminous particles. But perhaps there is another type of strong force at this infinitely large realm analogous to that which holds the nucleus together? Likewise the weak force of radioactive decay might find a physical analogy somehow in the lambda expansion. 

Now all of this foregoing returns me to Kepler, who approached the geometry of our solar system from a principle that there must be an overall unity of lawful harmony in the planetary elliptical orbits. It is from this standpoint that Leibniz developed his own Monadological approach to unification of what Vernadsky would later further refine as the realms of Lithosphere, Biosphere and Noosphere.

Because, echoing Riemann's warning above, when attempting to unify forces, one must depart the framework of the inert non living. This is so because the living lesser monads have a sort of primitive force, a connatus, that separates themselves hermetically from the non living. For while being constituted from the same atoms as the non living, the living force is radically non commutative, in an analogous manner that there are distinct transfinite numerical orderings as demonstrated by Georg Cantor. Likewise, within the realm of the Noosphere of creative human mentation there is a transfinite boundary separating all other lifeforms. We humans have the unique capacity of reason. However, this capacity is not some mystical substance. Rather it is our willful capability to overcome physical and biological limits of the lower realms of reality. 

Friday, December 04, 2020

The Continuing Relevance of Leibnizian Science

Leibniz stringently demonstrated a physical geometric basis for harmonic action across the domains of universal reality. The qualitative differences among these were defined as associated with lower and higher monads. 

A very recent brilliant study on sound wave propagation through a fermionic "perfect fluid" illustrates the remarkable foresight of Leibniz' enduring contribution to scientific methodology. The state of this lab created fluid was achieved by creating a condition where all individual fermions operate as strongly interacting lithium-6 atoms of extremely low viscosity. Such man made systems are models for extreme anomalous naturally occuring exotic conditions such as neutron stars. This type of research includes Bose Einstein condensates and superconducting materials.

The connection to Leibniz is just this: at the level of harmonic interaction of individual monads there are higher monads, the highest being the indivisible human "soul," and lower monads. A system of such monads that resonates harmonically, Leibniz characterized as a pre-established ordering. Thus evidence of a universal lawfulness that must partake of a continuing process of unfolding or becoming toward more, not less, perfection concomitant with the ongoing progress of human economic interaction with nature.

This harmony extends to all realms of physical reality. Indeed in the referenced experiment, the fermionic monads are among the very lowest order possible to the extent that they almost have totally lost their individual differences. This is what gives them their near quantum frictionless fluidity. The ability to create a resonance of soundwaves in this laboratory created gas is a technological achievement in the footsteps of Leibnizian science that will allow humanity to further progress.

Credit: Christine Daniloff, MIT

Friday, November 13, 2020

Thoughts Upon Biophysical Dynamics

 The levels of regulation of the functioning in the domain of the biotic realm are currently being more and more elucidated. For instance, the roles of small RNA molecules in control of various processes. This recent finding of how microRNAs are degraded after their role in messenger RNAs is completed exhibits exquisitely intricate nested levels of cellular processes whereby types of molecular machinery are controlled. 

This brings to mind that there must be a kind of biophysical topology that displays nested enthalpic degrees of freedom. Looking at this in the context of my ongoing remarks upon the principle of how proteins can act as singularities within connected functional phase spaces based upon Riemannian multiply connected manifolds, it is possible to further refine the overall structure.

The topology I am referencing must be thought of as a itself subsumed by the necessity of the living healthy ordering biophysical processes of the organism. The mathematics that would adequately render such a geometry of life has been merely glimpsed heretofore. It is tantamount to locating integrated processes of individual functional life forms within the evolution of the entire biosphere. There are thereby nested manifolds of interaction that are in principle consistent with Cantor's transfinite orderings. This direction in thinking will provide the basis for scientific investigations that will revolutionist human practice as we go forward as a space faring species.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Saturn and Jupiter Over Italy

In the dim prehistory of man,

Saturn and Jupiter once appeared as distant tyrants. 

Capricious gods -- bringing chaos among us:

Now they are places we visit.

The power of creative, unbound mind

Is the greatest force in the universe --

In knowing, conquers wayward time's flight.

Beethoven - Egmont - Overture


Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Mission of Preventing the Pandemic Extinction of Humanity

 According to a quick search on the Internet there are currently 195 nations on this planet. As of this writing, there are some 7,117 spoken languages, in flux, known as of this time according to the website Ethnologue. This planet will hopefully not continue to be the only home of humanity as we emerge into a new age of space colonization. 

The problem, however, is that due to a shared psychotic worldview among supposed intellectual elites, the current trajectory of humanity is doomed to extinction. This is the stark reality facing us. How can we be sure that this is the case? 

There is a concept that is much abused known as the carrying capacity of the earth. The notion is quite simple, however as the old saw goes, the devil is in the details. The organization, of which I was formerly an active member, associated with LaRouche, had a a definition called "relative population potential." Much like the number of languages this metric is also constantly in flux and is not a simple quantity. 

However, it is easily understandable that it may be a possibility that if humanity were to fall below a tipping point there might be no return. We might not be wiped out via global war in a "nuclear winter" but instead by disease in an unstoppable pandemic or perhaps a series of pandemics.

The mission of producing the science required to prevent this must be the lightning rod that brings humanity out of the paranoid worldview of geopolitics. There must be instead a concert of sovereign nations that establish the economic framework for truly ending poverty once and for all on this planet. There is no other viable alternative.

Friday, October 02, 2020

Biophysical Self Similarity as a Negentropic Higher Ordering Principle

Since the mission of combating disease and aging are anchoring research to reality in biophysics much progress is being made as a result, despite limitations of investigative methods adherence to philosophical biases. The difference with the Quixotic quest for an unverifiable unified field theory of everything in physics is stark in contrast. 

I contend that much of the brilliant hypothesizing that created the non Euclidean, Riemannian spacetime manifold geometry is just as applicable, if not more so, to biophysics. In the broadest overview within the domain of the biosphere we encounter nested sequences of functional dynamic orderings. To seek to bring these into coherence we must locate the progression of evolutionary sequences in capability of nonlinear improvements in energy flux density of negentropy. The biosphere itself is bounded by the inorganic and human noetic power analogous to Dirichlet's principle in least action bounding dynamics for topology. 

Within that biosphere we can investigate how the divisions of life types adhere to the intake and transformation of useful energy. It is the interaction with the inorganic domain that limits the development of both. For example, the organic carbohydrates that comprise the biosphere require for their dynamic life sustaining elements to be incorporated to resolve their ability to reproduce. Thereby the uptake of phosphorus by mitochondria as catalytic in providing energy reduction by the enzymatic framework of ATP was evolved for the different branches of cellular life.

One intriguing direction would be developing a rigorous geometrical framework for the protein "interactome." There exist multiply connected functions within that interactome and there are coherent classes of cases of proteins acting as singularities that bridge them. For example, the scaffolding functions of actin and myosin might be bridged in some cases by multifunctional proteins interacting with signaling entities like sonic hedgehog. There appears to be a scale of closer integrated cellular functions enmeshed with these multifunctional proteins with some that are referred to as moonlighting seemingly unrelated such functions. Topologically, these disparate states might be thought as Riemannian non deformable surfaces of higher ordered connectedness.  

However within such extended topologies there also exist the equivalence of multi sheeted polarities whereby the multifunctional proteins exhibit the characteristic of operating as branch points. This physical geometric framework was supplied toward the end of 19th century by Riemann and Abel among others. The problem is that the further development of this physical geometry was vitiated by the usage of the statistics of entropy as a fundamental principle for scientific research. 

It should have been apparent that a negentropic higher ordering principle contradicted the materialist assumptions of limited resources. This proceeds from the top down via human creative breakthroughs that reorganize and redefine what constitutes resources for economic survival of society. That principle of moving beyond the relatively fixed limits of reproduction within that economic topology is equivalent to the emergence of life from the fixed limits of the inorganic domain. It is representative of a higher harmonic class of ordering.

In that context, I came across a rather startling bit of brilliant research bearing upon morphogenesis yesterday evening. The apparent random process of cellular reproduction are controlled by "morphogens" that admit self organization in embryogenesis. It is my contention that such agents of self organization apply as a limiting principle to the entirety of the domain of biophysical interactions. Thus we see cohesin and topoisomerase functions operating upon the mitotic DNA reproductive process, for instance. This represents a principle of self similar harmonic ordering that "closes" the boundaries of structure of the biophysical domain that Dirichlet provided for compact manifolds. 

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Reflection Upon the Paradox of Spacetime and Universal Absolute Motion

 Leibniz remarked that Newton's supposition that a body set into motion without any other forces acting upon it would continue in a straight line was insupportable. For said body could just as easily be supposed to continue to move ad infinitum in a curved line. 

Indeed, as Nicholas of Cusa showed due to the principle of coincidence of opposites in the limited imagination of the infinite in the realm of human cognition, there is no difference between straightness and curvature. For that matter, likewise there is in fact no difference between infinite motion and infinite rest. 

However, in the concrete physical medium, there is no infinite motion. The speed of light is the greatest possible speed of electromagnetic propagation. Thus providing a boundedness for three dimensional extension to "go over" via Riemann's principle of n+1, into a kind of 3+1 dimensionality at right angles to the totality of the other three spatial dimensions. Thus giving rise to a what is called Einsteinian spacetime. However, one caveat here is that spacetime is not continuously traversable in either direction, but can only proceed up to the speed of light forward in the dimension of time. (This is why all talk about reversibility of time and thereby entropy is nothing more than vain imaginary reasoning.)

As Einstein correctly hypothesized mass is proven to be converted to energy as the square of the speed of light. However, as we have noted above that entity can have no physical meaning such that we cannot multiply the speed of light at all for absolute space except as a relative term in spacetime. Thus were developed by Einstein the overall field equations involving measurement tensor geometries describing the effects of gravity as a form of curvature of spacetime. Hence the complaint that Leibniz made against Newton's pairwise attractive force of gravity is a false, magical action at a distance is overcome by Einstein's revolution in physics.

It is remarkably consistent that Einstein's own complaint about the statistical assumptions of quantum mechanics are likewise faulty. For the use of statistics for the sake of making consistent measurements  can never magically stand in the place of causality. To date, the edifice of the standard model of particle physics that rests upon quantum mechanics statistical wave function that Einstein criticized as based upon mere chance rather than lawfulness has not been resolved. 

If it were possible to add the universal manifold of motions of any one frame of reference "at rest" like the earth, what would be the set of nested variables involved? As a thought experiment let us make an attempt. We know at the largest scale that our Milky Way galaxy is moving as a part of the Virgo cluster group toward the "Great Attractor" group of galaxies which in turn comprise portions of the super cluster called Laniakea.  However, the cosmological constant lamba that is the basis for some unknown "dark energy" that is expanding the fabric of space time. This must be added to this velocity as well.

From the very largest scales, our rotating planet is moving within the solar system, which in turn is rotating within our home galaxy the Milky Way. If we could actually correctly model all these motions within motions relative to an "absolute space" reference frame, and that is a big if, then it is my intuition that many of the problems associated with the great paradoxes of the big bang, dark matter, dark energy and black holes in the context of quantum physics standard model may become resolved in an analogous manner by which Einstein superseded Newtonian mechanics. This would serve as the basis for a unification theory for the forces within the inorganic realm of reality, however it cannot in itself account for the transfinitely higher ordering of the biophysical, just as the biophysical cannot account for the human noetic domain.  

The Universe within 500 million light years, showing the nearest galaxy walls

Galaxy filaments, walls and voids form web-like structures.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Physical Reality or Mathematical Formalisms?

Today, we have a crisis in physical science that mirrors and maps onto the corresponding crisis in culture. This has to do with the irrationality of the provably false belief that a statistical array that apparently coheres approximately with some physical function may be substituted for causality. 

This has led to the embarrassing absurdity of a sort of latter day cargo cult quasi religion of string theory. In which we find an inextricable tangled mess of a imaginary figment known as the multiverse landscape of possible parallel worlds where reality is left completely and irremediably behind. If only these stultified probability junkies had picked up and comprehended Leibniz on the issue, they might never have been entranced futilely babbling to each other ad infinitum about unprovable yet putatively "beautiful mathematics."

As LaRouche has repeatedly pointed out about so called pure geometry given in the most advanced treatment to this date by Riemann, it is inadmissible to attempt to substitute, as in the manner of an algebra, it (pure geometry) for physical reality. Indeed, the great Riemann explicitly warned of just that in his groundbreaking doctoral thesis. 

"A decision upon these questions [i.e. of curvature type and dimensional manifold] can be found only by starting from the structure of phenomena that has been approved in experience hitherto, for which Newton laid the foundation, and by modifying this structure gradually under the compulsion of facts which it cannot explain. Such investigations as start out, like this present one, from general notions, can promote only the purpose that this task shall not be hindered by too restricted conceptions, and that progress in perceiving the connection of things shall not be obstructed by the prejudices of tradition.
This path leads out into the domain of another science, into the realm of physics, into which the nature of this present occasion forbids us to penetrate." 

And yet, that has been precisely the path taken that has led us into the present abyss. It is clearly an irrefutable tautology that statistics is not causality. However, it is also the case that irrationality is not beauty. And yet our would be authoritative cultural establishment has ordained the opposite. 

The mathematical forms taken from Riemann (for example the Riemann Roche theorem) have been "mapped" into statistical wave functions and become "reified" as physical substance. This has transformed Riemann's principled challenge of the false sense certainty of Euclidean space into the false axiomatics of "statistical space."  

Such perversity is nothing new. In fact it can be found at any historical epoch wherein the arbitrarily imposed will of an oligarchy is radically challenged. In particular in Plato's dialogues that record the open questioning of that very irrationality by Socrates resulting in his judicial execution by mob rule. This proceeds in the course of the Republic where Thrasymachus represents the justification for such arbitrary rule by force. This today is the essence of  the push toward geopolitical tyranny of global neoliberalism that goes hand in hand with the intellectual disability of and crisis of probabilistic "sciences."


Thursday, September 24, 2020

Endosymbiosis of Mitochondria as Nicholas of Cusa's Principle of Contracted Maximality

 As I have insisted within these pages and elsewhere, Nicholas of Cusa is not a mystic. In fact, the truth is precisely the opposite. And anyone professing to identify Cusa's works as such, merely demonstrates his of her intellectual shortcomings. 

By the phrase "just the opposite" I mean to say that the method of philosophic dialogue that Cusa develops is the basis not for mysticism but rather it is the basis for scientific investigation. I shall demonstrate this in what follows. 

We do not know, and will never know precisely when and how the mechanism of cellular energy throughput came about in the history of the biosphere. We do know that the remarkable near universality of the mitochondria as the locus of the energy throughput via the engine of the enzyme ATPase supplying ATP as the source of energy to the cell. We know that this constitutes an endosymbiosis, in which the cell's nuclear DNA is separate and distinct from the encapsulated mitochondrial DNA. This constitutes a unity as the basis for the very organization of life across the boundaries of its aerobic and anaerobic forms. 

The principle for this process of development of our organic existence is twofold. One is the necessity of the capture and useful reduction of energy underlying and differentiating the living and non-living states of matter. The second principle is the process of subsumption of opposites in the manifold contractedness of substance.  This occurs via that which Riemann established as the equivalence of degrees of freedom through added dimensionality. This is understood as the orthogonal movement of n dimensions to n + 1 dimensions. 

Thus for all history, the subsumption of the mitochondria into the cell, constitutes a nodal event that rather efficiently demonstrates that which Cusa identified as learned ignorance. For we will never know precisely how this came about, however by investigating this very biophysical irony, if you will, we know that we shall progress upon the pathway of humanity's necessary mission of conquering disease and extending our "healthspan." We do this not as an isolated goal, but instead as the complement for humanity's larger mission of space colonization.

It is likewise not accidental that the scientific progress in the investigation of the inorganic realm hinges upon a subsumption of a different, restricted kind. That is both matter and anti-matter somehow are related as a basis of energy throughput of that nonliving realm. How it is that there is a sort of directionality of the priority of matter over anti-matter in the evolution of the cosmos will never be precisely known. However, we know that in investigating this, we will likewise afford humanity the ability to achieve a new degree of freedom in energy throughput. For it is known that the potential of matter/anti-matter reactions will bring about a new regime for providing thrust for that very same mission of space colonization identified above. 

Once again, we as a unique species are by our nature fitted out to carry out these scientific investigations. In any one historical epoch of such necessary endeavours, we understand that we are merely providing guidance and a potential pathway for what future generations must achieve to further the true mission for humanity. And once again, we return to the principle of "investigation" cited above for both the inorganic and organic realms. This time however we are applying the principle of subsumption of opposites as Cusa develops in his Docta Ignorantia in a different manner. 

Firstly, even though the history of mankind pivots around two different and opposed principles, it is only by the utter defeat of one upon which our continued existence hinges. The organization of society by an irrational oligarchy whose goal is itself destructive of the means and ends of civilization's necessary missions must be once and for all overcome. Now, achieving that does require an uplifting of humanity out of such infantile irrationality. It means extinguishing forms of oppression such as the mechanisms of financial looting of the physically productive economy. In this case it is not a relation of symbiosis that we are dealing with so much as parasitism.

However, there is a precise meaning for the unity of opposites as Cusa developed in his great work De Docta Ignorantia. It is in the national language cultures and philosophical and religious beliefs that apparent opposites can and must be overcome. The ongoing cooperation of eradicating poverty, defeating disease and colonizing space is the basis of creating a new degree of freedom for humanity. Moreover it is by the production of beauty in the arts that we inspire progeny to take up that very same mission. This represents the principle of the Contracted Maximum in human history and as such qualifies the philosophy of Cusa as the basis for scientific progress. 

Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464), detail of relief ‘Cardinal Nicholas before St. Peter’ on his tomb by Andrea Bregno, church of St. Peter in Chains, Rome

Friday, September 18, 2020

Time Out of Mind: Revisited

 Avicenna remarked that he was not of the Ismaili sect as has been claimed. It is also stated by the narrator Cide Hamete Benengeli of Don Quixote that Avicenna said however that the whole world is mad.

The so called Union of Concerned Scientists has recently moved their doomsday clock a tick closer to midnight. Perhaps the fuse will be lit in some unexpected corner of our interconnected globe. 

We suspect that humanity has been in control of fire for perhaps 400,000 years now. (This has been updated to 670,000 years ago!) I hope to live a vigorous age of near 100 years by 2050 AD or so. My grandparents were born in the latter part of the 1800s. So that more or less covers the span in three generations of some 200 years. So we need a mere two thousand (3.35 thousand, updated) of those units of time to arrive at the point that mankind first used fire. Before that, really, you can't call anybody hardly human.

Now, we know it takes the earth some 200 million years to circle the milky way. That's about that a thousand times longer again from when we became, in a sense, truly human by cooking our food. In about ten million years from now our planet will be bobbing along the Milky Way's spiral arm closer to the Virgo Cluster of galaxies and receiving a huge dose of radiation from the shockwave of cosmic rays

Our human minds, our consciousness are able to conceive of the vast spectrum of time that clusters of galaxies like the milky way produce such shockwaves that impinge upon us. We can view these shockwaves as relics of radio waves and estimate in several billion light years when the merger of these clusters caused these shockwaves. 

Now we are told by theoreticians of quantum physics that in the act of viewing the probabilistic  "wave function" associated with the very smallest particles of matter causes that wave function to collapse. But the human mind was produced by the vast scope of the unfolding of and in time of the universe. This is a paradox that has been caused by viewing the mathematics of probability as reality. 

The solution is to know that the potential of collapse of human society can be averted, but that it requires us to realize and act to change our assumptions about reality. There is no final fate of this wonderful universe as we might imagine from the limited perspective of mere deterministic mathematics. Humanity has vital missions ahead of us. 

One is to utilize what we have so far grasped scientifically to eradicate poverty and more effectively combat disease among us. Another is to move off this planet and conquer the limits of dwelling in "outer space." The lessons we learn about the power of shockwaves in the immense vastness of time and space for accelerating matter and anti-matter will propel us to worlds we know not where but may only imagine. 

First we must conquer the tyranny, the madness that chains us to a failed system of beliefs. For we are not hapless animals merely here for the ride as victims of fate. The time since we conquered the power of fire is hardly an instant in the face of the long arc of cosmic time as we know it now. The future is determined by our willful choices. Time is what we make of it, not of what it makes of us.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Shockwaves of Galactic Clusters and Implications of the Microcosm and Macrocosm Interrelationship

 I have repeatedly brought attention to the seminal work of Bernard Riemann on the principle of shockwave propagation. Keeping in mind his insistence as well that the physical geometry outside the range of our limited human or better yet perhaps mammalian perceptions may bring into play the alternative curvatures of of non-Euclidean "space." 

In this regard, the discovery of the presence of shockwave formations of merging galaxy clusters in the radio wave spectrum as so called radio relics is very important research for moving the frontiers of scientific progress forward. This is especially due to their almost unimaginably vast structure at the same time propelling the very smallest particles' acceleration to relativistic speed of light velocities.

 This is the indissoluble connection that is always apparent of the macrocosm with the microcosm as Nicholas of Cusa demonstrated in his "triune" principle. The very large and the very small macrocosm/microcosm connectedness as an analogue of the human relationship of the universal creator with the individual person via creative reason, in non religious terms.

The curvature as the shockwave front nears the limit of transmissibility for the medium of electromagnetic propagation proceeds naturally from a positive spheroid type to a negative horn. Indeed, Riemann is again proven correct that the physical system precedes choice of mathematical geometry. The various types of further such potential particle accelerations and scatterings, etc. are the platform upon which we can be confident scientific progress accruing to the future benefit of humanity will necessarily proceed as both Riemann and Cusa would surely agree. 

MeerKAT radio contours (magenta) on A2384 XMM-Newton image. Credit: Parekh et al., 2020

" The origin of the radio relic is puzzling.(...) This radio relic could be the result of shock wave propagation during the passage of the low-mass A2384(S) cluster through the massive A2384(N) cluster, creating a trail appearing as a hot X-ray filament." V. Parekh, et al.:

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Gauss and Riemann Understood from the Standpoint of Vernadsky, Leibniz, and LaRouche: Updated

 In nearly all descriptions of the principle conformal mapping one sees displayed a simple globe whose south pole is situated at the origin of a Cartesian x,y two dimensional plain and rays from the surface projected through the north pole. This represents a transformation from the flat plain to the positively curved sphere. 

By Original: Mark.Howison at English Wikipedia This version: CheChe - This file was derived from:  Stereographic projection in 3D.png:, CC BY-SA 4.0,

However, the great Carl Friedrich Gauss developed a different type of mapping of irregular extended curvature onto a unit sphere: the "Gauss map." Here the normal from the curved surface that is given by the differential curvature (but not its magnitude) is mapped by a parallel projection onto the unit sphere. It is the tendency for change at that "point" that is being mapped which is something altogether different than a mere point in the above mapping.

Now, in an extended surface the map will show an orientation as one moves across the surface. Also, importantly since on any surface the same normal can be repeated there can be many sheets or layers. This could for instance pertain to the Einstein gravitational tensor directional locus of curvature mapped from the known universe. Also, it has been shown that the visual perceptual apparatus operates in an analogous manner of mapping. There exist "grid cells"in the entorhinal cortex of the mammalian brain  that are activated based upon location, direction and distance orientation.

The great student of Gauss, Bernhard Riemann developed this principle yet further with his surface function. It is a surface that combines different sheets of a multi-valued function through singular branch points of that function. Here, our attention is turned from curvature per se to how a function that can take on many values. Viewed from the standpoint of an n dimensional manifold, a branch point might provide a pathway to a new degree of functional freedom to an n+1 dimensional manifold as Riemann detailed in his doctoral habilitation dissertation

The conception of a singularity where a function branches becomes especially important in physical terms beyond the mathematical formalism. This can be shown in systems that undergo a critical condition and emerge into another regime or phase change such as in plasma physics. It can also be thought of as supplying a means of representing a multi-valued function of proteins in biophysics. There are a whole host of examples where proteins may have more than one role in disparate biological functions and sometimes wholly contrary ones. 

Indeed, the most important case of this principle comes into play for the human economy. If we view an invention as a kind of creative singularity for the functional "space" of the physical economy. That is, due to the development of a new degree of freedom the economy "goes over" into a new functional set of relations via the branchpoint of that invention. 

No matter, which type of extended space  we have to deal with the principle of Leibniz' monadology comes into play. For as Leibniz clearly proved, the mind, or soul if you will, is not an extended substance. That is, it has no parts. Now this is what Riemann is referring to as its "compactness" in his statement "The mind is a compact, multiply connected thought mass with internal connections of the most intimate kind. It grows continuously as new thought masses enter it, and this is the means by which it continues to develop." Likewise, all true infinitesimals or monads have no parts. Leibniz called the non-mechanical force arising therefrom "vis viva." If one looks at the human economy as an extended functional system of physical relations one can perform a type of mapping of its distinct elements that operate together in much the same way as a Gauss map. The normal to the "curvature" is the inter-relationship of types of physical goods produced and operatives for the entirety of the reproductive cycle of the economy. In this way, we have a mapping characterized by distinct categories that were developed by Lyndon LaRouche's correction of Marxian economics.

This type of mapping of physical inputs and outputs can be carried out as energy throughput for the entire planet's biosphere for instance. Which brings us to back to the issue of "vis viva" and types of lower and higher monads. Firstly, it is clear that Leibniz qualified the human mind as the highest type of monad. Also that it, the substance of mind or soul is imperishable. How is this so? To show this, we must investigate the concept of pre-established harmony of the monads. In all "spheres" of reality as defined by Vernadsky, i.e. Lithosphere, Biosphere, and Noosphere there is a type of connatus that bounds it, hence its compactness. (Here one should adduce an Astrosphere to Vernadsky's as mankind enters the age of space colonization.) Now Leibniz proposed that not all monads have a kind of window upon the world.  Some, however operate as a window for the higher monads. Such are the cilia signaling cells and the place cells, for instance. I would contend that this idea represents a type of mapping of the particular frame of reference of the monad to the universal. (It is of no small import that Einstein's principle of relativity is just such a kind of distinctly Riemannian mapping.)  It is here that the harmonics comes into play and it is also in that sense that this enduring non perishable lawful relationship governing all reality makes this the "best of all possible worlds." (So much for ill begotten theories of stochastic and lawless chaos of the rule of irrationality.) 

To conclude this survey, next take the physics of pressure waves that Riemann presented in his 1857 paper "On the propagation of planar airwaves of finite amplitude." In this paper Riemann in essence has predicted so called sonar shockwaves. For in any medium there is a governing and limiting characteristic rate of transmission. At the point of going beyond that, a singularity occurs where the curvature goes from a positive spherical (or technically for the case of spacetime hyperspherical) to a negative Mach cone type. 

Now this is representative of the manner in which a nonlinear progression is pre-established in the ongoing composition of external and internal reality is distinctly cognized by human noetic or creative mentation in the arts and science. The searching out of such anomalous singularities is the true method for the production of necessary human progress. And here I will end this brief overview to remind my audience that whether these principles come to the fore in human relations will determine either the pathway to a new Renaissance or a new Dark Age.

Since I wrote this post there has been dramatic progress in research on the nature of grid cells. I am happy to report that my intuition that toroidal action is indicative of a principle of metastability across many facets of physical reality has been confirmed yet again. It turns out that the topology of grid cells in the brain take the form of a torus. This confirms to me that in the domain of animal life, there exists a wonderfully built in capacity for a sort of problem solving skill that relies upon a surface that has both positive and negative curvature embedded within it. Recalling that Riemann pioneered non Euclidean curved surfaces and the propagation of shockwaves (that result in negative curved horn surface in a series of Mach cones) as a student of Gauss, it is only lawful that this particular geometry would be in the words of their great predecessor Leibniz be pre-established. See this wonderful linked video

Wednesday, September 02, 2020

The Unfinished American Revolution

Today America is in the throes of roving riots of anarchists fomented by a concert of Democratic Party leftists, radical environmentalists, "Eastern Establishment"media, and globalist foundations and financiers. Today's so called color revolutions of which the current umbrella movements of Black Lives Matter and Antifa in the US are components are being spread and paid for by vehicles like George Soros' Open Society, the Tides and the Ford Foundations, among others. 

In order to comprehend the way in which these forces are threatening this nation, it is necessary to learn and apply the lessons from the battleground of history both recent and as far back as antiquity. I shall first go into my own background from some nearly fifty years ago.

I had gone from high school to the University of Buffalo in 1971 majoring in mathematics. In my case, I was thoroughly disillusioned from the start when I attended there a seminar for mathematics majors. On the first day of that seminar, the instructor stated that there was no other motivation for the study of pure mathematics than mere exercise for the brain. This repulsed me. I had not entered the University with a mind toward obtaining a career and had a New York State Regents scholarship that left me owing nothing. Therefore, I felt free to explore and see if there might be other less completely worthless course of studies than this University's mathematics department could offer. I decided to leave several mathematics courses I began as "incomplete." Instead I veered toward philosophy, literature, art, music, linguistics and classical studies.

I took some courses with something there called Vico college, sort of a University of Chicago "Great Books" copycat. Their premise was the rather Hegelian idea of Vico's that the history really only came into it's adulthood with ancient Rome. This stuck in my craw due to the fact that I considered the Roman Empire to be the epitome of evil. As pat of a course in that college I wrote a paper about Virgil's epic poem the Aeneid. My thesis that when Aeneas returned from hell through the false gate of ivory, it was symbolic of Rome's founding upon falsehood. (I have since recently learned, to my surprise, that this idea has gained some adherents.)  As my little foray in writing the short tale A Little Fugue attempts to show, what I found at that University's stock of intellectuals was quite rotten. The reading materials presented for classes in the history of ideas was dominated by a sort of agreement that existentialism and the new left were the current unchallengeable paradigms for academia. Now, of course, if you as a student desired to avoid this you could try to ignore it and bury your head in your seemingly apolitical course of studies. However virtually all fields of study were tainted by this "culture."

However, one very important and lifelong influence I did encounter was in a course I took there in logic. The reading list included Leibniz' writings. This really threw my worldview at the time into a profound crisis. Up until that time I considered myself to be a non religious thinker. However, Leibniz proof of the existence of God in the Theodicy I could simply not refute or ignore. It has always been my habit once I discovered an interesting author to read everything I could not only by that author but in connected background material referenced. This quickly led me to realize that there was a whole historical counter to the disgusting existential zeitgeist of the 1970s American academia. For example the study of philology rather than linguistics. The development of mathematics not in isolation as a hermetic category of mind games, but as integral to human development. However, none of this nascent viewpoint of what critical thought dawning upon me was available at this university. 

It was with this at this point that I decided to wade into to the rather bizarre world of new left politics that I encountered. I took several mostly non credit courses on the agenda of radical thought. Not just on the economics of Marx but courses on the left's impact on literature like so called social realism. I had all but dropped out of college at this point; I was at an impasse and intellectual crisis in my young adult life. 

Then, I made an abrupt decision and became part of the so called LaRouche movement. The organizer who I first encountered from that movement on Main Street in Buffalo asked me if knew that there was an impending financial collapse coming and what was my idea of the economics needed to change things. I stated that I was veering towards Marx' ideas. This prompted her to provide me with the first pamphlet called "What Only Communists Know: the Italy Lectures." And to provocatively and forcefully tell me something to the effect that "we are not atheists." This of course intrigued me to no end, given my recent wrestling with Leibniz. I became a "contact" by giving her my phone number. I avidly read the material was quite impressed by the original level of thought that opposed the then emerging zero growth environmentalism of the "New Left." After I received several "briefings" on the phone, I attended a meeting of a US Labor Party/ NCLC local in Buffalo. Upon the close of the meeting, I was invited to help distribute literature. I agreed. So began my twenty some years as a political organizer. 

This brings me to the subject on this blog post. Around the lead up to the Presidential election in 1976, LaRouche's US Labor Party issued a pamphlet called The Party of International Terrorism. Unfortunately, this pamphlet seems to be unobtainable online. However, that pamphlet provided the evidence that foundations including the Rockefeller Brother's Fund and the Ford Foundation, allied with the Democratic Party, were financing and responsible for creating terrorist groups like the Weather Underground, for instance. Today, some 45 years on, American cities are literally burning once again due to the instigation and financial "generosity" of these same and new such "philanthropies." The financial bubble created as a result of the deindustrialization of the post industrial, free trade, information age, consumer economy has been bailed out and blown up beyond anyone's wildest imaginings. The Green New Deal being touted by the City of London and the Democratic Party would lead to a total economic breakdown even beyond the current rotten destruction of our infrastructure and cities.  

So what must be done? The rediscovery of the economics of the American System of Alexander Hamilton and finishing of the American Revolution is the answer. The principles that hearken back to the writings of Leibniz have not changed, only the current circumstances to which those principles need to be applied have. If you take the future welfare of this nation seriously you should help bring about their implementation.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Response to Glen Hendrix' article "Economists Have Been Lying to Us for Decades"

 While I am adamantly opposed to neoliberalism, I fear Mr. Hendrix does not offer a workable alternative. The problem is that we pulled the plug on FDR's economics when Nixon ended the Bretton Woods gold reserve standard. This lead to unbridled speculation in the form of the Euro dollar and currency arbitrage. The collapse in 2008 of the derivative securities home loans was just a sequel of this speculation. These derivative markets now have a global nominal value in the quadrillions of dollars. Unless we return to Glass Steagall and put the financial speculators out of business the cancerous growth of this bubble will continue until it collapses yet again. There is yet much more to be done to reorganize the global financial system based upon trade agreements for vast infrastructure projects, cooperation in vital areas of fusion energy research and space. This can only be achieved by a powerful group of nations that would oppose neo-liberalism's foreign policy of endless geopolitical wars. These Nations are the US, China, Russia and India. Here is a conference this weekend that will convene to implement these principles:

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Energy Dynamics: The Key to Scientific Progress and Survival

 Lately, I have been urged to clarify some principals with which every citizen should be familiar that are critical to humanity's survival. If we as a society fail to understand and act upon these principals we will not provide the economic means for our future generations to live in increasing freedom from want and disease. Therefore, those among us that can grasp the truth must lead the way out of the errors in policies we have adopted. 

Usually, the idea of economics is thought of as the use of money to purchase things. However, money has no real value if there is nothing to purchase with it. Of course that would be an extreme rather Hollywood dystopian scenario. It is easier to see how in a nation that has a collapsed economy, money rapidly loses its value. 

Perhaps one way to approach the lack of understanding due to the prejudice that money has value in itself is through the idea of the need to provide energy to sustain the economy. Recently I came across some interesting and worthy studies regarding energy dynamics. 

Now, one may look at this issue in regard to differing realms of reality. What I mean by this for instance is we can for example view the engine of cellular processes which use ATP. This would be what a very great Soviet era scientist Vladimir Vernadsky called the biosphere. Scientists at the Gladstone Institute carried out an audit of how every gene in human beings have a role in either making or consuming energy in the form of ATP. This study is absolutely critical because the cellular energy throughput is central to biophysics just as it is to the functioning of the physical economy. Our understanding of these functions effects whether we can treat or cure a whole host of human diseases. 

At a totally different realm of reality "a team of physicists from University College London measured the separation between two specific energy levels of positronium, what’s known as its fine structure." This strata is obviously inorganic and would fit into Vernadsky's system as part of the lithosphere. However, this is extremely critical as well for humanity. Why is this so? 

To unravel the answer takes some examination of the progress in providing the energy requirements for the functioning of human economy. As we have moved away from the use of fuel from wood burning to heat our homes and cook our food. (Although we may still use them of course.) However, to propel human industrial mass production we have via technological discoveries and inventions moved through coal for steam power, hydroelectricity and petroleum, to nuclear fission. What has remained constant throughout these changes is an increase in the density and flow of the energy. The so called energy-flux-density throughput.  What this means for our economy is that we can now have more power than at any time in human history. This is what sustains our standard of living and gives value to money! 

Getting back to the research on positronium, we must first understand that the next higher level for energy-flux-density is controlled nuclear fusion. If you read articles at all on the background of this research, usually this issue is not mentioned. However it is absolutely crucial as to why it is so important to the global economy to achieve because we will have at our disposal not only a virtually inexhaustible form of energy using fusion of the most abundant elements in the universe, we will have the highest energy-flux-density we have ever achieved by a so called order of magnitude. This will make previously nearly unbelievable benefits for humanity possible such as providing enough electricity consumption to pull all countries on the face of this planet out of poverty.

However the story does not end with fusion. And this is where the positronium research comes in. This is because theoretically we know that what are called matter/anti-matter reactions can be even a step beyond fusion energy. This research is however merely in its infancy. But discovering that there is something we don't understand about the structure of such states of the lithosphere, a so called anomaly, is the necessary way forward for humanity. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

A Supplication


Tell me, Ourania, Muse of Astronomy: Can anyone steeped in the vapid doctrines of entropic physics yet still look upon such views of our universe and not be brought to truly marvel at such nonpareil majestic order?

For this, the minds across the ages that immerse themselves unalloyed in reflecting a selfless love of grandure's sublimity partake of immortality whosoever they be.

So too, returning to fathom the immensity of Time's ever fecund riddle with gifts for a renewed mission such Futurity beckons ever and anon. It is there in all Your works of lofty wonderment.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Riemannian Surfaces and Biophysics: Branch Points to Nonlinear Functional Space

Recently, I came across some interesting research papers on medical imaging using conformal mapping techniques derived from Riemann. As I noted above in the caption to this blog Riemann's bold claim that the mind is itself a "compact, multiply connected thought mass with internal connections of the most intimate kind. It grows continuously as new thought masses enter it, and this is the means by which it continues to develop." 

Now the question that I shall pose here is how can one understand the difference between surfaces as mere mathematical relics and multiply connected functional phase spaces. This issue is akin to the use of the highly developed compositional tools of fine arts such as the form of the tragic or comedic drama. For instance, one may put on stage a five act play that outwardly resembles in its surface features, say Shakespeare's Othello, and yet its content be entirely vapid and without merit. 

So the issue that I want to bring to the fore is the question of what gives meaningful substance to Riemann's above hypothesis about the mind? To do this, we must inquire about what is meant by "thought masses."  Given that Riemann himself revolutionized non-Euclidian geometry, leading to Einstein's etablishment of a metric for multiply connected non-Euclidean spacetime, "thought masses" can only be taken as ideas of a very higher ordered class. That is, those ideas that propel humanity to a qualitatively new material and creative level of functioning. 

Now it is my contention that Riemann's critical geometric breakthroughs, indeed, had precisely this unique benefit for society. As Benjamin Franklin would have it, they performed the office across generations of "doing the good." In using the term "functional phase space" one must distinguish the domain that is referenced. Riemann has referenced the qualitatively highest domain in the quote I have cited from his philosophical fragments. It was Vladimir Vernadsky's systemization of such domains into three overarching and interacting "spheres," the noosphere or distinctly human mind, the organic or biosphere, and the inorganic or lithosphere.  

Thus, for instance, when applying a Riemannian mapping technique of surface features of the brain's sulcuses, it must be kept in mind that Riemann himself understood that it is the growth process of moving through a singular branch point from one functional manifold (surface) to another more developed transfinite domain that separates the truly human mind from the merely physical brain. 

Sunday, July 12, 2020

COVID 19 and Green New Deal Hypocrisy

There is a glaring inconsistency in the position taken by the promoters of the Green New Deal. Simply put, they should be welcoming pandemics. After all, their ideology is, in the final analysis, based upon the logic of Parson Malthus. That is, the idea that population will always outstrip the resources necessary to support it.

One of the few frank and honest practitioners of climate change politics is the President Emeritus of the World Wide Fund for Nature, Prince Philip, consort of HRH Queen Elizabeth. As has been widely reported the Prince sincerely wishes to be reincarnated as a deadly virus to reduce "overpopulation:"

"Back in 1988, the duke brought up overpopulation when speaking to the German news agency Deutsche Press Agentur about reincarnation.

“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation,” The Telegraph quoted Philip saying at the time."

Anyone buying into the policy prescriptions of the Green New Deal whether they are aware of it or not, is likewise relegating humanity to an unsustainable lack of resources. This means increased famine, pandemics and wars. 

The alternative is what this author has been promoting for the past 45 years. An economy based upon a mobilization of a scientific revolution in energy production: nuclear fusion.

Saturday, July 04, 2020

Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr or Alexander Hamilton? -- It's About Principles Not Statues

Even though Jefferson wrote "All men are created equal," in the Declaration of Independence he did not live up to it in practice. Instead he promoted the bloody mob rule of the French Revolution's anarchists and planned for, and put into practice, a slave based manufacturing economy in the United States. When Jefferson was challenged by Benjamin Banneker, an African American astronomer, as to why the principle that he wrote into the declaration should not apply to all humans regardless of their skin color, he tried to tarnish Banneker's intellectual abilities.

Jefferson vehemently opposed Alexander Hamilton's National Bank. Aaron Burr, then the Vice President, shortly after killing Hamilton in a duel and wanted for murder in New York, was feted by Jefferson at the White House. This was the same Burr who had used chicanery to get legislative approval by falsely claiming to contract for supply fresh water to the New York City, and instead to create what was to become Chase Manhattan Bank via a technicality written into the legislation. Contrary to the populous ruse of being against "big banks" Jefferson and his allies like Burr were really opposed to the economic principles that Hamilton as President Washington's Treasury Secretary clearly enunciated in his reports to Congress promoting a National Bank. In those reports, Hamilton openly attacked Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations dogma that free trade in the bounty of nature was the source of profit. Instead, Hamilton located wealth as the ability of humanity to improve nature through applying the principles of scientific advances to increase the well being of society.

Hamilton was the instigator and author of Washington's policy of non engagement in the French Revolution that was encapsulated in his Farewell Address. Today's anarchists are the current pawns of the "too big to fail" banks in London and Wall Street.

Today, America's manufacturing base has been decimated by the free trade deal economics of the same Chase Manhattan that Jefferson's friend Burr fraudulently created. Today's anarchists promote the Green New Deal economics that would further reduce the living standards of the world's populations. In effect they are allies of the looting of America, not merely in their actions in riots, but in the plundering of America's industrial base by free trade corporate raiders and the race to the bottom of outsourced cheap labor.

So the question is will we resolve to put the ship of state aright by reorganizing the economy via the genius of  Alexander Hamilton's principles or will we continue to be duped by the heirs of Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr.

Postscript: I am in the midst of reading a rather remarkable piece detailing the history of the Jefferson versus Hamilton factions in the early 1800s entitled "Ireland, Haiti and Louisiana and the Idea of a Continental Republic (1797 – 1804)" by Gerald Therrien. I find this note discussing Hamilton's preference for Jefferson over Burr: 

"Monroe did not rule out the issue of war, he simply (and honestly) stated that if there was to be war, it should be under a ‘republican’ government and not a ‘federalist’ one. He was more worried of losing power than of a war. This confirms General Hamilton’s opinion of the ‘republicans’, and why he disagreed passionately with their ‘Jacobin’ ideology. But he never doubted their patriotism or would call them traitors. This can be seen in the question of Jefferson or Burr for president. While General Hamilton greatly disagreed and distrusted Jefferson, he found him infinitely preferable to Burr. This could also be seen among the ‘republicans’ – when a dinner was held on the eve of Monroe’s departure from Washington City, and every ‘republican’ congressman and senator attended, along with Pichon and Yrujo, but Burr was not invited!!!"

I would point out that what I have written in the foregoing about Jefferson's fete of Burr in D.C.  after his assassination of Hamilton. Also in regard to the history of Jefferson's plan for extending a slave manufacturing economy after ending his Presidency please see this enlightening article in the Smithsonian Magazine: The Dark Side of Thomas Jefferson A new portrait of the founding father challenges the long-held perception of Thomas Jefferson as a benevolent slaveholder By Henry Wiencek. This actually further explains the French perfidy in the case of their freeing of the Hatian slaves only when it suited their geopolitical agenda to be rescinded as they treacherously did in the war they carried out against Toussaint Louverture under Napoleon.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


See here what the ever soaring intellect of humanity has wrought.
Two small jewels against this panorama of Saturn's rings
Now tested with a new plague. What will endure?
The gods of yore that we like sheep are shorn
Or you prophetic seer of a future unfurling
To as yet undiscovered bourns
Without the guileful pantheon
That are not but yokes upon our will
To strive unfettered to galaxies beyond:

The Earth and Moon viewed from Saturn.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Leibniz against Hobbes and Nominalism

Very worthwhile reading here. Some quotes from Leibniz follow:

"Hobbes seems to me to be a super nominalist, for not content like the nominalists, to reduce universals to names, he says that the truth of things itself consists in names and what is more, that it
depends on the human will, because truth allegedly depends on the definitions on terms, and definitions depend on the human will. This is the opinion of a man recognized as among the most profound of our century, and as I said, nothing can be more nominalistic than it. Yet it cannot stand. In arithmetic, and in other disciplines as well, truths remain the same even if notations are changed, and it does not matter whether a decimal or a duodecimal number system is used."

" One must confess that there is something strange and indefensible in the opinions of Mr. Hobbes. He maintains that doctrines touching the divinity depend entirely upon the determination of the sovereign, and that God is no more the cause of the good than of the bad actions of creatures. He maintains that all that which God does is just, because there is none above him with power to punish and constrain him."

For Leibniz truth was the doing of the good not some mere nominalist definition of terms. The British East Indies Company needed to navigate in order to loot and plunder. Therefore, for them, the naming of the positions of the points on the globe were highly relevant to get to their next victim. For Leibniz, knowledge of how to perform beneficial work as he demonstrated in his law of force: akin to today's mission to achieve the next higher plateau of energy density throughput of nuclear fusion. For Leibniz, in his day, it was the unleashing of a steam engine for the purpose of transportation in collaboration with Denis Papin. This is the alternative to the rank absurdity and quite frankly evil use of nominalism by the super nominalist Hobbesians of today: the geopolitical looting and reducing the population potential of the planet by enforcing backwardness and hindering progress with their anti scientific quackery. 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Economics: Magic or Science

There is a widely held and prevalent belief that money, whether it be paper or electronic, in itself has value. This magical belief is proven to the holder of such due to the empirical proof that a quantum of money can be exchanged for "x." Where x may any good or service available to be sold on the "marketplace." We hear many voices today during the current pandemic promoting a universal guaranteed income. Whether a true believer in money as value be conservative or liberal only changes the complexion of whose interests are considered paramount. The rugged self made individual heroically navigating the free market or the downtrodden and exploited "people."

The flip side of the coin to these worldviews, however can be just as wrong. The belief not in money per se, but in some source of static physical commodities. The populist will often maintain that gold is real money because it is a physical good. Again one can substitute any physical good, whether relatively perishable or not, in this particular equation.

What is missing here is that in this algebraic mentality that there is economic "stuff" as a given. Instead of locating the process of physical production itself as the primary "stuff" of an economy. Now this correct and scientific standpoint is found throughout history in either explicit terms or in practice. The outstanding modern references appear most distinctly in the writings of Gottfried Leibniz, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Henry Carey and Lyndon LaRouche.

The axiomatic presumptions of all but a very few in this regard are indeed akin to the blind leading the blind. And the current course of Wall Street bailouts of untold trillions, or rather, quadrillions in putative monetary values if not reversed will soon prove that such presumptions have been grossly in error all along...

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Revolution of Biophysical Energy Throughput

Several years ago in this space I had occasion to highlight the role of the marvelous machinery of the ATPase protein as the basis for both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. The revolutionary succession in the history of the biosphere to ever more efficient capture and utilization of energy is a quality of negative entropy.

This centers upon higher life forms' symbiotic adoption of the mitochondrion as the source for this function. Consider what sort of power inheres in the subsumption of this relatively more simple organelle to perform work for whole new classes of living entities. It is very much analogous to a breakthrough invention that humanity makes when it undergoes a revolution in the type of energy throughput characterizing its production. (Such as for instance the passage from burning wood to burning coal.)

The larger question here is how the motive force that carries on such problem solving exists in the ongoing development of universal lawfulness. This is in stark contrast to the childish assumption that the universe is "running down" like some enormous wind up clock. Thus it was in Raphael's brilliant cartoon of Aristotle and Plato. And as it was in Leibniz refutation of the outlook of rank empiricism of Newton and company.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Wall Street and the City of London Are Worse Diseases than the Novel Coronavirus

The transition away from the successful World War II United States industrial mobilization to the post industrial/information/radical environmentalist age junk heap through the looting by the financial oligarchy centered in  Wall Street and the City of London is now approaching its necessary end.

Either we shut down this control and reinstate American system economics (of which China is now, ironically, the closest prime example) here and on a global scale or humanity will not survive.

The choice is that stark.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Quazar Tsunamis: the Ubiquity of Shockwave Phenomena

The lawful self similarity of phase space energetics at the level of macrocosm and microcosm has been recently confirmed yet again with the discovery of quazar tsunamis. This finding, in fact, confirms a sort of relativity underlying the physically causal nature of the Riemannian principal of shockwave propagation. It adheres at the limits of the all interconnected inorganic, organic and human thought processes as Vernadsky hypothesized.

If there be any sense in a quest for a so called unified field theory, this principle is the only one that produces intelligible universal bounding conditions. For it is certain that as humanity moves forward to embark upon conquest of "outer space" and all that will emerge as spin-off results, the apparent fixed physical laws will forever be redefined as unique states of matter are produced. For such is the nature of the Continuous Creation and the true meaning of the dictum of Leibniz that indeed we inhabit the best of all possible worlds.

Monday, January 20, 2020

On the Current Crisis in Astrophysics

The discrepancies of the measurements of the rate of expansion of the universe or lambda calls out for new physics. In the 17th century the difficulty in modeling the planetary orbits was overcome by Kepler with a revolutionary geometric approach that it is entirely deceptive in its simplicity. The measurements were quite accurate due to the development of telescopes, however none except Kepler moved from the idea of circular to elliptical motion. Thus this one unique individual Johannes Kepler has made space travel possible.

Not that there wasn't groundwork in the developments that made this leap possible. In Kepler's Mysterium Cosmigraphicum he insists polemically that the correct method for formulating hypotheses is anti-algebraic or equivalently through radically constructive geometric means. This point is central to anything which has fueled further advancements in the laws of physics up until today.

For that which Albert Einstein accomplished with relativity could not have occurred without the likewise radically constructive restatement of the foundations of geometry by Bernhard Riemann. And precisely what was accomplished via Einstein's leap was a comprehensive framework governing how measurement itself is determined by its relation to the invariant physical speed of light with regard to universal motion. Hence, the need for a dimension of time that could account for this constant.

The quest for resolving the paradox contained in the conflicting measurements of the expansion rate of the finite yet boundless geometry of the universe will have to be likewise grounded in an updated continuation of this core method. Today the issue seems to question the invariance of types of electromagnetic propagation across vast stretches of space. So what physical principle might underlie this paradox? Is there something in the very character of composition of the geometry that can account for this disparity? It would seem that accounting for such fluctuations needs to be resolved on a yet higher domain for comprehending a more inclusive subsuming physical principle than is currently hypothesized. One interesting thought that comes to mind is the issue of the topology of the entirety of the universe taken as a whole. For instance, Kurt Gödel proposed that the universe itself rotates. Could this account for  a preferred directionality of anisotropy and difference in rates of propagation of the microwave background versus the measurement of the red shift through gravitational lensing?

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