Today's Elites

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

A Premonition of Creative Nonlinearity

 In the midst of my post World War II era childhood, there were stark polarities. We were being molded in our schooling and through popular entertainment to act and think in certain ways. 

In the public school system during the 1950's for several decades we were subjected to batteries of multiple choice IQ type tests. Use only number two pencils was the rule (just like on voting forms) so these could be fed and read into the latest marvel of cybernetics which would sort out the brainy haves from the have nots. 

Can you cleverly group things (ah, those categories of arrangements of like or dislike) so that your placement in this brave new world can be completed? All the other lessons were perhaps really supplements to this diabolical logical analysis. Propositional set theory that could make nice percentile in batches to be printed out the worth of your supposed reasoning skill.

But where is the actual human emotional or intellectual creative value in all this? This vacuous wasteland. You are put on a Cartesian two dimensional array, a point on a line... Or if for some reason this maddening method were a little bit too much you could escape to engage in extra curricular "popularity."  

And that too was pretty much all pre arranged by Madison Avenue profiles of what sells. Psychological profiling that created a labile and controlled irrationality of feeling good. Popular entertainment's categories... 

And if somehow, after being put through the wringer you still, dear reader, might have a glimmer of a spark of real creativity, then you will welcome the search for something else. A nonlinear potential to change the falsehood of this whole forced narrative. Because it is there awaiting discovery. If you kick against the pricks. The hidden hands that control all this programmed empty and infinite void are the oligarchy. The real enemies whose power we have yet to finally extirpate from this experiment in self government we call the United States. Yet a house divided cannot stand.

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