Today's Elites

Friday, February 12, 2021

Proposal for a Global Biophysical Defense Initiative

Currently, humanity face a manifold of grave threats to it's very future. One might in fact quite rightly say that our combined responses to these threats will determine whether or not we have the intellectual and moral fitness to survive.

These threats are intermeshed and need to be treated as part and parcel of an integral solution. If I were writing of warfare, of the justified kind that Augustine so eloquently developed, I would make an analogy to a strategic flank. What is now the biggest enemy to mankind? Certainly, none among the more clear minded can fail to see that the potential of the current pandemic of COVID-19 to threaten through mutation of the SARS-Cov-2 family of viruses and other potential new pandemics arising from known or unknown sources. 

The current state of biophysical research is that we are on the cusp of being able to provide a possible defense of our species from not merely this particular pandemic but an entire series of viral threats facing our collective and shared biome. Anyone surveying the state of basic biophysical science will realize that there have been remarkable advances in the frontiers of technological breakthroughs in our ability to comprehend the processes of cellular signaling, the protein interactome, and other interrelated RNA/DNA interfaces. 

This problem in overcoming our disparate research efforts must be addressed such that we respect the sovereign rights of national self determination and yet at the same time act united as a concerted group. For instance, if it were the case that our scientists monitoring threats from space were to announce that a comet or asteroid were on course to impact the Earth in the near term, would we not almost automatically combine our current technological capabilities to prevent it from wiping out our species existence? 

And yet, we have the winds of an unthinkable nuclear war being seriously promoted even at this late date by geopolitical technocrats. We hear that a limited first strike nuclear war should be put on the agenda of the NATO pact. Of course can anyone in their right mind (excluding of course those Utopian cum Strangelovean whackos,) not foresee that this would inevitably lead to the wholesale extinction of civilization?  

What stands in the way of the adoption of such a policy of mutually assured survival? There are two main obstacles. One is the potential for the collapse of the speculative debt bubble in the near term. The second is a flare up of regional geopolitical wars mounting to a new global war in much the same way that WWI arose. 

So, it were necessary that any agreements for a sort of alliance to combat a looming and very real potential biological holocaust be integrated in a fully cognizant way with cooperation to end these two interrelated threats. We must take as the model the current cooperation in space science and nuclear fusion research. Further we must revive the spirit of the Bretton Woods in disposing of the monstrous uncollectable speculative debt burden. It is an absolute imperative that this be put on the agenda now with no time to waste. To do otherwise is to be abandoned to a perilous and preventable predetermined fate.

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