Today's Elites

Friday, January 30, 2015

Hearing Sound: The Case of Whale Bones and Elephant Feet: or Why the Human Mind is not Confined to Mere Sense Certainty

Viewing sound as a form of energy propagation that is among the elements transformed for animals' survival, it is lawful that there might be a coincidence of capture of sound waves for diverse species with similar throughput and metabolism. So we find a functional connection between whales and elephants that confirms a principle of ordering in the biosphere of our planet. Thus, regarded from that standpoint, we have a one to one mapping in the functionally vectored phase space of sound.

Our knowledge of such a principle is not garnered through our own sensory apparatus, but instead through application of a distinct and unique ability of humanity to capture and transform an analogous wave-like transmission of creative thought from generation to generation. This type of progress characterizes the scientific method. As Petr Krisl, one of the researchers on whale hearing, pointedly stated: "There is a blueprint for multiple species and it is useful to compare across species to gain insight."

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