Today's Elites

Monday, December 11, 2023

A Fully Cooperative Platform for Autonomous Planetoids in Space

 Imagine the progress in the biophysical realm that we can achieve some centuries hence. The components of the proteome that will make possible extending the healthspan and organ and bodily regeneration will increasingly be practical. 

For instance, the problem of the sleep/wake earth rotational cycle governed by the suprachiasmatic nucleus will be in our power to alter along with healthspan extension. Manufacturing food, fuel and living environments for such artificial planetoids from the raw materials in space will have been mastered. 

With the above humanity’s experience of time will be altered such that our psyche will shed much as a chrysalis does its false worldview of predator prey relationships due to scarcity. Physical labor will be totally replaced via robotics such that the newly freed human spirit will be given free reign to problem solve and create beauty. 

The history of our society’s brutal infancy before we moved off the earth will be distant collective memories. Our past wars over the control imperium of financial shackles will seem risibly unreal. We will encounter no enemies to struggle over finite resources because resources will truly for all practical purposes be infinite. And as such the scientific process whereby we go beyond limitations in taming yet unknown properties of space and time will be the province of us all in solidarity as opposed to the slave mentality of each against all. 

Friday, October 27, 2023

Unexamined assumptions result in war

 People in power are captives to their precepts about why they are where they are. It is the clash of these assumptions that include emphatically that warfare is a fact of life regardless of the era in human history. This is not equivalent to the popularized maxim of a "clash of civilizations." Such maxims smack of the pipedreams of authors who would characterize worldviews of nations. Say Tocqueville for instance.  

This misses the forest for the trees. And interestingly results from said authors failure to examine their own assumptions about the way in which the zeitgeist determines things. It is a framework founded upon a particularly dreadful assumption that humans are merely amoral talking animals. Such are very much in the sense that frameworks lie behind hypotheses in mathematics, religion and science. 

However, due to the current technological status of our control over states of matter, we find ourselves by necessity unable to escape examining our assumptions about warfare. Because we could easily by miscalculation wind up with no future. 

Thus it is a predominate urgency to broadcast the message to convene the powers and agree upon an overriding mission for humanity's pathway out of this crisis. 


Time for Humanity

 We know of various segmentations of time for all realms of physical reality. There are half lives of radioactive elements as well as for fusion in the interiors of stars. Then there are the regular exudations and waves of radiation of cyclical growth and regeneration of plants and animals. These manifest themselves at the nano dimension of proteins and DNA all the way up to the level of the populations of species interactions. 

We currently have telescoped our uniquely human conception of time into a very narrow range due to fomenting of crises of potential extermination of society due to the sequalae of financial breakdown and impending global nuclear warfare. This theme of the veritable one minute to midnight syndrome is pervasive and colors all our comings and goings, willy nilly. It is a cultural pessimism that promotes a vitiated and rather ugly type  of escapism crudely dressed up as "freedom."

However, for a moment or two, let us explore an alternative perspective of a kind of potentially adjusted timeframe for humanity. Suppose we set our sites on populating Mars and terraforming it over the next century or so. Simultaneously, we will create a habitable "planetoid" fueled by matter anti matter reactions for likewise terraforming the next potentially habitable planet in the closest "Goldilocks zone" star system. This endeavor will perhaps be accomplished say in a few centuries. As part of this mission, we will also extend the health span of individual humans by many years.

What we have pointed toward here may seem like a fantastical vision of science fiction. But if we were to mentally put ourselves back  a mere say two centuries of human history would not what we take for granted as technological accomplishments seem fantastical? Thus time is relative to the happiness of humanity's mission orientation. In that sense we experience the simultaneity of eternity in the realm of scientific and artistic truly human imagination. 

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Even the Very Stones Cry Truth

 If you listen still and long

A symphony of sound beckons

To the minds eye peculiar 

Songs and melodic proofs

Of life once there

Harkening in quick and lively rhythms

Foretelling a past and future strife

And perplexing the thought in folds

Of intoxicating hues far beyond

Comprehension. So it goes

In this mortal cloth ever and anon

The characters once alive may still

Entrance with hope and love

From very stones unbidden by most.

Yet full of lessons still unlearned

And fables yet unsaid. 

Solace thou art never lost

While one human life is here

To work into comprehensions 

Mighty forge.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Monad as a Regulator

 The indivisible living totality is either a lesser or greater monad. The mechanism for its role as a regulator is hidden from the physical substance of genetic programs and the proteome. However relics of unquestionable regulation are evident within that substrate. Just as gravity and the so called dark energy lambda coefficient are evidence of an inert matter regulatory matrix, so too the generation, subsumption and extinguishing of species is regulatory of the lower monads. 

The human species is of a higher consciously willful sort of self regulating monad. One individual has impressed upon itself the whole vision of the potentiality of the species. This capability precipitates the creation of societal missions across generations. This is the essence of government.

There is a uniquely constructive geometrical mathematics that conforms to the orderly perfection of such willful betterment of human practice. It involves a curvature tensor for the analysis situs of systemic transformations of economic technologies. The location of anomalous potentials in the scales from the astronomical to the infinitesimal non living and living forms of matter are its domain of investigation.

It is the harmonious construction of new technologies that advances the power of developing societies from the standpoint of free energy beyond that of mere replenishment that must guide science and art. For such harmony is the essence of creative beauty. It is the ever unheard and yet evolving poetry, music and vision of the higher monad. This is the only desideratum of self government. 

Monday, September 25, 2023

Behind the New Cold War Agenda

 It is an egregious error to compartmentalize world events into separate analysis of wars over religion, ethnicities or resource or trade control. This is a form viewing current history as a mere enumeration of isolated events. Like say the retailing of daily news of the occasions of crime and the weather. Mere disconnected happenstance that we the people have ultimately little control over. 

In reality there is a monumental battle over the control of the world financial system that is vectoring those apparently disparate events. We have a crisis of the massive quadrillions of uncollectible debt that has been escalating since the Breton Woods system unraveled in the wake of the inability of the US to resolve trade imbalances in gold reserves when Nixon pulled the plug. This untethered the financial system to trade in physical commodities and instead allowed for currency arbitrage and the petro dollar reserve currency to fill the void. 

In order to prop up the financial rule of the asset stripping cum free trade swindles that ensued of such unbridled monetarism countries became mere satraps of Wall Street and the City of London financial centers enforced by military expansionism. This inevitably was doomed to unravel sooner or later. What will replace this rotten system of ever expanding debt bubbles and creative financial arbitrage  swindles like derivative securities you need only look to the potential of the dedollarization of the emerging BRICS agreements. The only way around the disorderly collapse of the US is the rational writing off of the fictional paper around the principle of salvaging productive household wealth through advancing the required reorganization of the physical economy.

Wednesday, September 06, 2023

The Battle of the Worldviews

 We read of the thoughts of the society via profound artworks and lesser popular media littered throughout the ages. Also there is a battle carried on that may be deciphered in the ideal messaging nature of in-betweenness in the manifold forms of the expression. This has a distinct emotional component that permeates the commonality society if only in a unselfconscious way.

So really what we are locating here is a continuum of historical mindsets. This manner of assessing humanity’s developmental thought processes is indicative of Leibniz’ dictum that this is the best of all possible worlds where the worldview that adheres to the principle of doing the good always succeeds. That is if humanity would revolutionize its practices in order to survive.

Saturday, September 02, 2023

The Hidden Hypotheses that Underlie Society

 In rare instances in human history the thought processes that define our collective assumptions are laid bare. Mostly humans do not reflect upon them and act as if they are self evident. Just as self evident as say bodily functions like breathing and eating. However in times of epochal change which can last a lifetime or more these axioms of “normal” functioning are examined. 

Take the debates of Socrates with the sophists over the purpose of knowledge. The debate of Descartes and Leibniz over whether momentum or acceleration is essential in defining force. And today’s question of what constitutes useful economic development for the aims of future civilizations. 

It needn’t matter whether these questions were popularly held by the ordinary members of the current populace for them to be impactful for governing society. They are reflective of deeply ingrained truths that determine the direction we will take or not. And as the saying goes the truth will set you free. 

Reflect if you will upon the simple yet profound meaning of the concepts of time and mortality that make many of our concerns of day to day functioning paltry in comparison. The quest for fame and fortune are as mere trinkets and illusory baubles by comparison. The elevated frame of mind to the consideration of lasting truths is the only standpoint through which we can rise above our stubborn recalcitrant fixations that hold us captive to deadly illusions.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

A Tear Withheld

 The lapse in effort to embrace

Beauty’s sacred gardens along

The pathway in lives regrets

A hectic blur of strange

Realms and songs unheard

And anthems of the heart

More real than the grays 

Of listless plodding 

Along the edge

Of night.

Monday, August 07, 2023

Why So-called Science Fiction is a Dystopian Nightmare

The misguided assumption that as humanity sheds its earthbound shackles that all the ills that human minds are heir to will still control our actions is absurdly wrongheaded. The motifs of alien empires aiming at our destruction are merely part and parcel of fairytale lore being repurposed as such. This bias even grips the musings of astronomers as they describe catastrophic scenarios of stars and galaxies being shredded and cannibalized for instanced. 

Instead of these false notes, to cite Beethoven’s ninth symphony as the pinnacle of the antidote to such small minded cynicism, let us explore the scientific principle that Leibniz popularized of pre established harmony. Bernard Riemann took up the subject of the perspective of cyclical natural functions in his unpublished philosophical ruinations. His predecessor Gauss definitively explored the mathematical geometry of residues that cover all potential cases of such clockwork functions. 

Riemann described how differing clocks work at biological and physical substrates. The earth itself with its 24 hour cycle being determinative via the discovery of the ubiquitous clock gene regulatory mechanism throughout the biosphere. 

Now this brings me back to the topic of my post today, Suppose that human science is able to tinker with the very suprachiasmatic nucleus itself. As we go forth from this planet suppose we reset our biological clocks that slow down the aging process considerably. What will this mean for revolutionizing how we view the useless wars and struggles that have befallen humanity from time immemorial? In other words won’t we emerge from our own infantile fixations upon trying to control territories and resources? 

This should be the stuff for narratives of our science future. Not the confining paradigm of dusty relics of some irrational mythological gods that serve merely to continue their dominance over human minds.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Substance of Human Freedom is the Ever Increasing Beauty of Possibility

 Probability, because it is by definition fixed, excludes the truly substantial possibility of the infinitely enriched geometry of human creative power to change reality for the good. The nature of curvature is such that a positively curved projected space affords a capturing of the undefined and weary infinity on the imaginary regular grid of fixed extension. All closed spherical spaces allow for this possibility. Negative curvature, on the other hand, along with its flat transition into the positive domain, can be normalized as a conformal mapping onto a multiply connected hyper surface. Thus, all potential upon the curved imaginary complex number n + 1 dimensional field defined for creative action within such a well defined global unit sphere of normal mapping extends and encapsulates all human possible endeavors. 

This is the principle of the individual's grasp of a true infinity. The essence therefore of filiation or solidarity of humanity in the ongoing tapestry of development away from ruinous bad choices dictated via the wrongful grasp of the confining strictures probability's flat-like limits that exclude this higher hypothesis of the unification of curvature. 

This is the reason we know that fixity is a false principle.  

Saturday, July 22, 2023

The Truthful Scientific Method

 The exploration and harnessing of anomalous states of organizations of matter, viz. the non living, living and noetic realms of acting within their bounds or across them particularly in the case of the noetic operating amongst all three.

This results in a method that portends concrete goals. Controlling energy forms and materials for enhancing human welfare. Harvesting nourishment in the most advanced nondestructive manner. Extending human senses and health spans. Providing advancing transportation via conquering space travel and habitation. Producing great art that lifts the mind and aspires to immortality. 

All this and more is part of a truthful scientific quest for discovering the limitless anomalous states heretofore identified.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

The Power of Good Ideas as Transformative

 The mind as distinct from consciousness per se is composed of many interconnected levels of human function. This constitutes a kind of imaginary space or field. These have an ordering across a spectrum. Mere physical survival being at one end and at the other survival in the realm of ideas. Individuals in society can inhabit at or near a particular spectral line along this spectrum as a locus of their activities. Individuals are also quite capable of inhabiting several nodal points in succession. Some will strive to bring forward the transformative power of changing civilization upon a long term mission to inhabit the knowable universe. 

An agreement in the realm of governing ideas with this outcome aforementioned, is in fact the only possible means available of effecting it. All else including vapid phrase mongering by a supposed intelligentsia is a waste of time, and unfortunately many times, human lives as well. Those that would exist on the highest platform of future reality must bring to bear all in their power such ideas as living off the planet will invariably produce. 

Thus the subject of control over our own future is in the appropriate hands and the lunatic quest to annihilate humanity via war is shed like a dead carcass. A diseased artifact of despotic and decayed rulership of historical peoples as empires sprung and withered or were forcibly torn to bits. 

Those answering this call will be the de facto lawgivers whether declared or not is of little consequence. Here we meet another historical faction of Socratic reason. The immense wealth of the deliberations over the proper fate of nations over centuries is also in the same spectral space of highest degree. Works of thought, like Plato’s Republic, Dante’s Divine Comedy, Shakespeare’s tragedies are branchpoints in the multi dimensional manifold of the mind of society itself. The individual in the here and now has a intersecting part in this higher cognitive history in productively effecting it’s outcome. 

Saturday, June 24, 2023

The only way out

 The rather Hobbesian doctrine of geopolitics must be defeated if humankind can have an opportunity to prevail. While this has always mattered in stopping senseless slaughter, today more than ever with the advent of H bomb arsenals it is a necessary turn that must be taken. 

The common aims of mankind to quell the warrior class doing the bidding of heedless financiers lunatic monetary schemes of bubble economics.

They are as follows:

Development of fusion energy, transportation infrastructure, fresh water projects, increasing the healthspan, and settling outer space. This only those of little understanding or ill will can possibly deny this program.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Meaning of Conceiving Space as Metrical

 Paradoxes are abounding in humanity's ability to perform transformations in analyzable "space." This usage of such a universally accepted assumption that framework metric space and actual space are one and the same is the root of why such impossible riddles subsist. 

For example, just take the all too clever formulations for the inconsistencies inherent in the spatial matrix transforms: the point at infinity AND the extended large infinity. Now to be sure, there are ways to account for this drawback while staying within the same assumption framework by creating "special functional domains." This in essence is the nature of Dirac sea matter from another imagined realm and as well as the renormalization criteria of quantum mechanics formulae. The whole particle physics adoption of transform spaces like SU2 to reign in this mismatch in the two disparate spaces. 

Overall, the foregoing metamathematical gedankenexperiment is in fact a proof of the "irreality" that conformal geometry is just that "conformal," yet not quite real. This was Riemann's hypotheses that lie at the basis of such merely metrical space was the whole point of opening up visual perception of curvature to a higher standpoint. That of non-Euclidian and integrated hyper dimensional curved space. Infinities can be created that are not magical algebraic calculus add-ons like the development of renormalization when confronted with the very same paradoxical absurdities.

It was only this reworking of the metrical field mathematical geometry that led to the fluid mechanics of extra dimensional spacetime. Felix Klein explicitly said that the formulation of relativity via a special four dimensional spacetime was only a part of Riemann's overall system. And Klein was irrefutably correct as much as Fechner's extension of the meaning of a particular sort of communicative consciousness to both the vegetative and even possible inert realms. In the latter case, may we not say that the astronomical domain exhibits simpler form of quasi directedness? Recall that Riemann cites Fechner's schema of rhythmic variation across the spectrum of living spaces of reckoning of time. 

As we look ahead to redefining time in the context of humanity's mission of conquering the extreme reality's necessary alterable conditions of living in outer space... take, for instance, the twin problem parameter scope, (i.e. "space") of engineering the technological creation of artificial gravity and shielding our frail biology from cosmic radiation. 

Saturday, June 03, 2023

The China Paradox

 If we discount out of hand the utter irrationality of engaging China in war, we necessarily move to the issue instead, of a technological "arms race.' China is developing Nuclear fusion energy within its borders. China has an orbiting modular space station. And they plan on landing a manned mission on the moon before 2030. In other words, a technological race!!

If we want to have our financiers directed to invest in this race, so be it. For it is undeniable that their, the financiers, choke hold on world finances can only maintain itself by adopting to this logic.

So, the two pathways: one of war, that of irrationality; or technological revolutions as mankind populates the stars. Thus the paradox of "China." In reality, the great advancer of good mutual relations with China, from nearly four centuries ago, Leibniz would, if humanity chooses the god given, as understood the way of the infinitely perfect appropriate path, this is truly the best of all possible worlds.

Rendering of China's Eventual Space Station

See my latest YouTube

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Elusive Geometry of the Quantumsphere

 Rather than posit some exotic form of incomprehensible de novo mechanical geometrical model for the quantumsphere, why not apply the principles of n dimensional curvature that Bernard Riemann formulated? For example, a phase space where it is comprehensible that separate particles may be indistinguishably entangled or harmonized at non local scales? 

And what sort of curvature would satisfy that condition in the confines of a Riemannian metric? If, for example, these quantum entities were to operate as poles of connectivity that somehow emerge together  on a particular functional Riemann surface wherein they acquire the property of indistinguishability. Would that not provide a route to escape the obvious irrationality of action at a distance? What then is the appropriate geometric analysis situs that would make this possible? The ineffable quantum fluctuations  of virtual particles appearing ex nihilo according to statistical methodology of “uncertainty” is at the root of this otherwise insoluble paradox. That is to say, the very nature of an aphysical and merely probable wave function is at the base of such consternation of unfathomability.

Likewise, the much ballyhooed hypothesized wormhole via an infinite mathematical transform in black holes takes on the same sort of mystification of confusing geometric models for physical reality as does mistaking probability matrices likewise. 

My coining of the term quantasphere perhaps may have some relevance in a pathway to resolving the seemingly wild paradoxes in both the infinite and infinitesimal realms in the context of global reworking of electromagnetic dynamics.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Hypothesizing the Continuum of Human Progress

 When I, your faithful servant, vociferously campaigned across the country from the mid 1970s to the late nineties promoting a "crash program" for fusion energy and an MHD revolution in redefining the resource base, the assumption I accepted was that without a massive government outlay along the lines of the Manhattan and Apollo projects, private industry would always fall short due to the enormous financial outlays required. However, it appears that somehow increasing awareness of private entrepreneurs combining with brilliant government research such as the spectacular achievement of Lawrence Livermore in laser fusion may fit the bill. 

The irony is that the Malthusian pseudoscience of the prognostication of the "population bomb" psychological warfare mythos might be hoisted on its own petard. For with fusion and MHD we can achieve a per capita increase of available energy by orders of magnitude. We can envision plentiful Helium 3 being mined on the moon as readily extractable fusion fuel in vast quantities, to say nothing of the next epoch beyond of anti matter mining around the orbits of suitable planetary systems. This is not some daydream of heads in the clouds science fiction.

The which brings me to the subject of this posting. To wit, the uniquely human potential capacity to consciously alter our path to conform with the underlying curvature of upward revolutionary breakthroughs that the very physical makeup of reality affords us. We are the essence of purposeful nature of the harmonic ordering of this the best of all possible worlds.

This being the soul of science and art. And last but not least statecraft. The immortality of the whole history of the continuum of human progress beckons us ever onward. This is the only real faith in the perfectibility of the organization of the universe that we will ever and anon see as though in a glass darkly due to the seemingly transitory nature of our own finite perspective. And yet, our Promethean leap into the ceaselessly unknown bounty of that continuing underlying harmonic ordering ever awaits us ever to be discovered and applied.

Our future is pregnant with a multiplicity of new dimensions as we enter into the limitless age of occupation of solar systems, galaxies and comprehending the ironies that black holes, dark matter and dark energy hold for our yet infant science. 

ICON/BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group

Saturday, March 25, 2023

The New Age of the Multipolar World Platform

 Civilized society requires a unifying long term vision in order that a lasting peace is possible. From that will flow projects to be undertaken in order to improve the standard of living globally. 

On the most simple level, this effectively translates into required projects in water, electricity, transportation, agriculture, and all those requirements city building in general whether they be on this planet or not. And, not to be set aside at all, the artistic expression consonant with these lofty but wholly realizable pursuits. 

A “platform” is thus achieved for the newly sanctioned era of continuity with the sovereign law adopted at Westphalia. 

Thursday, March 02, 2023

A Beautiful Instance of Well Tempered Helical Biophysics

 One of my main objects for this blog has been gathering evidence ceaselessly since its inception of the  remarkable harmonic ordering of biophysical "space." Today, I came across yet another instance of such higher ordering in the tradition of Pasteur's approach to distinguishing chiral enantiomeric signatures of life. 

Here is an illustration of a helical conformation of a "chromonena." Full paper is here.

Helical coiling of the chromonema. (A) Model of the chromatin organization in barley metaphase chromosomes. Bottom right: loops of the 80 nm lower-order chromatin fibre, formed of consecutive nucleosomes. Consecutive loops of simulated chromatin coloured as in our microscopic observation form the chromonema, which coils fill completely the chromatid without large cavities. Adjacent chromonema turns intermingle at their edges due to the flexibility of the smaller 80 nm fibres present within the chromonema. The helical order is interrupted at centromeres and secondary constrictions displaying mainly straight 80 nm chromatin fibers. The chromosomal termini contain less condensed, more flexible chromatin. Due to this flexibility, the telomeres may be embedded into the subtelomeric chromatin and not appear at the very end of the chromatid. The left long chromatid is shown as a stretched helix representing its higher-order chromatin folding based on oligo-FISH labeling. The different colours represent incomplete (white + green) and complete (magenta + green) chromonema turns, respectively. (B) Parameters of helically organized somatic metaphase chromosomes of barley compared to other species. Chromatid helix turn sizes and nested loop sizes are based on Hi-C data.

Compare this with my previous post and you perhaps will find a rather outré quality of coherent synchronicity! That is truly quite beautiful in the sense that Keats poetically summed up once upon a time.

Higher Principle of Harmonic Biophysical Functions

Here is the wonderful image of the recent three dimensional map produced for the inner ear by Uppsala University researcher Hao Li, et al. at the Bio-Medical Imaging and Therapy (BMIT) 05ID-2 beamline at the Canadian Light Source, Inc. (CLSI) in Saskatoon using synchrotron radiation phase-contrast imaging (SR-PCI.) The paper can be found here.

Ear membrane and auditory nerve in the cochlea. The octave bands have been given different colors. Humans can perceive frequencies from 20 Hz (the top of the coil) to 20,000 Hz (the base of the coil). The image also shows the round window, the oval window where sound enters and the facial nerve.

I have reported on the issue of Helmholtz model of hearing versus Riemann previously. Can anyone viewing the indescribable beauty of this spiral octave photo of the inner ear still argue that somehow biophysics is organized according to random genetic mutations that parallel random acausality of entropic physics assumptions? Really this beautiful image of such exquisite coherent organization should clear that up. Please see my further discussion here

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Worthwhile Current Endeavors of the Multipolarity Peoples Party

 The promotion of a necessary future in the furtherance of humanity’s mission to grow outward as a space faring and settling whole united civilization. It is that vision that will steer society to new dimensions of potential and that vision alone. Not as puerile fiction but as a necessary type missionist overarching narrative standpoint. That moves science in congruity with art. 

Monday, February 20, 2023

The “Rules Based Order” is an Empire of Lies

 The United States of America was conceived as the antithesis of the British Empire. However, little by little, largely due to the human foibles of love of money, we have been turned into the very thing we were dedicated to replacing. 

We are the new marcher lords of imperial barbarism. Destruction of the principle enunciated so elegantly in the Federalist Papers that material prosperity of a more perfect Union has now all but been accomplished. We are on the precipice of either a new world order consisting of sovereignty of the continuing perfection of human endeavor taking civilization beyond previous limits or the end due to the ultimate war brought on by ultimate folly. 

Saturday, February 18, 2023

The Built-in Assumptions of Algebraic Geometry

 Just as Cartesian space limited by being fixed to an incomplete numerical structure with the complex rotational action of the imaginary number i missing, the matrix algebra of Grassman, while mechanically useful, carries with it certain wrongheaded assumptions about infinity. 

The solution was developed by Gauss, yet not put into direct use due to his uneasy political position of being the standard bearer for contemporary mathematics with its strict shibboleths. This Riemann was able to draw from Gauss the necessity of other geometries wherein the Euclidean flatness of space was violated. And significantly the possibility of the projective infinite "point" to be well defined in a curved phase space. Revolutionary, and not in keeping with the bad infinity night in which "all cows are black" of endless non transformational sameness of space itself. 

And for all that Riemann developed as distinct geometric possibilities of metastasis of transformation, yet only partially adapted to physically causal space, the full essence of this quality of revolutionary ideas was  up till now only adequately captured in art. This is due to a humanist polemic delivered unmediated as the sense of vision or hearing otherwise as unspoken fugal drama. Yet not a drama that may be criticized in the same way as being a referent to the limitations of historical finiteness of perspective. Its beautiful essence simply is. Nothing more nothing less.

When this higher species of transformational noetic mentation is demonstrated to be put into use, it necessitates conformity with its higher lawfulness. Thus as humanity emerges as an outer space residing civilization the lesser limitations of assumptions about human beings must be re-examined and false belief systems shed and adoption of a new visionary program for continuing development of scientific power made the essential framework for one’s worldview. If we are to not merely survive but strive toward a more perfect and prosperous unity, then those that matter will be heeded.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Exudations of Ethereal Hope in Music

 In this perhaps darkest epoch in human history, where must one turn for sustenance in the battle against the useless irrational geopolitical wars? In grasp of the technological marvels availing themselves as a result of relentless motor of progress? Or yet in an understanding that there is a higher principle afoot in the poetic sentiment as it develops through heightening what for no better term is the human soul or psyche. 

For in the final analysis, the battle will be won on the plain of intellectual identity and its developmental purpose carried out to fruition. The horrible weapons of war are ironical manifestations of the very same spirit that would harness mechanical understanding for a beneficial end. 

But it is necessary to change the mindset of the age itself toward true greatness of purpose. That in the end is demonstrated to our civilization’s mode of cognizance at the plateau of reason again ironically not in the necessary formulae of science, but rather in art. The most immediately compelling to our senses is music -- although the other arts may partake in the same elevated domain though less immediately. This is why great poetry, even in unstated intention, put to music has the potential to be doubly effective.

All in all, art has the power as a salve and inspiration of hope of better days, centuries and eons ahead into the perhaps unbounded immensity of peopling the galaxies. For our species attunement is far from attained but just in its infancy. It truly is our home in the stars that now inspires all serious forms of art. Thus the undeniable ethereal pathos of the perfectibly sublime as Beethoven's most advanced compositions amply demonstrate immediately to the better angels of our creative nature.

The Complete Italian Quartet's Beethoven String Quartet Cycle

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