Today's Elites

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Energy Dynamics: The Key to Scientific Progress and Survival

 Lately, I have been urged to clarify some principals with which every citizen should be familiar that are critical to humanity's survival. If we as a society fail to understand and act upon these principals we will not provide the economic means for our future generations to live in increasing freedom from want and disease. Therefore, those among us that can grasp the truth must lead the way out of the errors in policies we have adopted. 

Usually, the idea of economics is thought of as the use of money to purchase things. However, money has no real value if there is nothing to purchase with it. Of course that would be an extreme rather Hollywood dystopian scenario. It is easier to see how in a nation that has a collapsed economy, money rapidly loses its value. 

Perhaps one way to approach the lack of understanding due to the prejudice that money has value in itself is through the idea of the need to provide energy to sustain the economy. Recently I came across some interesting and worthy studies regarding energy dynamics. 

Now, one may look at this issue in regard to differing realms of reality. What I mean by this for instance is we can for example view the engine of cellular processes which use ATP. This would be what a very great Soviet era scientist Vladimir Vernadsky called the biosphere. Scientists at the Gladstone Institute carried out an audit of how every gene in human beings have a role in either making or consuming energy in the form of ATP. This study is absolutely critical because the cellular energy throughput is central to biophysics just as it is to the functioning of the physical economy. Our understanding of these functions effects whether we can treat or cure a whole host of human diseases. 

At a totally different realm of reality "a team of physicists from University College London measured the separation between two specific energy levels of positronium, what’s known as its fine structure." This strata is obviously inorganic and would fit into Vernadsky's system as part of the lithosphere. However, this is extremely critical as well for humanity. Why is this so? 

To unravel the answer takes some examination of the progress in providing the energy requirements for the functioning of human economy. As we have moved away from the use of fuel from wood burning to heat our homes and cook our food. (Although we may still use them of course.) However, to propel human industrial mass production we have via technological discoveries and inventions moved through coal for steam power, hydroelectricity and petroleum, to nuclear fission. What has remained constant throughout these changes is an increase in the density and flow of the energy. The so called energy-flux-density throughput.  What this means for our economy is that we can now have more power than at any time in human history. This is what sustains our standard of living and gives value to money! 

Getting back to the research on positronium, we must first understand that the next higher level for energy-flux-density is controlled nuclear fusion. If you read articles at all on the background of this research, usually this issue is not mentioned. However it is absolutely crucial as to why it is so important to the global economy to achieve because we will have at our disposal not only a virtually inexhaustible form of energy using fusion of the most abundant elements in the universe, we will have the highest energy-flux-density we have ever achieved by a so called order of magnitude. This will make previously nearly unbelievable benefits for humanity possible such as providing enough electricity consumption to pull all countries on the face of this planet out of poverty.

However the story does not end with fusion. And this is where the positronium research comes in. This is because theoretically we know that what are called matter/anti-matter reactions can be even a step beyond fusion energy. This research is however merely in its infancy. But discovering that there is something we don't understand about the structure of such states of the lithosphere, a so called anomaly, is the necessary way forward for humanity. 

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