Today's Elites

Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Mission of Preventing the Pandemic Extinction of Humanity

 According to a quick search on the Internet there are currently 195 nations on this planet. As of this writing, there are some 7,117 spoken languages, in flux, known as of this time according to the website Ethnologue. This planet will hopefully not continue to be the only home of humanity as we emerge into a new age of space colonization. 

The problem, however, is that due to a shared psychotic worldview among supposed intellectual elites, the current trajectory of humanity is doomed to extinction. This is the stark reality facing us. How can we be sure that this is the case? 

There is a concept that is much abused known as the carrying capacity of the earth. The notion is quite simple, however as the old saw goes, the devil is in the details. The organization, of which I was formerly an active member, associated with LaRouche, had a a definition called "relative population potential." Much like the number of languages this metric is also constantly in flux and is not a simple quantity. 

However, it is easily understandable that it may be a possibility that if humanity were to fall below a tipping point there might be no return. We might not be wiped out via global war in a "nuclear winter" but instead by disease in an unstoppable pandemic or perhaps a series of pandemics.

The mission of producing the science required to prevent this must be the lightning rod that brings humanity out of the paranoid worldview of geopolitics. There must be instead a concert of sovereign nations that establish the economic framework for truly ending poverty once and for all on this planet. There is no other viable alternative.

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