Today's Elites

Monday, December 14, 2020

Open Letter to John Tresch Esq. of the Warburg Institute Regarding His Defamation of Edgar Poe

 I read with interest your essay "Matter No More": Edgar Allan Poe and the Paradoxes of Materialism. Your framing of the meaning of the arabesque in Poe (by the way using his middle name should be put aside due to the taint of being on the same footing as an assassin or mass murderer) was certainly interesting. But the avoidance entirely of Poe's politics and mischaracterization of Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes as based upon Dupin are telling. For Holmes was no Dupin, but rather totally of the deductive "creeping and crawling" (to cite Poe) method. My ears pricked up at that point. 

And yes, Poe's Eureka did identify the "Hoggian" method with Francis Bacon. But you left out that Hogg was also a reference to James Hogg, the murderer and so called Ettrick Shepherd Bard sponsored by none other than Sir Walter Scott. 

Finally, the imputation that Poe's Eureka was somehow an eternal recurrence cum pantheistic obscurantism finally quite burned my same ears...

It was only after I finished reading the essay that I found you are with the Warburg Institute. Then it all made sense. I recalled a presentation I attended many years hence by Gerald Rose of the Schiller Institute entitled: How The Venetians Took Over England and Created Freemasonry In it the Warburg Institute of  your colleague Frances Yates is exposed as nothing more than a Delphic branch of the Rosicrucian cabalistic mumbo jumbo of the likes of John Dee (007) of British Imperialism. 

So it all came together for me at once. You needn't deny any of this. It is an all too transparent hit job on Poe.

Yours truly.

Robert Arnold 

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