Today's Elites

Monday, September 25, 2023

Behind the New Cold War Agenda

 It is an egregious error to compartmentalize world events into separate analysis of wars over religion, ethnicities or resource or trade control. This is a form viewing current history as a mere enumeration of isolated events. Like say the retailing of daily news of the occasions of crime and the weather. Mere disconnected happenstance that we the people have ultimately little control over. 

In reality there is a monumental battle over the control of the world financial system that is vectoring those apparently disparate events. We have a crisis of the massive quadrillions of uncollectible debt that has been escalating since the Breton Woods system unraveled in the wake of the inability of the US to resolve trade imbalances in gold reserves when Nixon pulled the plug. This untethered the financial system to trade in physical commodities and instead allowed for currency arbitrage and the petro dollar reserve currency to fill the void. 

In order to prop up the financial rule of the asset stripping cum free trade swindles that ensued of such unbridled monetarism countries became mere satraps of Wall Street and the City of London financial centers enforced by military expansionism. This inevitably was doomed to unravel sooner or later. What will replace this rotten system of ever expanding debt bubbles and creative financial arbitrage  swindles like derivative securities you need only look to the potential of the dedollarization of the emerging BRICS agreements. The only way around the disorderly collapse of the US is the rational writing off of the fictional paper around the principle of salvaging productive household wealth through advancing the required reorganization of the physical economy.

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