Today's Elites

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Angels of Retrodictive Functional Time

Fechner would have it that our substance does not die with our mortal quietus, but rather is transformed, either willfully or not,  into a higher state of being presaged by our wakeful consciousness. This, along with Fechner's positing of a world soul, at first glance, might appear as merely some sort of attempt at a Christian/Avestic syncretic religion. However, it would do well to keep in mind that his acolyte in this said weltanshaung was none other than the arguably most important thinker in the the last 200 years: Bernhardt Riemann.

This brings up the question of the metaphor of the angelic soul. Take Schiller's designation of Joan of Arc as typifying that rather angelic sublime soul in her sacrificial overcoming the hellish ignominy of the Inquisition. Like Beatrice leading Dante to imagine the relativity of our transit through the firmament from the emperial perspectiva of the moon, we are visited by such angels. As Fechner posits, there is forever a dialog of  past generations within our psyche, which we have the power to compose in a fugue or failing this the discordance of insanity.

May we not convincingly assert that the real Plato has acted with what his follower Liebniz determined sufficient causality over these millenia to transform society away from the clutches of its own would be Erinyes? With what sort of outre poetic sentiment may we not then agree with LaRouche that time is not mere sequential happenstance but a function by which we enrich retrodictively the contributions of humanity's better angels? Like some higher power that thus operates among us...

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