Today's Elites

Friday, September 06, 2013

As If Seeing Out of the Corner of One's Eye

Augustine had a collaborator in fashioning the Christian revolt who struggled mightily to give up enjoying the vicarious worse than beastlike spectacle of the Roman coliseum. I heard a media strategist on one of Obama's infotainment sycophantic networks unblinkingly say yesterday jokingly off the cuff, of course, that the One must not appeal to the American people on bombing Syria on Monday night. Why? Because he would never be forgiven for interrupting football.

Now we have \the rather rampant curious phenomena of how popular passions are molded by the ubiquitous 'crowd sourced" video. You can learn quite a lot from not being a mere hapless subject (in the imperial "we" sense of the word subject, you understand) of such blatant behavioral manipulation. Why would it be that among the subjects that grip ones psyche with a bestial ferocity at the moment we have stories of zombies and vampires?

Could the fact that our lunatic financial obsession with gambling as a popular sign of prosperity has molded our labile consciousness (or rather lack thereof) thusly? Our recycled workforce being driven zombielike into dead end mind numbing menial service work. (See the popular literary fascination with Victorian schema of knowing ones place, e.g. Downton Abby, etc.) What has become of the once proud productive ensemble of skilled machinists able to put food on the table? Oh. See the ugly squalor known as Detroit. These lusty fellows have been somehow soothed into infantile submission to their own demise like the fabled frog simmering in the slowly rising heat of the frying pan 'til too late. Ah yes, then there are the teenage fascination with vampires. I wonder why? Wall Street fantasia anyone?

Now we have a much more powerful Panopticon apparatus in the outed NSA than the SS, Stasi (or Jeremy Bentham) could ever have imagined. The latest bombshell outrage is their newly exposed methods for skirting that old fashioned outdated document, the Constitution (still in the customary capitals you will notice.)  So they go about hiring the best and brightest hackers and swear them to a sort of modern Masonic blood oath of secrecy (curses on that traitor Snowden!) in order to use their "expertise" in evading what is amusingly called by the computer geeks (or perhaps I should have said zombies) the "secure" sockets layer. Now in the end just why must the NSA in order to protect us act in a fashion worse than the so called "bad guys" that our Ivy league commentators like to explain in pabulum-speak to the deluded sodden crowd. Who exactly are the  criminals these days? One needs a program it would seem.

And so, the unalterable way of the world, we are assured by these ever so serious unsought protectors )policemen) of the global norms, is a bestial descent into the hellish intervention of tribal irrational "religious war." Where the people have no not interrupt their Monday night coliseum. Eh tu Obama?

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