Today's Elites

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Frozen in Time

Did you know dear reader that there is living in our world a 17 year old girl who is still developmentally an eleven month old infant! She has never aged past infancy and seems frozen in time, it is amazing that this is not a tremendous cause célèbre. Although, on second thought, most of what passes for successful celebrity these days is the most banal nonsense imaginable. 

What if our media were focused upon bringing before our populace questions of signal import like unraveling whether there exists an underlying regulator of biological development? This would surely promote the general welfare, don't you think?

"A case study of "disorganized development" and its possible relevance to genetic determinants of aging
Walker, Richard F.; Pakula, Lawrence C.; Sutcliffe, Maxine J.; Kruk, Patricia A.; Graakjaer, Jesper; Shay, Jerry W.
Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (2009), 130(5), 350-356 CODEN: MAGDA3; ISSN: 0047-6374. English.
In 1932, Bidder postulated that senescence results from "continued action of a (genetic) regulator (of development) after growth ceases (maturation occurs). " A 16-yr-old girl who phys. appears to be an infant has not been diagnosed with any known genetic syndrome or chromosomal abnormality. The subject's anthropometric measurements are that of an 11-mo-old. Coordinated development of structures for swallowing/breathing has not occurred resulting in dysfunctional digestive and respiratory systems. Brain structure, proprioception and neuroendocrine functions are infantile. Dental and bone ages are pre-teen, while telomere length and telomerase inactivity suggest a cellular age at least comparable to her chronol. age. Sub-telomeric microdeletions known to be responsible for developmental delay and chromosomal imbalances are not present. Findings suggest that the subject suffers from "developmental disorganization" resulting from spontaneous mutation of Bidder's putative "regulator" of development, thereby providing an opportunity to locate and identify developmental gene(s) responsible for ensuring integrated and coordinated change in form and function from conception to adulthood. If their continued expression beyond maturation erodes internal order to promote senescence then further study of her DNA and testing of homologous genes in animal models may provide clues to genetic determinants of aging and human life span."

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